
Chapter 88: Future Plans

Snape's Quarters, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World...

With a groan Severus Snape managed to rouse himself from a very peaceful sleep. He had been lying flat on his back, shirtless with a bushy haired witch asleep resting her head on his rather pale the sheets of course they each left nothing to the imagination as they clung to each other. It had been such a feat just getting the words out to tell the witch how he felt in front of prominent members of the wizarding community. So much so that Snape thought it best to leave the scene and show her in depth just how much she meant to him. Of course Hermione had been caught off guard when Severus declared his love to her in a primitive fashion by shagging her senseless to obtain satisfaction due to his fumbling proposal.

"Severus..." said Hermione shifting and stretching as if she could feel him awakening.

Her amber eyes opened and she examined the none too subtle engagement ring he had slipped onto her finger right beside the lion ring he had purchased for her during their time at Hogwarts as students.

"I can't believe this is happening." she said smiling as she looked up at the pale wizard as she towered above him. "Us engaged after everything that we have been through..."

"Getting sentimental Gryffindor?" said Snape with a smirk.

"Shut up git." said Hermione smacking him playfully across the arm. "I'm trying to enjoy this."

Snape smiled.

"Happiness becomes you witch." he said.

"And you as well wizard." she replied returning his smile.

Snape had never really noticed that he had been happy before his relationship with this amazing young witch, he was merely content to exist. His survival at the conclusion of the final battle had been a good deal of a shock to him when he awoke in the Hogwarts Infirmary. When he had be given a second chance, he had not expected it to come with a bushy haired witch and a timid wizard child.

"Severus?" said Hermione looking down at him intently.

He had been so lost in his thoughts that he had not heard her question.

"Yes?" he asked at last back among the land of the living and giving her his full attention.

"I asked if you were hungry." said Hermione with a smirk.

Snape thought for a moment.

While he had been a bit peckish in terms of needing breakfast but he had not wanted to spoil this moment. Hermione Granger was his fiancée and they were together here in his private quarters, No wars...no dark lord...no rogue Ministry Of Magic...no Bloody Potter or Weasley...the thought of it made him want to stay in bed all the more.

"Not particularly." he replied then treated her to a mischievous smirk.

Hermione let out a squeal when Snape pulled her down onto the mattress and covered her body with his own. He kissed her about the neck getting her attention in the worst way.

"I can't wait to make you my wife." said Snape looking rather seriously into her radiant amber eyes.

"And I can't wait to make you my husband." she said. "But we have to talk about the name changing..."

"I don't see the problem." said Snape returning his attention to kissing her neck. "Hermione Granger-Snape is just fine with me."

The bushy haired witch smiled as Snape continued to kiss her in all the right places.

"If I didn't know any better git, I'd say you were after something." she said in a seductive tone.

"Am I?" asked Snape as if he had been innocent.

"Git." said Hermione playfully.

"You forgot Slytherin." he said correcting her.



Snape and Hermione found themselves showered and in their PJ's in the front room. They had finished off the rest of their shared meal which had been a grilled cheese on toasted bread, a very Muggle meal according to Hermione whom had requested it which Snape had been unfamiliar with. His family was lucky to even know what cheese was when he had been a kid due to his impoverish upbringing.

"See." said Hermione I told you it would be fun.

Snape arched an eye brow at her as if she had been certifiably insane.

"I do not see how eating a sandwich made only of dairy cheese and bread is fun." he said. "Not to mention messy."

Hermione had tried her best to suppress a giggle as she watched him try to get the hang of how to eat it but he succeeded in making a terrible mess of the cheese and burning his tongue repeatedly.

"Something funny Granger?" he asked clearly annoyed by the burning sensation on his tongue.

"Just relax and try not to be so eager." said Hermione with a pleasant smile.

Snape narrowed his eyes at her and attempted to finish off the sandwich.

He had burned his tongue a second time but successfully finished it. Despite the few mishaps, he had enjoyed it but he didn't want to concede victory in this matter to his future wife just yet. He continued to play the stubborn role.

"I've burned my tongue because of you." he said almost bitterly folding his arms across his chest.

Hermione shook her head and walked over toward him.

"Want me to kiss it and make it better?" she asked.

Snape considered this for a moment. It didn't seem like a half bad idea.

"Yes as a matter of fact." he replied.

Hermione giggled some as she kissed him rather passionately. They had been so lost in the kiss that he had forgotten all about his bitterness. The happy couple decided to do a bit of light reading after eating. It had been nice and quiet in the dungeons with the Slytherins in their other classes and on the trip to Hogsmead with Minerva and Slughorn chaperoning.

It gave them both some time to be alone before the plans for the up coming wedding took over and they'd be kept apart for obvious reasons. Hermione had expressed that she had not wanted a bachelorette party though she knew Ginny would not take no for an answer. She wondered if Lucius was throwing a bachelor party for Severus and it gave her cause for worry. She had heard stories from Draco for years about his father's wild school boy parties and even more grand adult parties, which Severus had always gone to. She had not wanted him with some half naked witch strutting about all over him especially given his preference for firewhiskey.

Snape had been quietly reading in his favorite arm chair beside her. She couldn't imagine any other wizard that she would have rather walk down the isle with. She turned her attention back to her book but not before a small smile filed across her face.

The Potions Professor looked up from his book at his future bride. He had known very well that she was most likely going to have a party especially if Ginny Potter had anything to say about it. While he had not liked the idea of some sweaty wizard groping his future bride or being in her presence in general...he also knew Lucius had his heart set on throwing him a ridiculous party of his own. A party Snape was not looking forward to by any means.

Hermione looked back up from her book to see Snape seeing to be lost in thought.

"Something on your mind, Severus?" she asked.

He looked up from his book as if startled that she had been watching him.

"No." he replied turning the page.

Hermione went back to her book rereading the last few lines at the bottom of the page.

"Something on your mind, Hermione?" he asked.

"No." she replied.

They continued to go about their respective reading deciding to just enjoy their time together despite their mutual concerns. They had loved each other after all and wanted this marriage for whatever it was worth to work. Surely, they both could get through a small party for the sake of appearances then they wouldn't have to worry about it ever again.
