Chasing my dream of being an author. Don't stop chasing those dreams. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.
There is a discord, but barely anyone is on it.
I love that you've asked this.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. It's a quote from an individual within AG. So, you never know.
Yeah. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Uploads only stop when I reach the end of a volume; I take a break and plan some more. Volume 2 just started, so the uploads won't be stopping soon.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the story! Book 1 is completed and here for everyone to read and enjoy!
lol, it's something I update around 2-3 a month on P-a-t-r-e-o-n. Meaning, public release dates and updates will come slower. But I haven't dropped it.
If you're referring to The Ancients World, blame Webnovels contracts, not me. This will remain a free story and one I'll be constantly working on.
Yep, I abandoned Ancients World due to Webnovel's bad contract. I've never signed a contract since and I won't again. This story will remain free.
Legendary is one grade higher than Ancient, but since the Legendary Shield up for auction is a defensive item, won't hold hold the same value as an offensive item of the same grade. People typically prefer attacking power compared to defensive power.
Lol, let's have some hope, at least. That's all we really have left.