
Chapter 44

Celeste was still feeling unsettled by what had happened to her even though Liam had been able to assure her though that no one had seen the twins come over to her. He had even taken the time to ask some of those who were nearby if anything strange had happened while he was away. Everyone denied it and said she had been there on her own the whole time since her friend had left.

This somehow made her feel worse hearing this. What had happened to her had felt so real that she didn't think she had imagined the encounter. The cold feeling especially that had been on the back of her neck felt as though it was still looming there even though no mark or anything had been left behind as evidence.

Liam did his best to try and sooth her but there wasn't much that he could do since his client was about ready to show up and he couldn't afford to offend her because of the high position she held. He did promise Celeste though that he would keep an eye on her even while he was with the other client.

This only mildly helped her to feel better as she continued to take small sips from her glass in hopes of helping to calm her nerves. At least with the low alcohol content she didn't need to worry about getting drunk tonight. At most she would just have to deal with a bit of a tired buzz in the morning.

The comment about the 'demon alpha' was something that was sticking in her head however. She didn't know if it was a real question or not, but regardless, the way that it had been said was in a tone that was a mixture of disgust and high interest.

Of course her mind went to Divo and Bane but she had no way of knowing at that moment if they were the ones that the twins were referring to. If so- what else had the alpha not told her about?

Celeste couldn't help but keep glancing at her watch as each minute ticked by. She was hoping that either the client that Liam was with or the twins would leave soon so that she could relax for a few minutes and request to leave for the night.

What was she going to do if she did end up leaving though. Go back to her apartment? It felt like it was the only option that she had, but she wasn't sure it was the best or most safe option. She could ask if she could get away with crashing with Liam for the night, but she didn't know when exactly he would be done and that might cause another problem.

A tiny part of her was annoyed over the fact that she had no way of contacting Bane. She really didn't want to be around him after what had happened earlier on in the day, but she felt like he was the only one who would be able to give her the answers tat she was looking for.

Just because she wanted to talk with him about what was going on didn't mean that she would be more willing to talk or be around him. She still felt as though he might be some kind of dangerous threat and didn't want to take a risk on that.

For tonight though, she was going to have to figure out an option that would make it so that she could get some sleep. She had work tomorrow so she knew that she couldn't come in looking or acting too tired otherwise that might cause problems with customers.

"Are you doing okay? You still look kind of out of it. Do you need me to get you a hotel or call a taxi to get you home?" Liam asked as he came over to check on her when he had a break with his client so that he could go fetch something.

"I don't have the kind of money to pay for a hotel." Celeste admitted honestly. It perhaps would've been a good choice if she did though. Staying the night in a random hotel would probably turn out to be a rather safe space to be. No one would think to look there unless they already knew that was where she was.

"Is that the first choice of where you would want to go?" Liam asked as he pulled his phone out. He knew that he only had five minutes to spare but he wanted to make the most out of those minutes and help his friend.

"For tonight, yes if it was somewhere nearby." She replied honestly. It would make it harder for her to get to work in the morning, but she could manage around that.

"Don't worry then, I will get it taken care of for you. I need to get back now though before my client gets jealous and starts wonder why I'm talking to such an adorable girl like you rather than attending to her needs." Her friend commented as he leaned over to giver a quick teasing kiss on the cheek.

Even though it was a bit of an uncomfortable situation, the action did bring a small smile to her face and a bit of a blush to her cheeks. She didn't think of Liam as anything more than friends but that didn't mean she couldn't be flustered by such an unexpected action.

If her friend really did manage to get things taken care of for her, she would have to think of a way that she could repay him in the future. It was a rather big thing that he was doing to help her even if he was unaware of how much help exactly he was providing to her.

Celeste didn't even know what to say about Liam had done. She hadn't been sitting for much longer as he finished her next glass when a man came over to double check and make sure that she was the Celeste he was looking for.

He had been given a request from of the employees to help take a girl to a hotel nearby and he wanted to make sure that he had gotten the right person and that she knew what exactly was going on.

She was kind of hesitant at first to go with him as she didn't know if he was someone that she could trust, but once she saw Liam giver her a small nod of his head, she knew that it was safe.

She allowed the other to lead her out to where the car was parked and open the door so that she could get inside. The hotel wasn't too far of a drive from where she was at which was a pleasant surprise for her.

Of course, she would have to figure out what exactly to do about clothes in the morning. That was an issue for tomorrow however so long as she got to the hotel safely and managed to stay alive until the next morning.
