
What Exactly is Love?

Rafael pressed the cut on his upper arm. Rafael slinked back into the train carriage. He grabbed the bag from his seat. Some passengers were surprised to see Rafael's pathetic condition. Wet and covered in blood. Rafael's face is difficult to recognize because of the mask he wears.

Before the person sitting near him could say anything, Rafael had already turned away, carrying his backpack. He opened the emergency exit again. He was back standing on the iron veranda.

Rafael felt the raindrops hitting his face, cold. The sound of the wind began to be loud along with the train's speed, which began to slow down. Thirty minutes later, they will arrive at their destination station.

Rafael's breath hitched, not from the cold but fear. It had been a long time since Rafael had served on the front lines. It had been a long time since he had trained physically so hard. But now, he had no choice. If he didn't jump, the authorities would surely arrest him for murder when he arrived at the station.

Rafael started to step over the railing, his body standing on the edge of the train carriage. He saw a row of dark, lush trees. He also saw the tiny houses at the long distance.

[All right, on the count of three, one, two, three!!]

Rafael jumped as far as he could. His body hit the wet ground hard, then rolled several times. Rafael felt pain as if his bones were breaking. His body was getting heavier because of the thick mud.

"Ach!!" Raphael screamed in pain.

"Shit!!!" He cursed. Rafael looked up at the night sky. The rain washed the mud off his handsome face.

The train was getting further and further away, his voice getting fainter in Rafael's ears. It seems that he still has to delay his return, must postpone his desire to hug his wife.





"Are you crazy?!! Jumped from the carriage? What if you die?" Regina immediately grumbled as she stitched up the wounds on Rafael's body.

Rafael came in the middle of the night, wholly battered and bleeding arms. Regina widened her eyes, half in disbelief. Rafael is a member of Team Omega who is never seriously injured in combat —he's a sniper, used to long-range combat.

"It wasn't this painful before," Raphael complained.

"We're not the trained soldiers we used to be, El. We never even wake up at dawn." Regina applied for the red medicine before covering the seams with a bandage.

"You're right!! Damn it, why do those people keep chasing me?! Actually, who is their leader?" Rafael hissed. His heartfelt furious.

Rafael got up. He was wearing the dry clothes Regina gave him. The practical uniforms belonging to the intern were more comfortable than wearing wet clothes—Rapfel's entire backpack was soaked.

"Don't mind that for now. Take your medicine and rest. Don't let the wound get infected." Regina put down a bottle of water and antibiotics.

"Thanks," said Raphael. Regina nodded and hurried back upstairs to her room. She curled up in a blanket, continuing her sweet dream.

Rafael sat near his brother, Light's bed. He stared at his pale face that was gaunt until it looked like a living corpse. Rafael and Regina have managed to keep him alive for almost ten years. Imagine how tormented Light's soul.

"Brother Eric, when will you wake up?" Rafael whispered. He held his brother's hand. Tears began to fall from the corners of Rafael's eyes.

"Does it hurt so much, Bro? Until you don't want to see the beauty of the world and our togetherness anymore?" Rafael put Light's hand back into the blanket.

Rafael was silent, staring intently at his brother's face. His body looked thin, no longer filled with the stiff muscles from his strenuous training during his time in the army. Light is different from Shadow, Light is cheerful, and Shadow is quiet. Light is more friendly, while Shadow is introverted. But Light loves Shadow, and Shadow loves Light. But Light knows how to express love, while Shadow doesn't.

"What exactly is love, Brother? Have you ever loved someone? Can you tell me what it's feelings to love someone?" Rafael fell asleep, resting his head on the edge of Light's bed.

Light's hand moved slowly. His fingers twitched slowly.

