
CH16 (538), Military (11)

After I returned to the camp, I once again settled on my bed in a relaxed position and focused on Utopia. Just as I had done to interact with the Houndour/Houndoom pack, I once again condensed a "clone" that headed to the forest I set aside for the Beedrill swarm in the company of Mothra/Butterfree and Horus/Xatu.

I chose to settle the swarm on the opposite side of the cube planet, away from the Houndour pack since both species/lines were rather territorial. The idea was to give them enough space as well as time to get used to their new environment and the idea that they were all supposed to live in harmony and share the space as well as resources of Utopia in peace.

Naturally, realizing such an idea in nature might have been close to impossible, unless it was a grotto haven or something similar, but thanks to the energy-dense, rich, and pure environment of Utopia as well as its resource abundance, the "impossible" became possible.

I could naturally expedite the process drastically by simply catching all members of the pack and swarm, but to be perfectly honest I had no interest in retaining most of the pack or swarm members even if it was just in name.

Still, the idea had merit, so I made a mental note to later capture those with good/the best potential, along with those who made it to the gold stage regardless of their potential. I'd simply store their Pokeballs in two labeled baskets while they freely roamed Utopia, and if I ever needed to make use of their Pokeballs, I knew where to find them.

Anyway, I moved my "clone" body to the swarm's forest, and Parvati/Beedrill immediately flew up to me to share her happiness at having such a large swarm under her. She did not forget to give Motha a look when she mentioned the size of her swarm since they had their little rivalry going, at least on Parvati's side.

Mothra simply happily congratulated Parvati, ignoring or seemingly not noticing the slight provocative undertone coming from Parvati. It made one wonder if she really did not notice it or if she simply enjoyed acting as such to tease Parvati, but that was Mothra's common reaction to most, if not all of Parvati's subtle or above-board provocations.

Still, I would not be surprised if Mothra came up to me to ask for some more Butterfree for her swarm, so as far as I was concerned the rivalry was not purely one-sided. Mothra did let herself get carried away on occasion after all.

Regardless, Parvati called the upper echelon of the swarm to our side and properly introduced me as the owner of Utopia and her big bro/boss. Naturally, the Beedrill behaved perfectly docile towards me, not only because of Parvati or Utopia's effect but also because of the presence of Mothra and Horus.

After greeting them, I let Parvati, Prime, Mothra, and Horus deal with them, while I went around and checked all their status sheets since I was curious how the potential of the swarm was across the board. I could not help but be curious whether their potential average was going to be higher than that of the Houndour pack or not.

In the end, the swarm's potential average was a bit lower than that of the Houndour pack. If I had to be more specific, I would rate the average potential of the Beedrill swarm as yellow. It might have been close to deep yellow, but it was still yellow, while that of the Houndour pack was just enough to count as deep yellow. That was because the number of high-potential Pokemon was comparatively higher in the pack than in the swarm.

Though, if I decided to add Parvati's previous "elite" swarm/company into the mix, then the potential average of the Beedrill swarm would rise to deep yellow as well, and I would even rate it a bit higher than the average of the Houndour/Houndoom pack simply because of Parvati and Prime.

That aside, the member with the highest potential in the swarm as it was, was a lone (low) bronze-stage Kakuna with deep blue potential, who happened to be the son of the ex-boss Beedrill and one of the two female gold-stage Beedrill officers.

Anyway, after ascertaining the state of the swarm, I pointed out those with deep green and above potential to Parvati, before leaving the swarm to Parvati and heading to my own area. I then called the rest of my Pokemon over for the weekly check-up, before spending the rest of the evening talking/hanging out with them, even if it was through the "clone" body.

For the rest of the 5th month, my Grouday expeditions were the highlights of my week. I decided to set the Vigoroth as my next target, and while the next two trips were a total bust, with no trace whatsoever of my targets, the fourth and final trip of the month took a rather interesting turn.

I did not manage to find those Vigoroth, but a troop of Mankey/Primeape began to encircle and follow me/us after I/we accidentally entered their territory. They followed us for like 5 minutes, their numbers progressively increasing, before they started to attack us.

Seeing their number and the apparent strength of the Mankey/Primeape that were attacking, I let Mothra, as well as Horus, stay by my side and called out Tyson/Machamp, Ali/Gallade, Anubis/Lucario, Kimura/Hitmonform, Melinda/Mienshao, Freyja/Lopunny, and Po/Pangoro to face the troop of Mankey/Primeape.

Seeing how it was 7 against 220 or so, I also called out Gwen/Gardevoir, Tatsumaki/Alakazam, as well as Luna/Clefable, and had them move to my side. They along with Mothra and Horus were in charge of ensuring that the troop did not try to attack us or somehow overwhelm our fighting force.

Not that the first one appeared to be a problem, seeing how each time a Mankey or Primeape got knocked down, the other Mankey and Primeape got even more riled up, attacking the 7 fighters even more fiercely than before, completely ignoring our existence. Not that it would have made too much of a difference even if they attacked us since there was only a single (low) gold stage Primeape among them.

Ali/Gallade, who was close to completing his limit-breaking phase, insisted on facing that one on his own, leaving Tyson/Machamp and Anubis/Lucario, who were both at the (high) gold stage, with no one strong to face. The two of them had no choice but to provoke more of the stronger Primeape to at least get some workout.

With Tyson and Anubis taking up 24 out of 30ish silver stage Primeape, Kimura/Hitmonform, Melinda/Mienshao, Freyja/Lopunny, and Po/Pangoro were only left with 10 silver stage Primeape, 7 bronze stage Primeape, and around 180 bronze/iron stage Mankey to face.

The four fought back to back, the troop having encircled them. The Primeape and stronger Mankey were facing them head-on, while the weaker Mankey were jumping them from above whenever they could, so it was possible to see a Mankey being sent flying from the epicenter of the fight in a parabolic fashion.

Those who managed to stay conscious stood up and quickly reentered the encirclement to wait for another chance at jumping the fighting quartet. Meanwhile, the ones that got knocked out were strewn around the encirclement. I found it funny since it reminded me of some anime/cartoon scene to see them/the minions being sent flying like that.

Meanwhile, Ali was having fun duking it out with the boss monkey, and he even gave himself a handicap to increase the difficulty of the fight. He only used physical moves against the boss Primeape, sealing his special/long-range as well as healing moves.

More than 10 minutes passed and both of them were panting heavily, though Primeape looked more roughed up than Ali did. Yet both of them were grinning widely, obviously enjoying the fight.

In the meantime, Anubis and Tyson had pretty much taken down their respective dozen foes even though they did not go all out. As for the quartet, their encirclement had thinned down quite a bit. More than half of the Mankey they had been facing at the start were strewn out all around them.

On the other side, less than a minute later, Tyson and Anubis had taken down the last Primeape, and they timed it so that both Primeape got knocked out simultaneously. They grinned at each other, and after making sure that Ali was fine, they turned to the quartet that was still being besieged.

Though neither interfered in the quartet's fight since they felt no need to interfere in a warrior's battle unless one of our fighters was in true mortal danger. While Anubis and Tyson were watching over the mass battle, Ali's battle was nearing its end as well.

Both Ali and Primeape were swaying around sporting various shades of blue, green, and purple all across their bodies. They were exchanging blows, blocking nearly every punch of the other with a punch of their own, only occasionally landing one on their adversary's body. Sometimes, one of them sneaked a kick or knee in but the other side nearly always reacted in time.

Honestly, their confrontation looked more like a supernatural MMA fight than a Pokemon battle, but I certainly enjoyed watching it, so I was not complaining. Anyway, after Ali managed to land a solid one two combo, Primeape decided to go for a clutch to get some breathing time, but that turned out to be the deciding moment since Ali used that moment to deliver a devastating Zen Headbutt, which made Primeape's world spin.

Primeape's arms let go of Ali, and it fell backward and did not get back up. Ali pushed its leg to ascertain whether it was out or not. When it showed no reaction, Ali gave a satisfied nod before checking the general situation. Once he saw that Anubis as well as Tyson were free as well as keeping an eye on the quartet's fight, Ali began to heal himself up, and after 3 Heal Pulses as well as 2 Life Dews, he looked much better.

I then saw Ali looking at the still knocked-out boss monkey and after deliberating for a few moments, Ali actually used a Life Dew, which was enough to wake Primeape up. While Primeape began to stir and groggily sit up, Ali smirked at it and greeted it with a "hi". Primeape first looked a bit out of it, but after realizing the situation, it gave Ali a respectful nod.

Primeape then took a look at the general situation, but even after it saw that nearly its whole troop had been taken out, it did not act out. I was sure that the fact that they were simply knocked out and not dead was the main reason for that.

It simply stood up and moved beside Ali. They watched the final confrontation together. Though Primeape's action did not go unnoticed by the Mankey who were still engaging Kimura/Hitmonform, Melinda/Mienshao, Freyja/Lopunny, and Po/Pangoro.

There were only 40 or so of them left, and once they saw that their leader had pretty much "conceded", they stopped fighting as well, which took our quartet by surprise. I saw one Mankey being sent flying since Po did not manage to stop in time and the Mankey did not jump back far enough in its attempt to stop fighting.

The Mankey took a collective step back when they saw one of their own being sent flying even though they had stopped battling. They retreated to their leader's side, though none of them tried to attack Ali seeing how their leader was "calmly" standing beside him.

Seeing the fighting stop, I moved towards Ali and the leader with everyone else in tow. Seeing Primeape's reaction/respect toward Ali, I made telepathic contact with Ali and told him to offer Primape as well as his troop the chance to join Utopia.

Ali gave me a mental nod before he began to speak with Primeape about their fight. After exchanging a few enthusiastic sentences, Ali brought up Utopia and mentioned the various advantages of Utopia. Ali then extended the offer of moving there to Primeape, who seemed tempted enough.

Ali seeing Primeape's hesitation stuck the iron while it was hot and persuaded Primeape a bit more. In the end, Primeape asked to see the place, so I moved it, Ali, and the remaining conscious Mankey to Utopia. I moved their freshly generated habitat to the bottom side of the cube planet and observed their reactions from the outside through my admin view.

Once Primeape and the Mankey had gotten a taste of Utopia, I brought them back out, and the troop seemed much more enthusiastic than before. Primeape even properly acknowledged me for the first time since this whole confrontation started. He did that because Ali had told him that I was the big boss and the owner of Utopia.

After confirming that they would be joining Utopia, we healed the knocked-out troop members enough for them to wake up. After explaining the situation to them, Primeape led us to their nest, where a few baby and youngling Mankey were staying along with a few regular Mankey that took care of them.

Primeape shared the news of them moving with those Mankey as well, after which they gathered a few of their belongings that they wanted to take along. Once they were ready, I moved the whole troop inside Utopia, along with all my other Pokemon aside from Mothra and Horus.

The three of us then spent another 2 hours looking for any signs of the Vigoroth before we had to return since my free period was about to run out. Since this search had failed as well, I decided to give up on the Vigoroth. Besides, while I had not gotten any Vigoroth, I did get a batch of Primeape/Mankey.


***A Big Thank You to Miles jacob tyler ellis for becoming a Patron***

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Currently, the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 2/4 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Miles jacob tyler ellis for becoming a Patron***

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts