
An Unknown Move

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~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

My eyes slowly open, and the familiar scent of Rae takes my attention. I slowly and lazily move my body closer to the smell, and my arms wrap around the warm body of my brother. It's been a month since we've taken Meereen.

Many events have occurred in that span of time. Mostly news from Westeros. Apparently, Stannis Baratheon is sailing North. Varys has informed us he intends to make an alliance with Robb Stark.

The Tyrells are silent. Held up in their high walls. Keeping away from the fighting. Avoiding any conflicts as best they can. I've been getting letters from Margaery on a regular basis. The girl is attempting to get in my good graces.

She knows the only way to get to Rae is through me. While it does upset me... The thought of sharing Rae with another woman... We might not have a choice. We're foreigners to The Smallfolk of Westeros. The Tyrells can help consolidate our rule.

"Mmm... You smell good, Dany..."

A hazy voice comes from the lips of my lover and King. I feel his hand gently trace a path up my back, and his other hand softly holds my chin and helps me look up at him. My ear is against his chest, and his heart beats calmly.

The smile on my features is hard to stop and after a second. I don't try to halt it. His Violet eyes look into mine, and it's not long before our lips are locked together.

"How are you feeling? Any early morning sickness?"

That's another problem I'm dealing with. It's not hard to know as a woman. Besides, I've been pregnant twice before and know what it feels like. Odds are the nights Rae and I shared after taking Meereen were when I became pregnant.

He tried to pull out, but not letting him go has proven to be the cause of this new pregnancy. It's hard not to let him pull out. The feeling of his release in me is maddening.

"I'm doing better. Aly and Jae said they wanted to go for a ride on the dragons today... What do you think about that? We took them when they were babes, but I'm afraid they'll want to do more than be held during flight."

Aly and Jae have already gotten so big. Jae will be a year old soon, and Aly will be approaching two soon after him. The King and Queen after us are already growing up. I miss the days when I could hold them in my arms and feed them.

Now, they're running around and becoming their own people. Jae has Caelex, and the two of them are inseparable. Aly visits Vaelor every single day. I'm glad my little girl listens to us.

There have been times I saw she wanted to climb on Vaelor and ride. She's smart, though. Aly knows she's too small to ride on the back of a dragon Vaelors size. Sure, Vaelor is the smallest of the four. But he's already bigger than a merchant ship.

"Yeah, we can take them up. Before we do, Oberyn and I will be meeting. He said we should be getting more reports from Varys today. I'd like you to be there."

That's easy enough. Our council meetings are short and sweet most of the time. The longest ones are when Varys sends us updates on what's going on in Westeros.

My thoughts are halted as I feel the hand that was once rubbing my back now playing with my butt. A sultry look to my brother is all he needs to continue his activities. We're very affectionate when I'm early and late in my pregnancy.

I'm a month in already, and there are times I wish Rae and I could stay in our room for weeks at a time. Sadly, that's not something we're allowed at the moment.

"When you touch me like this... It makes me not want to get out of bed... If we're doing more than just touching, you better hurry... I'm getting impatient, and I might not let you off the hook in a minute or so..."

In response to my invitation and threat, both his hand cup my rear end, and he moves us to a sitting position in the bed. I feel him already hard and lining up.

Looks like we're taking more time in bed.

~~~(POV: Varys)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 48 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Study, Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

Tywin is organizing his troops for his next plan. It's one I'd call bold but not impossible. He wants to march his forces into The Reach. A blatant provocation on The Tyrell family. I can't say what drives Tywin, but I know it's got something to do with Gold.

The Tyrells are the wealthiest family in The Seven Kingdoms, and Tywin is out of money. Since The Burning Of Braavos, it's been challenging to find funds.

I've recently sent a letter to Lady Olenna informing her of Tywins plan. With Stannis moving North and Robb Stark meeting him. Tywin sees he needs something other than poor soldiers and Kings Landing. He needs a victory that will stop all attacks on The Iron Throne.

It's my humble opinion he's being too hasty. After all, my little birds have informed me Robb doesn't intend to ally himself with Stannis. The North is too strong and emboldened now, and they'll see no need to join with Stannis.

"Perhaps Lady Olenna and Margaery can get something out of this..."

It's my plan to have Raenon take a second wife. No one would dispute the right. Many see him as Aegon reborn, and as such. It would be fitting he take on another wife. Daenerys Targaryen knows that to have Westeros won, Raenon needs a wife from these lands.

I've sent a letter to Raenon. Saying that House Tyrell will soon be under attack, and it's in his best interests to come to their defense. It'll only make his relationships in Westeros better. If the Lords and Ladies of Westeros see he's willing to defend them against The Lannisters.

They'll have already won over all of the people that fear Tywin. It's up to Raenon in the end, but it's clearly the best choice. If he's lucky, he might even end up killing Tywin in the process.

Then there is the issue of Sansa Stark escaping. But that's not something that affects the plans I have. I'm glad the girl got away. Joffrey's constant torture couldn't make me help but pity the girl. I truly hope she finds her way home.

Along with Arya Stark. Maybe they'll even find each other on their way home.

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 16 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

Daenerys has lost her happy and satisfied glow since our activities this morning. The primary and only reason is the letter we've gotten from Varys. Oberyn holds it in his hands as he rereads it to himself. It's one that holds a peculiar situation.

"I find it both bold and foolish for Tywin to begin marching for The Reach... Why would he do such a thing after such a battle in Kings Landing?"

My question is genuine. I fail to see the logic. Other than motivation for the money The Tyrells hold. And Tywin doesn't seem to be the one that's desperate for money. Why now, of all times, attempt an attack on The Reach...

It seems like we're missing something here... Information that only Tywin knows...

"Tywin Lannister doesn't do anything unless it benefits him or his family in the long run. Whatever is happening here, it's unseen to Varys and us... But I do believe it to be a wise choice to help The Tyrells. We'll need their support when you begin your rule in Westeros."

My eyes slowly turn to Dany, and I can see she's going through an internal debate. Thinking and thinking... For any reason not to help The Tyrells.

After some time of silence, I see her lift her head, and she looks into my eyes. There is a solemness to them. As if she's admitting something she doesn't want to. Her hands gently rest on her belly and rub the spot where Jae and Aly were once held.

"Go. Help The Tyrells. As much as I don't want them in our lives, I know we can't win over The Smallfolk without them... Save them, and they'll be in our debt."

I hardly believe the words coming from Dany. In the end, it was my decision. I would've likely done it even if she didn't want me to. But it's all the better now since she agrees.

"Then it's settled. I'll take Rhaenys and fly to Westeros. I'll meet up with The Tyrells at Highgarden and offer my aid."

As I stand up, Dany does the same.

"And I'm going with you. Two dragons are better than one. Vaelor and Rhaegal will remain here. As a sign of power."

Dany makes no room for argument as she leaves the room. I don't like the idea of my pregnant sister-wife coming to war with me. I'll have to be extra careful with her.

Word count: 1563

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