
Recovery & Other Events

After me being attacked by all of my wives and lovers making me lose consciousness again I woke up awhile later with me instead only surrounded by my wives where as everyone else was sent hame since they knew that I'd be ok.

"Ugh… you girls should learn some restraint…." I say as I get up again hold my sides from the pain I was feeling.

Everyone, besides Robin because she knew not to dog pile me while I'm injured like this, looked down, "Sorry…" they all said together.

"It's alright I'll live just that you 4 should really relax for a few months we can't let our kids get hurt now can we?" I say as I point at the little baby bumps on there bellies as it already been about a month and a half since they got pregnant and were starting to show the signs outwardly that they were pregnant.

They all held there bellies with smiles on there faces, the others who weren't pregnant just smiled…. Except Albedo as she just grit her teeth in envy since we still haven't figured out a way to turn off her Succubus powers yet so she can get pregnant.

For awhile after that we just talked about things and how things were going on everyone's ends, the Kuja are extremely excited that there empresses are pregnant and will be having children of there own in the future, same could be said in ToTo Land because of Big Ma still being extremely excited that she's gonna be a grandma soon as she has been showering Amande with gifts on a weekly basis, specifically things that would help take care of a baby as they grow up.

Nothing really much else from the rest of them, Albedo was still training Yamato, Viola was getting intel from both Monet and Sugar on all of the garbage Doflamingo has been doing, and Baby 5 has been assisting Robin in compiling all her research on the void century as well as still trying to decipher the Road Polyglyph.

After chatting for awhile and knowing I'll be back in action in a few days they all took there leave and went back to there homes while I was allowed to rest and recover.



A few days later I finally fully healed and ready to get back into action, as I left the infirmary and headed into the main entrance room I saw the siblings Daki and Gyutaro with Baiken waiting for me there.

Though clearly there humanity has returned a bit as they were trying to look tough but after…. That they were both scared shitless of me, Baiken however wasn't, "Well after seeing all that I think it be better just to follow your lead instead of testing your mettle, I don't feel like biting off more than I can chew if I can." She then turned to look at the siblings.

"Your strong, and your terrifying, if following you means one day will be even stronger than are previous selves then we swear to follow your lead." But then he points his finger at me, "But the second I think that you are to weak to be my leader I will cut you down myself."

"Hehehe… no when I no longer need you and I feel that you'll pull some shit like that-" I say as I appear behind them both and grabbing them by the neck before they can react, "- then I'll just tear both your heads off and be done with you both." I say before slamming them both down into the ground hard while making them both look at me, "Work for me you can get whatever you want, money, women, power, eternal beauty even, just follow my lead and it's yours, in all honesty I don't want to come off as an evil tyrant to anyone that follows me I'd rather be friends with you two but if your both gonna keep acting all tough and domineering around me then I'll just have to do it even more and keep putting you in your places until you stop and try to be friendly with me." I say before I let go and walk away.

"Though I know the shit you both went through… and the pain you both suffered from others that lead you both to become demons, but let me show you both the good side of humanity and the bad sides through those World Noble fucks and what they do to this world on the regular." I say as I turn to look back at them, there pissed but they've grown up with the mentality of that the strongest leads and the rest shall follow, and now that there even weaker than before by submitting to me they really need to get there shit together or I really will just kill them off if there just gonna be a liability to me.

"Yes…. We understand…" they say as they bow there heads to me.

"Good, now I'm not gonna treat you like slave labor or anything like that all I expect is to do what your told to do and you'll get rewarded however way you wish, as I said earlier I'm here to make you stronger and give you what you want, in return you follow my lead, oh and by the way should you get any ideas of using my family against me…" I say as I look back at them with an evil grin with madness in my eyes.

"You'll wish you never were brought here in the first place…." I say as I then turn away and then walk off letting them do as they please, because tonight they are gonna get access to the Frontier after all.



A couple days later, PunkHazard, Caesar and Noel's Lab.

"Ahh Vargas! How good it is to see you! Have you come by to check up on the progress of finding out ways to make artificial Logia fruit possible?" (Caesar)

"Yes and I have a present for you from the monster himself, juices that were made by Charlotte Smoothie, he said it would be best if I delivered it here as he has other things to do at the moment but here is A Lava Drink, A Tree Drink, A Boulder Drink, A Steel Drink, and Lastly A Magnetic Drink, these are the ones he said to hand over to you guys to see if it is possible at all to give people Artificial Logia fruits and mass produce it as well."

"Ahh this is fantastic! With these concentrated extracts we maybe able to make devil fruits from these though will need to go through tests as well to see if it's possible, will give you updates on them to see if there possible."

"Good, also how's the ancient artificial Zoans coming along?"

"Well we've made some progress but the success rate currently is abysmal boss, the

Genetic code of these ancient animals are much harder to categorize than normal animals, currently the success rate is only at 10%…. Im ashamed to call myself a scientist with numbers this low…" (Noel)

"OI!! What exactly do you mean by that huh?! Are you still making fun of my results with the original artificial Zoans! You always do this! You always do everything you can to make fun of my work!" Caesar says as he begins to shout with tears in his eyes.

"Stop being such a cry baby! Thanks to me you have become 5x better than your former self with my help!" Noel shouts back which leads to a back and forth argument between the two.

*Im gonna just go…. Let these two keep going at each other's throats….* I think to myself before I go and head back to F. Haven.

Just as I get back Robin goes through one of the gates back on the Isle of Man to here, "Vargas I have some news you might want to hear." She says before motioning me to follow her to my office.

When we get there she places something that has a bunch of numbers on it, "Is this all the numbers we have gotten so far, wait! Have you figured out some of the coordinates!"

"Yes I do believe I have a rough estimate of the Longitude of its coordinates with roughly within 5 degrees of uncertainty."

"That's great… but we need a rough estimate of the Latitude as well if we want a rough area of the white seas above…"

"Though I think I've also figured out a rough altitude so far, and it seems to be that the last remnants of the ancient kingdoms capital is somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 feet above the ocean…"

"… if that is true I'm gonna need to talk with Dessit in engineering some breathing gear for us, the higher up we go the thinner the air will be at that height, even with how strong we are it doesn't mean anything if we can't even breathe."

"Well that was all I wanted to say darling, I'm going back to my study to research some more." She says before she goes to leave, but I come up from behind and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Mmm can't you stay for awhile? I feel like I've been neglecting you, so I want to make you feel good." I say as I begin to kiss her neck and nibble her ear.

"Mmmm maybe I should spend sometime with my husband after all, plus a break every once in awhile will do me some good."

I just grin at hearing that before I lift her up and carry her like a princess off to our love nest.



The next day

"So you got another promotion Tanya?" I say as I'm talking over the mushi with Tanya, encrypted of course.

"Yes Captain me and Visha have been hunting down a lot of pirates as of late, I think because of what you have been doing with the whole making it easier for people to get devil fruits now has bolstered piracy as a whole so there's a lot of pirates to hunt down."

"Well that's fantastic news to hear, I wouldn't be surprised that in a few years time you will be a Vice admiral by then."

"Thanks Captain…. By the way did you do something to Gion in the past?"

"Who?….. oh the lady with the spider tattoo on her leg? Oh nothing really just that me and her got into a fight back in Alabasta and she lost and I had to punish her…. I may have been a bit excessive with my punishment on her, why do you ask exactly?"

"Because she keeps a picture of your old wanted poster and constantly throws darts and knives at it all the time."

"Let her hate me I don't care at all what she thinks of me, one day whenever I decide to drop this facade of mine and have both my crews work together in an official fashion I'll make them all pay there dues…"

"Understood, well I have to go Captain I have a new assignment to do, talk to you soon." And with that she hangs up.

"Heh, Gion really hates my guts huh?" I say to myself before laughing it off and heading off to the Lava Pools to relax.


"Wait you want me to do what? Why would I cut off from one of my suppliers that's giving what I want?" (Kaido)

"Because I plan on having Vargas be your main supplier of the normal artificial Zoans instead of Doflamingo… let's just say that he is cutting into profits Me and Vargas could be making, we maybe business partners and him and Vargas are 'brothers' we both don't mind completely screwing him over is all."


"And I'm not saying you do this instantly just that over the course of the next few years just start to get less and less from him and more and more from Vargas instead."

"Hmmmm…. Can you sweeten the deal a bit more?"

"10% discount."





"15 is the lowest I can go, take it or leave it…"

I then begin to scratch my chin as I think about it for a bit until, "Fine we have a deal, over the next few years Vargas will start to take over Doflamingo's profits from this deal of ours in exchange for making you have to pay 15% less, but only on normal artificial devils fruit, you still pay full price for ancient artificial devil fruits."

With that said Kaido just grins before he shakes on it, "Frankly I don't care you want to screw him over, so long as I'm getting what I want I don't care who supplying me in the end."

"Well then pleasure doing business with you, I would stay and have drinks but for the past while now I've been busy with dealing with things on my end so I'm gonna head out now so see you around Kaido." I say before I use my flames to take off and straight back to the Harbor.

"Heh, more money for me in the end and even more members as well." Kaido says before he goes back to drinking himself silly like usual.

Back at F.Haven.

"Man I feel like things are about to get more hectic soon." And as soon as I say that I get a notification from the system.

System- Congratulations host for getting through the Prelude to the main world events, with that said now we have entered into the prologue of this worlds story.

Grade SSS level on the worlds prelude, due to the host having a massive impact on this world through your actions alone.

Rewards- 1 additional Save point making your current total 2, a single use time stop ability that stops time for 1 minute, enough necessary materials needed to help you make one of both Pluton and Uranus and one free choice summon where you can choose any character you wish from either the frontier or from another world.

New Main Story Quest will begin in one years time, before the quest starts please be in the nearby area of where the quest will start off at.

Failure to do so will make quests further down the line more difficult to complete as a result.

"Well me and my big mouth… but hot damn are those some good ass rewards, I'm gonna have to hand off those materials to Dessit and maybe I should get her some assistants soon so she has an easier time on those projects of ours…." I say with a grin as I look at all of my rewards.

"Though so far this has all been the prelude to the main world events and it says that the prologue is about to begin in one years time…. Hopefully I have time to do with it as after all…"

"I'll be a father by then."

End of Volume 6

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