
The Body

作者: scarletpaine16
已完結 · 57.3K 流覽
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After a night of partying and having fun, a young lady of about 18 is said to have been found dead at the dawn of the next day. Endless investigations and interrogations began on friends and families who knew the deceased young lady and those who had an encounter with her. After much effort put on by the detective handling the case, the family of the deceased lady decided to close the case. But the question is; Who Killed Jane Hemsworth?

Chapter 1Birthday

-Every first of March speaks about a young vibrant damsel; Jane Hemsworth.

“Jane? Jane!”

“Coming,” Jane replied and hurried down the stairs with her bag in her arm.

“Happy Birthday daughter.” Sarah kissed her forehead.

“Thanks mom!” Jane replied, hugging her.

“So, what do I get today?” Jane asked with smiles.

“It’s very special so I can’t tell you.” Sarah replied with a wink.

“Hmmn, I see. Where is dad? I haven’t seen him this morning.”

“Well...uhm... he went to get some stuff.” Sarah stuttered.

“Some stuff? Huh! That’s odd.” Jane scoffed.

“That’s unlike him. He is always the first person to say me a wish before anyone else. Well, that’s not a problem but, when he’s back, tell him I’m mad at him.” Jane snapped. “Aww baby, don’t do that.”

“Fine! Then I’ll tell him myself."

“Ugh fine.” Sarah rolled her eyes.

“Hurry up and go to school. Your friends would be waiting for you and don’t forget to have fun.” She tickled her daughter playfully.

“Oh mom, stop that. I’m leaving now.” Jane freed herself.

“Okay, bye.” Sarah bade.

“Bye!” Jane yelled and stormed out of the house but before a twinkle of an eye, she was back in the house again.

“Forgot something?” Sarah perked her brows up inquisitively as Jane walked around the house, her eyes darting from left to right.

“Of course.” Jane replied and suddenly halted as she picked something from the shelf.

Jane turned to face her mom, smiles covering her face as she said, “Voila.”She raised her hand up for Sarah to see what she was holding.

“Oh sh-t!” Sarah cursed.

“No no baby, don’t do this,” Sarah said as she ran after Jane around the house

“Mom Please I’m getting late.” Jane laughed.

“Just drop the keys, okay? There’s no way I’m letting you take that."

“Mom, I’m 18. You can’t decide for me anymore.” Jane giggled.

“Oh yeah, that’s true.” Sarah said and stopped chasing her.

“Phew! That was something mom. I know you are worried about me. You’re probably thinking that the cops would arrest me for underage driving ha-ha.”

“Yeah. Whatever.” Sarah raised her hands up in defeat.

“But wait, you still can’t take the car because I have to do some shopping.”

“I’m getting late already. See you later!" Jane said and hurriedly dashed out of the house and hopped into the car, Sarah running after her.

“How do you want me to do the shopping then?” Sarah yelled.

“Get a cab!” Jane yelled back and zoomed off.

“What a girl!” Sarah huffed and walked back into the house.

“Today is going to be awesome.” She smiled as she slumped herself on the couch.


At the school, Jane’s friends; Bella, Carl, Dylan and Chloe, all gathered, waiting for her to turn up.

“Yo Bella, what’s up with Jane? Haven’t seen her this morning,” Carl said.

“Yeah! I’m sure she’s on her way ‘coz she didn’t text me that she won’t be coming,” Bella responded.

“Guys?” Chloe called their attention. “Isn’t that Jane waving at us?”

They all turned to the direction Chloe was pointing at and Bella gasped.

“OMG! She’s driving.” Bella yelled and waved back at her.

“Wow! I almost forgot she’s now 18,” Dylan said.

“Yeah. Go baby.” Chloe shouted as Jane was about parking.

“Whoa, you can do it.” Bella yelled and Jane screamed out of excitement.

She was about parking properly when she accidentally bumped into something behind her.

“Oh no! She hit a car.” Dylan gasped.

Jane stepped out of the car and saw the damage she had done. The front light of the car she bumped into has broken with a little dent on the car.

“What the f-ck!” Jane sighed as she walked up to meet her friends.

“Did you see that?” Jane asked with her brows up.

“Of course we did but it’s not gonna cost much to get it fixed,” Carl replied.

“Wait guys, isn’t that Vivian’s car?” Chloe asked.

They all looked at each other and busted into laughter at the same time.

“Ha-ha. I hit it right on the spot,” Jane giggled.

“Serves her right.” Bella chortled.

“Happy Birthday, girl,” they chorused.

“Aww thanks guys. You are the best people I have had in my life. And you know what? We are gonna party tonight. Today is going to be the best day of my life."



The world is bright, even brighter than what I imagined. The first seventeen years were dull, spending all my time touching all things, pretending to be satisfied with the texture of it. Mom whispered, "The world is cruel, it's better for you not to see it." Dad uttered, "Secrets are meant to be secrets. If you heard that "access denied" don't ever cross it." The confrontation lacks weight as they try to intoxicate me with various information as I grow up. Let me ask you, what's essential? Is it your sense of smell, your privilege to hear things, your ability to taste everything, or is it your hands? Ever considered living without your sight, who are you? You define yourself as to what people tell you. You dress yourself the way they wanted too coz after all, it's their satisfaction that matter. You touch things to feel it, hoping your brain can understand what's behind a rough or a fine surface. From the start, you are seeing things differently to what they see for your eyes are their mouth and they only tell lies. Grandma said, "Be contented Lucy. You are denied of something for you are gifted about something. Isn't it fair?" Grandpa said, "You'll realize it as you grow older. You'll realize in time how having no sight is more of a fortune than a disgrace." Until I get older and my egocentric psyche grows with me, holding my hand and even taking over me. I wanted what's theirs, I wanted to have those. Let me have it please. Let me have a chance to see until I regret it. Regret seeing my mother cried in your hands, you cruel beast. You deserve to die. Let her live. Discord server: https://discord.gg/7vRstbtw

Phantoms_are_true · 灵异恐怖
32 Chs
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