
Chapter 43

Bane was in a poor mood when he got back to the pack and everyone was aware of it. The exact reason why they were unsure of, they just knew that it would be in their best interest to avoid their alpha was much as possible until he had cooled down.

The only who dared to approach him was Crescent and that was only because he knew that his brother would never go after him. Thus, it was safe for him to invade the other's space and find out what exactly was going on with him.

The bottom line that he discovered was that he was pissed at Divo. Not just because the other decided to make his presence known and explain that there were the two of them, but also because of the way that he had handled everything. Their mate had become afraid of them now because she thought they were crazy or dangerous.

Celeste didn't have to say that for him to understand that was what was going on by the look in her eyes after Divo had tried to explain the whole mate thing to her. It was too much for a little human such as herself to understand all at once.

Even though Bane didn't have that much of an interest in taking her as his mate since he felt it was the wrong decision. If he had decided to court her and try to get her to agree, he would have gone about it in more sensible fashion.

"Isn't it better like this though? She knows more about you than she did before and she can take some time to process it. Who knows, maybe she'll come around to everything and there won't be anything for you to be worried about after all." Crescent was always the one to try and take a more optimistic approach to such difficult matters.

"You'd say that, but you weren't there and you didn't see the way that she looked at us." He murmured back. He wasn't even willing to look at his brother and kept his face focused on his phone. There was work that he needed to get done on the human side, but he wasn't really in the mood to handle it. Still, he couldn't bring himself to stop staring at his phone as it did provide a small distraction.

"She didn't reject us but it was the next closest thing to one." He continued.

"I don't even know if it something that can be fixed either. She asked us to leave for now, but it felt like she's going to do everything to avoid us moving forward." Even though his voice was so rough as he spoke, his brother knew how pitiful he was due to the situation that occurred.

Bane was hiding how much his heart hurt over the way that his mate had rejected him by putting on such a thick exterior of anger and harshness. Partly because he wanted to burry those annoying feelings and partly because he didn't want the rest of the pack to know exactly how much he was hurting.

It was a huge thing for an alpha of his status to be rejected by his mate. It was the kind of thing that would cause him to lose respect not only in his own pack, but those around him as well. That was something he couldn't afford in the current situation.

"You're not the first person to deal with such obstacles with their mate. Sure, not many of us have had to convince human mates to couple with us, but it has happened in the past." Crescent tried his best to soothe his brother with his words as he tried to think about what he could to on his own to fix the situation with Celeste.

He knew that the human felt some kind of way about his brother when he went to visit her earlier in the day, but he didn't think that things would end up turning out this way. He thought that his brother would be able to gain her trust by protecting from those two dogs that had begun to stalk her.

Mutts was a more appropriate word for them in his mind. He couldn't exactly tell herself about them or why they were dangerous. Thus, he thought that if Bane met with her and discussed something and got them to go away, she might be more kind towards him. Obviously things hadn't ended up working out that way.

"There are no records or information to follow though on how one deals with this kind of situation. Divo doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong either. He thinks that she's just being stubborn and will come around eventually." Bane growled.

It wasn't just what he did there that he was upset about Divo for. It was the fact that now he was suddenly deciding to be his own entity again. That was going to cause a number of problems that would lead to other events going into motion. Events that he wasn't ready to deal with yet.

"Well maybe you need to be the one to speak with her next time and try to reason things out with her. There's still a lot she doesn't know so maybe if it comes from the more rational you rather than Divo she'll be more inclined to listen?" He suggested.

"You really think that I could just walk in to get coffee tomorrow, apologize to her and ask for a few minutes of her time to smooth things out? I doubt that she'll even be willing to serve me coffee anymore after what happened." The suggestion seemed to only make the other's mood sour even more than it had been.

The one place that he enjoyed going outside of his pack was now going to become tense so long as the little human worked there. He couldn't exactly ask her to quit either. It would be unfair since it was the only source of income that she had.

On the other hand though, he didn't want to have to stop going there either because it was the only place that made coffee exactly the way that he liked it.

"How do you know that it wouldn't work if you don't try it though?" Crescent urged. He knew that he had to do something if he wanted the rest of the pack to calm down and not be so on edge.

It was bad enough that they hadn't been able to locate Asher yet. That wasn't something they were about to tell their alpha though. It would just give him an excuse to vent. Though he wouldn't physically hurt any members of his pack without reason, that didn't mean he was incapable of making their lives hard.

"I'm not going to do it. I won't stop going there, but I'm not going to bother her for now unless she reaches out to me first. I don't think that anything good will come from doing it." Bane said resolutely.

He knew that neither his brother nor Divo would be happy about this decision, but it was his to make and he intended to stick to it. At least until the full moon had passed and he had more time to figure out what he wanted to do or how he could work on gaining Celeste's trust again.

There was so much else that he hadn't told her yet and part of him wanted to say no more about what he really was out of fear that if he did get her to trust him again, she would never want to go near him again after finding out what he really was.
