
Chapter 24: Brothers vs Couples

Our carriage was racing down the mountain pass as we were surrounded by a swarm of Jade eagles. Rou quickly caught some with string while I killed off the others. Since the area was cleared out we decided to eat some fried Jade eagle. Once we were done eat our carriage continued on its course. The further we went the more skeletons of fallen adventurers we found. Soon Rou and I detected the prey we were looking for and there was two of them. From what I could tell one was the Jade Emperor and the other was his queen.

OgaHou: Well, well looks like we both get to fight one each so which one do you want personally I would prefer the female. She looks a lot faster.

OgaRou: Sure you can get the female while I handle the male.

With that out of the way we got ready for battle and pulled out our weapons. In my cause I pulled out my newly enhanced spear. I fused the design of a war hammer with a Halbert. Keeping the axe head but instead of a point on the other side I had a hammer head. I made this revised halbert with the Dwarfs who were more then happy to help. Once it was finished we noticed one fairly major problem. The weapon's balance was absolutely terrible making unusable by anyone except me. With my weapon in my hands I leaped in to the air charging the eagles in the sky. Right behind me was Rou with his insect wings flaping. When I was in attacking range I swung my weapon that was coated in frost. The Jade queen barely evaded my attack but did manage to get some of it's feathers. As she watched the feathers fall I could see her get angry.

OgaHou: I guess a woman is a woman regardless of whether or not they are beast. Well I'm sorry for ruining your pretty feathers how about I pluck them all off so you can look better.

My taunt made my feathered opponent quite pissed because she let out a shout that raised the wind. Having landed I jumped back in to the air to attack her as she dive bombed. Our clash caused a powerful gale to sweep the area. Since her attack relyed on speed for an attacking force I lost a little bit. Still I did manage to send a chill into her body. Watching her shiver from the cold made me crack an amused smile. At the side I could see Rou's battle with the Jade emperor going about as good as mine. We were both holding back so it was not surprising that we struggled a little.

Focusing back to my fight the Jade queen smarten up and started to use a hit and run strategy. She circled around me at high speed sending out sharp wind blades. I for the most part blocked the blades but still got a few shallow cuts. Luckily my body is fairly tough otherwise these wounds would restrict my movements. The next few hours of our fight continued like that with my getting covered in more wounds. I have even lost the use of one eye while Rou last an arm. Finally we could no longer get by with holding back.

OgaHou: Damn guess holding back to improve my control will have to wait for my next fight.

OgaRou: Agreed still we did pretty good considering everything.

No longer holding back Rou equiped his armor and I transformed into my dragon form. When my transformation finished all of my limbs were covered in Jade green scales. This was an idea that I came up with after talking to Rou. Before when I only had two souls equiped I only ever used spirit eyes and another. Then Rou proposed using the two other souls to see if I can fuse their powers. The result is my current form which gives my lightning the properties of absolute ice. I then activated my new fusion skill to cover a small area in snow, ice and sparks. As for why I keep it small it is because Snowy Dance already ate through a crap ton soul power. Now that I added the lightning it's consumption increased further. With its sight now blocked I used ice empress's pincers along with Thunderclap. Once the attack landed Jade queen was frozen and then exploded. At the sametime Rou also finished his fight and was skinning the Jade emperor.

OgaRou: Have you ever thought about trying to keep your prey's corpse in tact.

OgaHou: What can I say holding back is hard for me to do.

As we were joking from the Jade emperor's body he pulled out a small gem. According to our resident peddler girls that small gem is a soul gem. It apparently is an important ingredient for crafting magic items. For now he gave it to Dhampmi because of the girls' glare. With that done we went to eat the couple or rather the emperor and what was left of his queen.The meat from the area bosses tasted the best I have ever eaten. It juicy while also being tender each bite was a burst of flavor.

Flame lord: Hey you two brothers what the hell are you two. One brother can regrow limbs and the other can transform into a dragon with a third eye.

OgaRou: In my case it is thanks to the ability from a slime called body fluid manipulation that I can heal so long as there is water. Combine that with high speed regeneration and rapid recovery you got near instantaneous healing.

OgaHou: As for me it is a gift given to me by a God from another word. In that world there exist a unique power called a martial soul. A soul can have just about any form in the world. The dragon transformation is called blue lightning tyrant dragon. As for why it was a Jade green color it is thanks to me combining it with another soul. While my third eye is called the eye of life and greatly boosts my vitality.

After we finished our explanation it was time to get back to traveling. While on the road new found respect can be found in the three lords' eyes.

Current status:[Name: OgaHou

Race: Ogre(forgotten Species)

Age: 98 days

Level: 46

Soul power: 49

Realm: Soul Ancestor

Martial Soul:equiped- Spirit eyes-Eye of life/Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon/Ice Jade Emperss Scorpion

Unequiped- Clear sky hammer

Rings: SE-1,000,000,000(sealed)/1,000/15,000/10,000

IE-500,000(sealed)/800,000(sealed)/800,000 (sealed)/800,000(sealed)

BLTD:Same as IE

Soul bone: Torso

Skills: Spirit eyes-Spirit detection/Spirit Resonance/Spirit Interference/Spirit Shock/Imitation/ Mass enfeeblement/Spiritual Confusion

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion: Ice empress's pincers/Ice empress's armor/ Snowy Dance of Ultimate Ice/Snow Empress's palm/Snow Empress's Sword

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon: Lightning Fury/Thunderclap/Lightning Flash/Lightning pain

Clear Sky Hammer:

Smithing(lvl 10)/Inscription(lvl 2)

Soul points:7,000

Equipment: Life Guardian]
