

What exactly is love, Brother? Have you ever loved someone? Can you tell me what it's feelings to love someone?" Rafael fell asleep, resting his head on the edge of Light's bed.




Have you ever loved someone so deeply?


Do you dare to go against the world just for the person you love?

Throw away the world you live in, throw away the world you breathe,

Throw away the world you stand on,

Just for the sake of that person. Have you ever?




"Kaleela, sorry I'm late. I was waiting for everyone to sleep." Eric —Light's real name — ran out settle down from the UN's camp, their current temporary base.

Eric promised to meet Kaleela in the parking lot of tanks and armored cars. Kaleela was able to fit through the gap under the barbed fence because of her tiny body. Only Eric and Kaleela knew because the hole was also Eric's doing.

"Me too, not long ago." Kaleela smiled. The cold desert air and the strong wind blew away Kaleela's hair hood.

"Oh...!" she screamed, lucky that Eric was able to catch the pashmina quickly.

"Here you go." Eric put the hood back over Kaleela's head, draping the ends of the pashmina around the blue-eyed girl's neck.

"Thank you." Keleela's face warmed, blushing at Eric's sweet behavior.

A few days of knowing each other was enough to make the two close. Kaleela often invites Team Omega's entourage to get to know residents' settlement routes. Also, several alternative paths leading to enemy territory. Kaleela translated every investigation King did. Eric was always there. Honestly, Eric couldn't take his eyes off of Kaleela's figure. It seemed that the man had entered into the beautiful magic of this Middle Eastern woman.

"What are you daydreaming about?" asked Kaleela, both of them now sitting on a military car. Eric helped Kaleela up. They both sat on the hood of the big car.

"I'm not daydreaming, just remembering what happened today. When we went to the market earlier. You gave the fruit to a little girl." Eric lay down on the hood of the car, Kaleela followed him.

"I have a sister her age."

"Oh yeah? I thought you lived alone." Eric seemed enthusiastic, curious about Kaleela's life.

"My grandfather is French. He fell in love with my Middle Eastern grandmother when the world war ended. Grandpa was a medical volunteer. They have two children, my father, and aunt. My father migrated as a reporter and came to Indonesia. He married my mother, and I was born." Kaleela smiled wryly as she told her life story.

"Then? What's wrong? Why are you suddenly sad?" Eric furrowed his brows in disbelief.

"My father and mother are of different religions, so they don't have a marriage certificate. My father was deported, and I had to go with him because my mother wouldn't support my life. My life would be much better if I followed my father." Kaleela stared far away at the bright stars that stretched wide in the night sky. Unfortunately, her destiny was changing. The country that she currently lives in was again in dispute because of political issues and civil war.

"Are you Indonesian-blooded?? Seriously?!" Eric almost died of joy, never expected that the girl he liked was from the same family.

"Yeah, that's why I can speak three languages. Bahasa is one of them. And now I'm your translator." Kaleela's smile.

"Then how is your mother? Are you guys still in touch?" asked Eric.

"Still, Mother remarried to a nice man. She has two daughters. We haven't spoken much since Mother married." Kaleela smiled. Her eyes seemed to hold back longing.

"You miss her?" Eric stroked Kaleela's face. Suddenly tears fell from her eyes which were as clear as the sea.

"I'd be lying if I didn't miss her, Eric. It would be a lie if I didn't want to see her again. I miss her every day." Kaleela starts to sob, Erik hugs her.

"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have asked. So you don't have to be sad." Eric patted Kaleela's back lightly, trying to calm the cute girl from the tears.

"The important thing is that she is happy now, Eric. The important thing is that they are fine." Kaleela wiped tears and smiles. Eric loved that sweet smile.

"After my mission in this place is over. I promise to take you back to Indonesia, Ella. I promise." Eric kissed the back of Kaleela's hand. The girl didn't refuse. She liked the way Eric calmed her heart at this time.

"Thank you, Eric."

"I love your smile, Ella. Keep smiling, don't cry anymore." Eric stroked Kaleela's beautiful face. He brought his skillet closer slowly. Eric's lips landed smoothly on Kaleela's.

Kaleela closed her eyes, enjoying the strains of Eric's lips that caressed hers tenderly. Eric kissed her lip full of passion, giving a taste of sweetness to Kaleela's mouth. It gave off a feeling the two of them had never felt before.

"I love you, Ella."

"I love you too, Eric."


Eric's life detector suddenly beeped loudly. Rafael groaned, immediately woke up from his sleep.

The alarm went off, Regina jumped down from her room. Quickly run to the hybrid room where Eric's body lay. The body was convulsing on the bed. Rafael looked panicked. He was astonished by the frightening sight.

Regina washed her hands with alcohol, answered the flashlight and stethoscope. She also took several bottles of medicine and a syringe.

The sound of the life detection machine is getting louder. Eric almost has heart failure.

Tuutt .....!

Eric's seizures disappeared along with his weak heartbeat.

"No!! Please don't, L!! Don't leave me!!" Rafael burst into tears. He saw Eric die right before his eyes.

"Don't cry, S!! Quickly help me, do CPR!!!" shouted Regina. Eric had heart failure.

Rafael wiped the tears. He climbed on top of Eric's frail body and pressed against his chest. Regina blew air into Eric's mouth with the assistive device.

"Check!!" Regina stopped CPR, checked his pulse.

"Not yet!! S, do it again!!" Regina tried to get Eric's heart rate back.

"Come on, Eric!! Come on!! Try it, just like ten years ago!!" Rafael pressed to the rhythm of Eric's chest.

"Check!!" Regina counted Eric's pulse.

"Return!" Regina's face looked relieved. Vital signs come back on, flashing and rhythmically stable. Grass-like diagrams began to appear. Oxygen saturation rose, Eric began to breathe again. Regina re-injected anti-seizure drugs, as well as some heart-strengthening medications into the IV line.

"I'm grateful!" Regina's hands shook violently, so did Rafael. The man fell in the corner of the room. Curled up in tears, he continued to grip his hair.

"Eric, please don't leave me now," Rafael whispered.


Oh my gosh, El, I'm crying


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