
The Orian, The Guard and The Samurai Pt. 2

As I go out through the hole I see both Daki and Gyutaro rolling around in pain, "AHH! The Sun! I'm dying AHHHH!!!" Daki says while rolling around in pain while her brother is just curled up in a ball trying to keep the sun away from his eyes.

Me and Baiken just looked at each other before taking a seat and waiting for the two drama queens to quite down before we proceed.

After a few minutes of them crying out in agony, they slowly realized that something was different as they look down on themselves and realize that they aren't burning under the light of the sun after all.

"Did you two forget what he said? All the bonuses of being demons with none of the downsides."

They both got up and Daki smiled as she hugged her brother who didn't really know what to say as they no longer had to fear the sun and no longer had a craving for human flesh but still have the power and regeneration and even the same immortality so long as they aren't both decapitated at the same time.

"Well… thanks I guess… but still we ain't gonna follow your lead if you ain't strong enough! And that throw doesn't count! So bring it on." Gyutaro says as he ready his sickles and Daki readies her razor sharp Obi's to attack.

"You want to join in on this?" I ask Baiken who has pulled out a pipe and has started to smoke from it before blowing out from it.

"Nah I prefer to do fights one on one, so after you take care of them we can fight ourselves." She seems to be able to already gauge my strength and based on that single interaction between me and them she already knows what will happen she is just here to watch the show.

"Oh well, by the way since you guys won't die unless I cut off both your heads at the same time and can regenerate your limbs…." I say before unleashing my full aura and entering Kagutsuchi form, "…. That means I don't have to hold back!" I say as I launch at them at high speeds.

(Warning: this next part depicts gore and intense violence, you've been warned.)


They tried to defend themselves against me but when I'm like this I'm at the level of a whirling tempest, a man made natural disaster, so try as they might when I'm out to kill you will die, but since they can regenerate it's more of torture than death awaits them.

Let's just say that I started off by me being the blender and then being the strawberries with blood and viscera going everywhere, but they were undeterred as they just rapidly grew back there body parts as they both launched simultaneous attacks from his sickles and her razor sharp obi.

It seems ??? Let them keep there strengths as they were before being brought into this world so as they were now they were still in there prime while attacking me.

Though the only thing that was making this a stand still is there natural team work between them both being able to cover one another when I break past the others defenses, but they were clearly lacking in both the speed and strength department because when I turned it up a notch they weren't able to keep up with my rapid attacks.

Though they were able to give a good fight as they were able to sometimes pierce my defenses and actually injuring me a bit, but the more pain I felt the more my bloodlust started to boil.

Then something changed… I could feel my bloodlust begin to consume me the more and more I saw there guts spill from there body, the more I slammed them into the ground like bloody rag dolls.

And then I let it, all I could see was red and I just wanted to paint the world in the color, on the outside part of my mask broke apart and they could see a devil smiling underneath it, it actually unnerved Daki so much she left her neck open as I appeared behind her at such speeds that I ripped and tore through her jugular causing blood to spray across my face.

This just pissed Gyutaro but I just turned to him and tore his arm off before using it like a club to cave his skull in spraying more and more blood all over me until…

*SNAP* something inside me broke, like a threshold that I had unknowingly always held back but today for once I wanted to go all out with the sole notion of giving them pain and suffering before making them submit to my command.

This excessive bloodlust changed me as it changed my Kagutsuchi form in of itself surrounding me in intense heat and mind breaking bloodlust caused me to take on a more feral, a more demonic form, a true demon of flames.

My face became more animal like similar to a wolf, my mask completely shattered and in turn became pitch black and forming into horns that both swept back with my now long fiery mane and also profiled the sides of my face, my skin went from its burnt look to a more bloody red in skin tone with areas growing thick bushy flaming orange hair, my fingers became more similar to claws and my toes merged before each forming 3 claws for each foot, and my eyes had completely lost any semblance of sanity as they turned pure white with no pupils what so ever.

When its transformation completely finished It roared into the sky releasing such an intense aura that all the weak willed in town lost consciousness, after releasing the roar the beast then looked down on its prey and said only two words…

"Ifrit... KILL!!!"

With those words said the beast launched itself and the siblings required themselves to defend from its wild animalistic attacks.

It seem the cost of it taking this form is that it's sanity is gone but in return it's strength is increased exponentially as well as its speed and agility as well, but they soon realized that it's intelligence took a massive drop as well since it would attack which ever one attacked it first.

They tried using it to there advantage by making it switch its focus back and forth between the two as they attacked one after the other hoping to tire it out.

Though it may be dumber than usual in this form it doesn't mean it can't adapt and solely focus on the one it believes to be weaker as it focused on the sister by allowing it to be pierced by her obi but completely ignored it while it went all out of its way to maul her to death as it clearly has forgotten how to permanently kill her as it's insatiable bloodlust only want to see even more blood spilled so he began to rip and tear her apart while laughing in a completely insane matter.

"…. I know I can't stop this, I don't stand a chance against that form of his, I need to go find someone who can knock him out or something before he escapes and goes on a mad induced killing spree…" Baiken says to herself as she looks down from the roof above, when she saw him changing like that she instantly took the chance to get away, but seeing how things are she needs help in stopping my rampage, luckily the twins are the perfect chew toys to keep me busy while she searches for help…


Now obviously I wasn't myself at this current moment in time, so where was I while my body was treating Gyutaro's head as a chew toy your wondering?

Well currently I was reliving all my worst memories that fuel my burning hatred and insatiable blood lust that I have for the world government, imagine if you would being completely helpless, locked in a cage while your forced to watch, hear and even smell your mother being raped right in front of your eyes by several men for hours on end. Every. Single. FUCKING! DAY! FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN UNTIL THE DAY SHE DIED BY THOSE BASTARDS HANDS AT THE AGE OF THREE!!! AND THATS NOT BAD ENOUGH AT 2 MY FATHER COULDN'T TAKE IT AND TRIED TO FIGHT BACK!!


how do you think I learned of my signature torture technique? ITS THE FUCKING THING THOSE BASTARDS DID TO HIM OF COURSE!!! That's why I swore that I would make them all pay with heavy interest.

No matter how many times I was beaten! No matter how many times I was tortured! No matter how long I was forced to starve I kept living not letting those fucks even have the chance at taking me down or breaking my spirit as I let that raging inferno stew within me throughout all my life.

The happiest day was when I met those girls and with us all escaping together, and what they did to them and what they planned to do to them had they not made an opening for all of us to escape I might have snapped and tried to brute force our way out of there and all of us most likely being killed in the process.

Though the rage that drove this form was mostly from me repressing the dark memories of my younger years it's also the time I nearly died not long after our freedom from a sea king or my near death experience in the Kuja arena, and any and all other times I ever lost or was severely injured those only added fuel to the inferno that I am now.

But now…. I'm felling tired…. Must rest…..

Back outside of Vargas's mind Baiken went out and was able to find a rather shaken Toki and Theo who was there to guard her, but after learning that Vargas had lost his mind and was rampaging in the courtyard and brutally mauling his allies Theo had to use his quick thinking to come up with an idea.

That idea was elephant tranquilizer, 10x strong elephant tranquilizer in fact and he took several just in case, as they then ran to courtyard to see it all burnt up, though Alneu was fine since it wasn't targeted at him.

Theo seeing him like this was highly disturbed but he had to stop him no matter the cost so he took 5 syringes and covered them in his dark energy before sending them towards me, 2 melted from the extreme heat but the other 3 hit there mark and injected his body with 30x elephant tranquilizer which for a moment they thought wasn't working as He was still smashing the siblings into each other over and over, but soon he began to slow before dropping the battered siblings to the ground before he himself fell to his knees.

And soon after I returned to my normal form as I lost consciousness as blood began to pour out of every orifice on my head from the severe strain that form had on me, it was much worse than the time I first used Kagutsuchi as Theo soon discovered as besides my spine luckily every other bone was covered in micro fractures including my skull as well which was causing bruising to appear all around my body.

"Watch after those two, I'm gonna try and help out Captain!" Theo says before he puts me on his back and carries me off to the infirmary, "Maybe I should work out more…." He says as he has a hard time carrying me, he maybe strong with his skills but his strength doesn't equate to his skills as he is physically not that strong.

Soon he got me into the infirmary and brought me to the surgeons table, "Don't worry boss you'll pull through, just let old Theo work out his magic!" He says before he gets to work in fixing me up….



A few days later.

I woke up with my body aching all over before realizing that I was all bandaged up all the way to my neck with Toki sitting next to me sleeping in a chair.

"Ugh… what… happened…" I say as I slowly try to sit up and wincing a bit before finally coming to a seated posture.

This slowly woke Toki up who was surprised that I was awake, "Your up! I better go and tell Theo that your awake!" She says happily before going off and getting Theo.

Not long later a rather tired looking Theo came in and sat down besides me, "Man you wouldn't imagine the stress you put on me Boss… not including the surgery I had to put your through just dealing with your wives and lovers and making them think you are ok and off doing something so they don't bother you while you recovered took a lot out of me, I'm just glad you woke up as they were starting to catch on to my bullshit and not buying it…. I better go tell them the truth… Toki I suggest you go into another room for the time being as this place is going to get crowded." He says before he goes and leaves to tell my women the truth.

"Hehehe, looks like your really loved? Well I guess I should get out of here, wouldn't want to get in the way of your family after all." She says as she heads for the door.

"Toki…. Thank you for watching over me…" I say with a smile.

"Hehe it was nothing, it's the least I can do for the man who saved my life… Now I should go, I hear a lot of footsteps already." She says with a smile before making her exit.

*He does remind me a bit of what I heard of what Oden was like in his younger years…* she thinks to herself as a slight blush develops on her face before she shakes her head and smacks her cheeks for even thinking those thoughts.

"VARGAS!!!" All of my women shouted as they saw my state and soon after tried to all jump on me at the same time crushing me and the bed in the process as they all tried to hold me close.

Though this soon led to anger and arguments between each other as to who should be holding me between themselves not noticing me being crushed by there combined weight in my currently weakened state and soon once again losing consciousness once more….

*The things I do for love….* were my last thoughts before I completely fell unconscious.

System- Demon Form Ifrit has been created, current control- 10%….
