
Chapter 55: The Mouse Ran Up the Clock, Part 5

"Yeah, listen up, Knight, Cartier and I have been working on this for a long time. We call it the T-Tab. Your boyfriend here is one hour in the past, and the T-Tab allows us to communicate through time."

"Yes," continued Louie, "but so far, it only has a range of about one hour, now we have to find a way to boost the signal."

"But we also integrated T-Mail which allows us to send typed messages across time," said Howie. "It has a much longer range...almost five years."

"Congratulations, guys," said Cathy. "My parents will be very happy about this."

"For now, we're keeping this under wraps," said Howie. "So, listen up, Callahan, don't go blabbing to mommy and daddy. Hashtag Blabbermouth!"

Cathy looked down with hurt feelings. "It's your project; you'll tell them when you're ready."

"Well, I for one think that this is truly a blessing," Centehua interjected. "You must be very proud. It is great use of your God-given talents."
