
Chapter 87: The Purpose Of A Masquerade Ball

Nearly A Year Later...

Grand Ballroom, Hamershal Estate, Wizarding World...

Hermione had not been altogether comfortable in her elegant Victorian ball gown of black and silver. She had a silver mask that hid her face as she made her way through the mass of people twirling about and found herself spinning into the arms of a tall gentleman wearing a black suit and an equally black mask but not at all thrilling to look at mask. His eyes were about as dark as the mask itself maybe darker if she were honest and he moved about the dance floor with a quiet and elegant grace that she had seen only when her Potions Master had moved about the classroom.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" asked the masked man spinning her about.

Hermione took a breath. She couldn't exactly pretend that the how scene wasn't exciting. It seemed that Mrs. Hamershal had gone through a lot of trouble to get everything just right. She invited all the staff of Hogwarts and a good deal of both Hermione and Severus' friends. Austin Embers had even been permitted to attend.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't having fun." she said but her mind seemed to be elsewhere.

"But?" asked the masked man.

"But I was doing a lot of thinking this passed year." said Hermione.

"And?" asked the masked man as they continued to move about the dance floor.

"And I want more than just to be sneaking into your rooms, Severus." said The Charms Mistress. "As much fun as it is to spend time with you...I want more than just this...whatever this is..."

The masked man, Severus Snape sighed.

"You know the purpose of a mascaraed ball is to keep the mystery surrounding the person behind the mask." he said in his usual bitter tone.

"I'd know you anywhere git." she said then got back to giving voice her deepest feelings. "Have you not listened to a word I've said?"

"How long have you felt this way?" he asked sounding bored and disinterested.

"Long enough to know that I want more than this." replied Hermione sounding more tired than she seemed.

Snape stopped dancing and everyone else did the same as if on the same wavelength.

Hermione arched an eyebrow but it had little effect behind her silver mask. Before she could say anything Snape suddenly took off his mask as did everyone else in the party. The bushy haired witch removed hers as Snape got down on one knee.

"I wanted to do this for quite some time." he began. "But as you know mother has a flair for the dramatic."

Hermione had not known what to say.

"I'm not very good at this sentimentality thing." said Snape repressing the urge to start hurling insults at the nearest other person in a bid to feel more like himself. " What I am trying to say is, Hermione Jean Granger, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Overwhelmed by the emotion that seeped into her from the almost kind gesture Snape had attempted in making this proposal as romantic as he can stand it. He was a lot sweeter than she had given him credit for but she had no doubt how much help he had when she noticed her parents among the ball guests right along with Daniel Hardcastle and Jarvis for that matter. The Malfoys of course had also been in attendance as were Harry, Draco, Ron, Susan, Ginny, The Weasleys, and even Hagrid.

"Will you answer the man already?" asked her mother growing impatient on Snape's behalf.

Hermione looked down at the kneeling wizard. He had done something extraordinarily more brave than he had been when he faced Voldemort to help free the wizarding world. He had put his feelings on display before everyone and she knew better than anyone that he was an immensely private man.

"Yes." replied Hermione after making him sweat. "I would love to marry you, Severus Snape."

The young witch had been stunned when Snape produced a little black box that contained a large diamond ring with a silver serpent band much like the one she had given him.

"Severus!?" said Hermione stunned. "That's a little too big isn't it?"

"I'm afraid mother insisted." he said. "I told her you weren't materialistic but she wouldn't hear of it."

Hermione shook her head.

"As long as you're the one that puts it on my finger, I don't care what kind of ring it is." she said with a smile.

Snape slipped the ring onto her delicate little finger and they shared a kiss for the masses. Cheers and claps thundered around the room and Lady Hamershal smiled warmly as she took in the sight of her son and her new soon to be daughter-in-law.

"Is that a tear I see mother?" asked Jarvis observing her.

"Oh shut up." she replied.

Jarvis smiled looking down at his older half-brother.

"You know I always thought they made a good couple." he said with an arrogant smirk.

Lady Hamershal rolled her eyes.

"You are surely a nuisance, Jarvis Hamershal." she said annoyed. "It's a wonder Severus doesn't hex you straight away."

"You'll be happy to hear that he is very much like you in that regard mother." replied Jarvis recalling Snape's spell work. "And he's got a nasty temper to boot."

"Well, let's hope their children take after their mother." said Lady Hamershal.

Jarvis eyes widened.

"Are you mad she's as bad as Severus?" he said.

Lady Hamershal simply smiled watching her son and his future bride dance right along with everyone else. She knew this young witch was everything her son deserved in a wife and she had seen to it that it happened whether he liked her interference or not.

"If you don't mind me asking." said a voice from behind her. "What is your connection to the future bride and groom?"

"The future Groom is my son." she said with an elated smile.

The wizarding reporter quickly jotted down what she told him and continued taking pictures of Snape and Hermione. Their relationship had been big news before but now it seemed it was even bigger with a wedding on the horizon. The impending wedding of Hogwarts War Hero-Charms Mistress Hermione Jean Granger and Hogwarts Potions Master-War Hero Severus Sebastian Snape's wedding was the talk of the wizarding world.

"Congratulations, Severus." said Harry Potter with a warm smile on his face as he approached Snape and Hermione. "I wish you and Mione all the happiness in the world."

Snape shook Harry's hand.

"Thank you Mr. Potter." he said.

Harry shook his head.

"When will you ever get over that Mr. Potter stuff and finally call me Harry, Severus?" asked the green eyed wizard.

"Never." replied Snape with an menacing scowl.

"Hey stop teasing." said Ginny coming up with a smile filed across her face. "Congrats Mione, Congrats Severus."

"Thank you Ginny." said Hermione giggling at her future husband's antics.

"Thank you, Ginerva." said Snape returning her smile with a smirk.

Harry looked at Snape with an arched eyebrow.

"How come she doesn't get a menacing stare down?" he asked.

"I like her better." replied Snape teasing.

It earned him a well placed elbow to the gut from his bride-to-be.

"Ow!" said Snape narrowing his eyes at his future bride.

"Serves you right git." she replied.

Harry burst out laughing but quieted after an icy stare from Snape.

"I'll just be going now." he said grabbing Ginny's hand and taking his leave to go mingle.

Snape and Hermione were approached by Draco and Pansy next.

"Finally joining the married club are you uncle?" said the junior Malfoy teasing.

"Apparently so." he replied.

Draco smiled.

"I never thought I'd see the day, if your reputation as a..." before Draco knew it Snape wandlessly cast a silencing spell on him.

Hermione and Pansy both turned to look at him with suspicion.

"Reputation?" asked Hermione.

"Nothing to talk about...it was before you and of no consequence." replied Snape.

"Then why'd you silence Draco?" asked Pansy.

"He talks too much." replied Snape. "Consider it a favor, that spell will last the rest of the night."

Pansy smirked wickedly as she looked at Draco who suddenly looked fearful an then narrowed his eyes at Snape who seemed amused. Pansy and Draco took their leave of Snape and Hermione and headed toward the punch bowl.

Hermione's parents approached them.

"Congratulations sweetheart." said Jean Granger as she hugged Hermione. "Welcome to the family Severus."

Severus let the woman hug him and kiss him on the cheek. He couldn't believe he had yet another mothering type on his coat tails. Molly Weasley had been the first, then Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, and then Eileen had to come back into his life, now Hermione's mother was trying her hand at mothering him.

John Granger looked at Snape with a big smile on his face.

"Well, I don't know how you did it old boy but you pulled it off." he said shaking Snape's hand.

"Daddy you knew about this?" asked Hermione stunned.

John simply smiled at his daughter.

"Of course I did." he replied "Who do you think gave him permission to marry you?"

"That's a bit old fashioned isn't it?" asked Jean looking back n forth between Snape and John.

"Sometimes the old ways are the best ways." said Hermione smiling at both her father and her husband-to-be.

"Indeed." replied Snape taking her hand in his.

They were joined by Daniel Hardcastle who had a smile on his face.

"Congrats Herms." he said kissing Hermione on the cheek.

Hermione hugged her old friend and he turned his attention to Snape.

"Congrats Sev." he said shaking hands with The Potions Master. "If I had to pick any other man for Herms, it would have been you."

Snape rolled his eyes. The out pour of sentiment was overwhelming and disturbing all at once.

"You just be ready with your 10 pounds Hardcastle." he said moving back into his competitive streak.

"No way you're winning this time Snape." said Daniel. "What do you think John can we take him?"

"We?" asked John turning his attention to Daniel. "My money's on my new soon-to-be son-in-law."

"What about you Mrs. G?" asked Daniel. "You think I can take him right?"

"After last time I'd bet on Severus any day." she replied smiling at him.

"No justice." said Daniel.

"Maybe you'd out drink Potter or Weasley, but you're out of your league here." said Snape. "And if you can't get passed me you don't stand a chance against McGonagall."

Daniel laughed. He had not wanted to meet McGonagall, but he could bet she was a tough old bird and from the looks of everyone around them he was right.

"I'll have to take your word for it on her part, but as for you old boy any time any place." he said.

"Alright boys break it up." said Hermione. "We'll settle this one day."

Snape and Daniel both turned to look at her.

"What do you we'll?" they asked in unison.

Hermione smiled at them both.

"If there's to be a 10 pound challenge then I'm in the game too." she said.

"No way Herms, you can't even hold down a water cooler." said Daniel.

"Have you forgotten what happened when you went on your little girls night venture?" asked Snape.

"Alright Daniel, let's give the other guests some room." said John placing his hand on Daniel's shoulder.

Hermione's parents and Daniel made way for the Malfoys as they approached Hermione and Snape.

"Well Severus, Congratulations." said Narcissa. "You'd better treat this one right or I will hex you for her."

Snape kissed the threatening witch on the cheek and let her hug Hermione who was quite amused by her protectiveness.

"Will do Cissy." he replied. "Besides she's as bad as you are armed with a wand and in a bad mood."

Narcissa looked at Hermione and smiled.

"Welcome to the family dear." she said. "And don't you let him get away with anything, if you need a manual on how to deal with a Slytherin husband then look no further."

Hermione giggled at this.

"I'll keep that in mind." she said.

Lucius rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Snape.

"Well the last of us true Slytherin bachelors has finally been landed by the old ball and chain." he said as if saddened.

Snape rolled his eyes.

"Ah Lucius." he said. "I was wondering when that would come up."

"You have nothing to fear from me you old sod." said the senior Malfoy. "I have no desire to be placed under a hex like poor Draco."

Both men laughed at the young Malfoy's misfortune.

"Just between us, when you have your first born...I want to ensure I get dibs on being Godfather before Potter." said Lucius.

"I'll see what I can do." replied Snape. "But no promises."

Lucius smiled at Snape.

"And to think if I hadn't been so careless during that ceremony you never would have lost your memory." he said proudly. "And then you might never have fallen for the lovely Miss Granger and all of this would never have happened."

Snape narrowed his eyes at Lucius and gritted his teeth.

"This was all your fault, wasn't it Malfoy." he said. "I shall have to remember that in the coming days."

Not at all liking the malice behind Snape's eyes Lucius turned his attention to Hermione.

"Welcome to the family, Little Sister." he said. "Take care of baby brother for me."

Snape had been itching to hex the handsome blonde but refrained.

The rest of the night consisted of congratulatory greetings until finally Snape had enough. He took Hermione and they separated as far away from their guests as possible. The bushy haired witch had been so happy she didn't mind the rude way he stole her away from her apparent engagement party. It would only be a matter of time before she was Mrs. Severus Sebastian Snape and if she wasn't use to his antics by now then she never would be.
