
Chapter 54: The Mouse Ran Up the Clock, Part 4

Travel Time

The Almost Yesterday Pub, Arundel, Sussex, England

Katya nearly spilled her drink as Dickory unexpectedly shoved his head under her elbow to be petted. She snuck a chip from her plate into his grateful mouth, which he gladly brought under the table to eat.

Cyrus had left the pub, which brought him back to normal time, to make arrangements for getting a new car. He was instructed to stand outside the abandoned pub and Dickory would sense him and bring him back in. Soon Dickory did just that. He whined and went to the door, and Cyrus walked in. Eventually, pub inhabitants learned how to arrive by themselves.

When Cyrus rejoined Katya at the table, Nancy addressed them both. "So, you never said what brings you here to our side of the pond. I'm sure it's not just a coincidence that two employees from National find their way here."

"We're investigating the appearance of the Titanic over in Southampton," answered Cyrus.
