
A Burst of Light

I'm real mixed up now Casey has dropped back into my life. I couldn't leave him on his own in a state. To take my mind off him being here I decided to have a full on sparring session with Geordie. All sweaty I make for the bathroom. The door is locked. Surely Casey's not still in there. I've been waving my blades round for over an hour.

“Casey you in there?”

I knock on the door. There's no answer. Perhaps he had an accident. He wasn't exactly stable when he went in. “Casey!” Why did I leave him alone? So, he sent me a few letters. They were only invites to parties. Okay he totes used and manipulated me when I was suffering with depression but... well I don't know.


Click goes the lock. “What?” The door opens a crack.

“Are you alright? I thought something terrible had happened.”

“Like what?”

“Like you fell over and cracked your head open on the basin or wrists bled too much or-”

“-Shut up being over-dramatic.” Casey fully opens the door. Shows me his wrists. They're bandaged up, concealing his raw flesh. “Fine, see.”

“Then why are you still in the bathroom?”

“I fell asleep.”

“You should have said you were sleepy. I'd have let you borrow my mattress.”

“I thought me being tired was blatantly obvious.” Casey pushes past me. “I was suspended by my wrists for over a day.”

I stay stood on the spot. “That would have killed me.”

“I thought I was in purgatory.”

“With the angel?”

“I don't think angels hang out in purgatory. I suppose I must have been delirious for a time. Do you want me to leave? If you tell me where we're at I am sure I shall manage to find my way to Kensington.”

“No.” I run in front of him to bar his way out the house. “You shouldn't wander a lone. What were you thinking heading to Bloomsbury by yourself?”

“I was thinking there are fit guys in Bloomsbury.” Casey ducks under my arm. “Don't worry I won't send you any more letters. That third one was the last. You're obviously not interested in champagne or parties.”

“I wasn't ignoring your letters,” blurts out my mouth. What is wrong with me? “I've been on two weeks leave. I only received them today. I went to find you to tell you to stop sending me mail because I'm not interested in attending a party hosted by you. The last time I turned up at one of your parties everyone was making fun of me. You, Frankie, and Milo were the worst gossiping behind my back.”

Casey abruptly stops on his way to the front door. “If you knew I took the piss why would you keep letting me into your room?” His tone is sharp.

“Because you're all I had. I couldn't face the world completely a lone so lived in a deluded hope you'd one day turn around and stick up for me.”

“You knew and kept quiet the whole time,” says Casey in his special cold tone. “You don't get much more needy or pathetic.” He presses his hands together.

Needy. Pathetic. Those words jab at the core of my soul. “At least I was never cruel,” I shout. As I do Casey's whole body stumbles forward in exhaustion. Manages to catch himself by the shoulder against the wall. What am I doing ploughing through the past when Casey is traumatised in the present? I get hold of his hands, pry them apart. Ewww sweaty. “It's okay.” Scary. One minute he's strutting down the hallway the next he's crashed. Must be an energy level issue. “I'm going to make you lunch, you'll eat it, then can have a proper sleep on my mattress 'kay?” I tug him into the kitchen and sit him at the table, which he slumps on top of. Slumping is not a very Casey thing to do.

I hunt in cupboards for something to eat. Come across bread and ham. Sandwiches it is. I set to work slicing ham and sawing at a loaf. Press a cup of water into Casey's hands. He doesn't bother gripping.

Grabbing a chair, I sit right next to him and place an arm round his shoulders for extra support. “You're not cruel. I shouldn't have implied you were,” I say to spark any kind of reaction. “Cruel is what Yuki's done to you. Your arm muscle must be real ceased up hey. You weren't supposed to get caught up in Cloudy business.” Still slumped I give him a little shake. “You know what? I was thinking while I made these sandwiches: I can't put the blame on you because I got teased at school. If I'd been tougher maybe I wouldn't have gotten picked on. Sorry I tried latching myself onto you, being needy. I've got my own crew now, with lads I fit in with. I think they've made me less of a coward.”

“When your lad's in trouble you should realise,” Casey mumbles to himself. “Where'm I?”

Phew I think he's coming back round. “In my kitchen having your lunch.”

Casey shoves me from his shoulders then grips his cup. “Did I pass out?” Takes a gulp of water.

“Not quite. You sort of crashed. Fatigue perhaps.”

Despite his split lip Casey forces himself to take a huge bite of his sandwich. “Did you make this?”

I nod. “I don't usually do household chores, but Charlie's gone flying with the others.”

“Bread's dry.” Casey drinks the rest of his water to wash away his dry sandwich.

“Thanks Al lad.” Swipe Geordie comes up behind me and makes off with my lunch.

“Hey meanie!”

“Blah blah blah,” Geordie says through a mouthful of my sandwich.

“I thought you'd gone flying.”

“Someone had to keep Casey out your pants.”

“Geordie!” I wail.

“See he's cosying up to you already.”

“I am doing no such thing.” Casey drags his chair away from me. “He chose to sit there. Has no idea about personal space. I’m not trying to seduce him. All I’m doing is eating my lunch which may I add is eaten so-”

“-So slow down,” I jump in before he can start talking about walking to Kensington by himself, “and use my mattress to get some sleep. Charlie will drop you home in the morning.”

“I am not sharing a mattress with you.”

“I didn't say share! I'll be sleeping elsewhere.”

Casey flicks his fringe. “Good. I'm glad you understand I am off limits. I'm not your type.”

I tap out the Kensington Palace anthem tune on the table as Casey gets up to go in search of my bedroom. What I forgot about Casey is his cold tone means: I don't know how to react so I'm going to make you feel shitty, so I am in control. I know exactly how he works only he doesn't know I know because when we were seeing each other I was too weak to challenge his manipulative methods. Not anymore.

“You shouldn't presume to know someone's type.” I want to learn more about him even if it's only as a friend. I take the third letter he sent me out my pocket. “I'm afraid I can't risk going to any parties in Kensington. If you ever want to hang out in the future you're welcome here or coming to this pub me and Geordie found. Oh, and if you want to carry on writing to me be discreet about it. I don't want Yuki making any more trouble for you.” I write down what I've just said on the back of his letter. Hold it out to him.

“Why would I ever want to see you again?” Casey takes the letter and tears it up on his way out the kitchen.

“Has he got bipolar or summat?” asks Geordie.

“Nope. He's being a brat because he's cranky. I really don't want Yuki hurting him again. She's gone for him because he knows me. I can't let that slide.”

“Oh boy he's under your skin.”

“Not exactly. Him being here makes me uncomfortable. I figure he wants what he can't have so if I let him have contact with me he'll lose interest and find someone else to annoy." I flick at the torn up pieces of letter. "Then there's the matter of me promising I'd sort Yuki when we rescued him. And before you say I'm being crazy going after Yuki for Casey it's not just for him. Her symbol on the wall aggravated poor Don and I'll never be able to get rid of the sight of her slashing Charlie's face. What next? My nerves won't stand finding out. What if she tries to hurt one of the griffons? I don't even know where Sunshine is at the moment.”

“Don't get hysterical; he's showing off his aerial tricks to Danny and Charlie.”

“Geordie, please let's make a move against her. She's made plenty against us.”

“We'll talk about it when Charlie and Danny get home.”

“Do you know where Don went?”

“No but he was wound tight.”

Swing the back door is flung open. Casey skids through in a great hurry with Sunshine chasing after him. “Get that beast away from me!” he gasps on crashing into the table.

“No Sunshine.” I stand in front of Casey. “He's a friend who has had a terrible couple of days. We're being kind.”

Sunshine raises his head and blinks at me as though to say: You're joking with me, right? When he sees I'm being completely serious gives a sigh and takes himself outside.

“You're supposed to be in bed. What are you doing running round outside?” I get Casey a fresh cup of water. “You're going to hurt yourself further.”

“I didn't hurt myself to start with.”

“I know. That came out wrong. I'm sorry about Sunshine he thinks you're bad for me. He's usually very friendly.”

“Just me that's not then.”

“That's not entirely true. You're ever so friendly when you want something.”

I get a cut up type of stare.

“I'm just teasing, silly.”

“You'll get used to that. Tease, tease, tease, all day long off Al while Geordie backs him up using snide comments,” says Charlie as he comes through the back door. “What did you do to upset Sunshine?”

“He arrived,” says Geordie.

“Snide comment number one,” says Danny as he follows Charlie in, “keep them coming.”

“Not at Casey,” I exclaim, “or he won't feel welcome.”

Danny gives the hot choccy powder jar a shake. “Wasn’t that the general idea to make him feel un-welcome so he doesn't wanna come back?”

“No! Wherever did you get a nasty thought like that?”

“Jeez a couple of hours ago you wanted me to send his eyes black.”

“Danny he'll hear you.” I press my hands over Casey's ears which doesn't go down too well.

“What is wrong with you?” shouts Casey as he shoves me away.

“Don't worry you ain't getting special treatment,” Geordie leans real far back in his chair until it’s on two legs, “he doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself.”


“Well you don't. Sit down and behave.”

I perch on the edge of the table. “You'll crack your head open swinging on your chair then poor Charlie will have to mop up your brain.”

“At least there's brains to mop.”

“Why do you have more than one? No wonder you've such a big head,” I giggle.

There's a barbaric yell as Don storms into the kitchen splattered in blood. He swings his sword in a most aggressive manner like a feral child. Shade stares at us through the window gnashing his white bone beak. “No mercy to Thunders!”

“What have you been filling his head with Geordie?” says Charlie.

“Me? I don't charge round on random Thunder killing sprees.”

“No mercy to Thunders: he's imitating you because he's impressionable and admires you, skies knows why.”

“I do not copy Geordie.” Don clips Charlie round the ear with the hilt of his sword. “He's group leader and says no mercy to Thunders. I am following those instructions.”

“You can't keep killing Thunders whenever you feel like it. It's savage.”

“You saying having a plan makes killing them less savage? They slashed your face. Burnt down Cloud High. Hurt Geordie's head. And I'm not in logistics.” Don spins on Geordie. “You can't tell me I'm a planner to keep me from fighting them. I won't stop till Yuki's dead.” Whack he takes out a wedge of table leg.

“Get him to stop. It's unsightly,” says Charlie.

“I ain't the boss of him.”

“He tried to wash the smiley face away.” Whack, whack, whack, goes Don's sword against the table leg. “Wouldn't come off.”

“Who tried to wash the smiley face away?” I ask as Casey backs away from the table.

“I don't remember. Yuki's smile was on every wall and wouldn't come off.” Whack, whack, whack. The table drops to the left.

“The walls of your cell?”

“No this was other walls.” Don heaves his sword out the table leg and jabs it in Geordie's direction. “You going to help me take her down or what?”

SMACK. Geordie whacks Don's sword clean out of his hand. “No one's taking anyone.” I get the glare. “Especially not in the heat of the moment.”

“You're an idiot,” screams Don. “I thought you'd change stuff but sit round doing nothing like the rest.” He keeps on screaming. We stand round waiting for him to calm down. Calm isn't coming. “We have to wash it off!!” He gets hold of the water bucket and whoosh throws our remaining drinkable water at a wall.

“There's nothing there,” says Charlie.

“Isn't there?” Don rubs his eyes then stares at the wall. “How come I see a smiley face?” His voice falters. Sounds like he is going to fall into another screaming fit. Before that can happen, I put an arm round him. “I'm seeing things Corey West. Am I crazy?”

“No. You were brought up in a cell seeing all manner of horrors; considering that you're super sane.”

“Super sane?”

“Saner than me. You're bound to have flashbacks and distressed spells. When you get wound tight you can come to me. I'll help. Ride your problems out with you.”

“Don's sorry he threw water everywhere; will mop up the mess.”

“Don't trouble yourself.” Geordie swats a tea towel at Charlie. “He likes doing chores.”

I help Casey untangle himself from his chair. “I told you to chill.” Next I get hold of a pencil and dwindling stack of paper which I push over to Charlie. “Plans.”

“For what?”

“Captain Yuki has made a direct personal attack against our youngest member. In doing so she's initiated a gang war with us.” I pick up the fallen sword. Place it gently on the table. “I bet you didn't even draw blood, did you? Something else happened.”

Don scrunches up the hem of his shirt.

Danny sits next to me. “You've got taking down Yuki all wrong. A commander can be replaced. If we're going to make a difference, we need to squash the master.”

“Confront Midnight?”

“Exactly mate.”

“Whoa,” shouts Geordie. “You two quit conferring. My boot is down. We're going nowhere near yet.”

“Making plans won't hurt. We can get some ideas together to protect our team but don't have to play them out. It'll be fabulous practise.”

I sense Casey staring at me as everyone gathers round the table. I tilt my head in his direction. “Did you want something?”

“No,” snipes Casey almost snarling. “I was just thinking you are wasting your time making plans when you do not intend to use them.”

I've managed to get everyone sat round the table. Charlie's pencil is poised ready to write when there's a shriek from outside and an ear piercing scree from Shade which has Don swipe his sword from the table, and bolts for the door. We all pile outside after him, save for Casey who smacks his head against the table as though to say: Whatever's happening leave me out of it.

Growling Don launches himself in front of Shade, swinging wildly at Ashley, who is gearing herself up to take down a skeletal.

“Fuck's sake.” Geordie elbows Don to the ground then locks blades with Ashley. “How the hell did you find our safe house?”

“Your safe house?” Ashley tries to push Geordie away, but his muscle is too much for her, so she favours swerving out of their lock and giving a side sweep for under the ribcage. “It's not very safe when you've skeletals roaming on your doorstep.”

Block. “That's Shade. We caught him and his rider.”

Whooosh Chunk bombs from way above, chasing after Snowshoe. Sunshine comes skipping over to me, in the process disturbs Geordie and Ashley's duel by parting through them.

“Great Al. Get your griffon under-control.”

I giggle as I pat Sunshine's beak. “He's excited to see all six survivors of the raid at Cloud High together. Happy reunion!”

“Six survivors?” Ashley swerves her gaze onto Don. “You're the boy I bought scarfs.”

“Double great, mouth. You lose all sense when you see this girl.”

I think Ashley's heart catches. I know mine has.

“What did you say Geordie?” Ash puts away her sword and sticks her hands in her pockets.

“That I have some sense to begin with.” I laugh.

Geordie glares at me. “We have a major problem. We've a security breach.”

“Don't be a silly. Ash wouldn't tell our location away, would you?”

“She's on Team Cain, she'd tell.”

“Would you like to come inside for a drink?”

“Don threw away the water,” Charlie reminds me.

“Well sitting out here with all my favourite people in the world is good enough.” I grab Geordie and Ashley by the wrists and pull them to the ground where Don's landed. I wave at Charlie and Danny. “Sit, sit.” They sit. I beam. Everyone together. Almost everyone. Casey's a lone in the kitchen. A lone. I remember being isolated at his party. A terrible awful memory. No one should be made to feel isolated. “Casey!” I wait a few seconds when he doesn't come I jump up, run to the back door, lean inside. “Casey, come sit with us.”

Oops sssh. No wonder I got no response; he's flaked out on the table. So he'll know he's not been forgotten if he wakes up while we're outside, I fetch a blanket and subtly drape it over his shoulders. Poor Case having a tough time.

“Who's this?” whispers Ashley as she peers into the kitchen.


“Jess's cousin?”

I smile and nod, no longer embarrassed about him telling the world we were dating. Worse things happen in the sky. “He got hurt badly by Captain Yuki. The memory of how I found him this morning is ingrained. He was suspended from a tower block ceiling. He's been mean to me and has a big ego but doesn't deserve what he got. I can't let it slide.”

“How come?”

“Because he was my first time I've got an attachment to him that'll stick with me forever even though he only ever wanted me for sex. If he ever needs help or a friend I could never refuse him.”

“Are you sure he only wanted you for yeah that? Seems odd him sending you letters otherwise.”

“I was popular for a week. He craves attention so was probably using my reputation to big himself up.” Yes, that sounds exactly like something Casey would do. “Seen as we’re on the subject of sex. You and Geordie?”

“What about – hey there's no me and Geordie.”

“I've seen you watching him flex his arms.” I wink.

“I was figuring out what move he was going to make against me. Any hoot I prefer...”


Ashley shakes her head and gives her cute smile. “Does Geordie like me?”

“Of course he likes you. Who wouldn't? You're smart and pretty, easy to talk too. A fab kisser may I add?”

Ashley's cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. “Sorry. If I knew you were gay I'd never have pulled such a stunt.”

I giggle. “I didn't mind. Enjoyed kissing you. I'm bi.”

“Oooh” Ashley laughs a long with my giggle. “And this one taught you kissing?”

I nod and crawl my fingers a long Casey's arm. He's toned up a few notches. “Case knows lots of naughty things.”

“I like his hair do.”

“You should see it when he's hosting parties or whizzing down slopes on his board. He's the most stylish person I know.”

Ashley crawls her hand a long my arm. “You're way more stylish Al. I'm loving your yellow jacket and how you work your accessories.”

“It's not what you wear it's how you wear it!” I exclaim rather loudly. Loud enough that Casey jerks awake.

“What,” a hand clenches round my wrist, “are you doing?”

“Telling Ash plenty about style. Not that she needs telling. Knows exactly how to wear her clothes.”

“I said doing.” He squeezes my wrist. “I've told you many times none of this mauling.”

“This isn't mauling this is friendly.” I pat Casey's shoulder. “You're very welcome to hang outside with my friends.”

“Who's the hussy?” asks Casey, when I place a hand against Ashley's back, as we turn to join everyone else outside.

How very rude. I give Ashley's back a gentle push wanting to get her away from Casey's nasty comments. No no no. I snatch away my hand. A grey patch blotches my skin, right across the knuckles. Shrieking at the sight of it I run past Ashley, outside, trample through my friends, and take off round to the front of the house with Sunshine gliding several feet above my head. “Help!” When I scream Sunshine lands in front of me.

I hold round his neck tight. “It's happened, already, without warning. Two weeks too soon after last time. I can't stand it.”

Sunshine licks the grey patch.

“Can't stand what?” Casey marches on over to me from the front door. Clever not following me from round back.

“None of your business.”

“That Ashley girl thinks you ran off because you were appalled at me calling her a hussy. I know different. What can't you stand?”

“I'm gonna take a guess it's you.” Geordie shunts by Casey. “What's the matter Al lad?”

I show him my hand. “It's too soon. I used to have a month or two.” My breaths grow tight. “It's going to consume me.”

Casey shunts Geordie back. Actually causes him to stumble to one side. “Consume?”

I pull my sleeve over my knuckles. “None of your concern.” Heck if Casey finds out the rest of the world will hear. My chest constricts. Can't breathe. End up on my knees.

“Look what you've done.” Geordie kneels opposite me. “Remember to breathe, yeah, like Danny tells ya.”

Not so easy done. The shakes set in.

“Whatever happens we'll fix things, you, me, and Sunshine. Chunk might even help.” Geordie pokes me. “Don't you start leaking. On second thoughts go all out. I'll fetch a bucket; will save me a trip to the well.”

I give a suppressed giggle. Try to hold in eye leakages but tears dribble anyway. “Sorry.”

“Don't be a daft lad. I'd be freaking too. Try breathe yeah.”

A moment later Danny's come over to see what the problem is. I automatically reach out for his arm. Cling hold like I used to back in Cloud High when my panic was at its worst.

“Mate, did Casey bring this on 'cause I thought it a bad idea he came here.”

I shake my head while Geordie musters the problem into Danny's ear.

“What's wrong? Why won't anyone tell me?” demands Casey as he gives his fringe a flick. Sunshine blinks at him then rests his beak on top of my head and purrs. “Maybe I could help.”

“You can't help even if your heart's in the right place,” says Charlie as he joins us. Only has to look in my direction and knows exactly what's happened. He sits with me. “The best thing you can do is chase it then as soon as you're feeling able have a long ride in plenty of sunshine.”

“Is Corey West hurt?” Don runs at me and attaches himself to my free arm.

“I'll be alright in a couple of minutes.” The shakes ebb off. “Don't you worry about me.”

“Oh, but I do. Want me to send our visitors home? I'll tell them times up, yes I will. Then we can sit in the kitchen and play poker, and everything will be okay.”

I slip my hand out my sleeve to show him the grey patch by way of explanation.

“Tell me.” Casey shoves through Don.

How mean. I couldn't pick a worse time to explode at his pig headed behaviour. I thrust my hand at Casey's face. “This is why I ran away from home. It had nothing to do with you messing with my head.” I pick myself up off the floor. “Take a long hard look.” I'm hoping the sight of my greying skin will have him run for the hills, well between them in our case.

“The affliction?” Casey stares at my hand perplexed. “But you're a Harlington.”

“No one's immune.” Oh, my badness Cain and Jordan are coming in for landing. Ashley stands a few paces away staring at me in shock. “Tell whoever you like. I don't care who knows anymore because it'll end up killing my soul.”

“I won't let that happen,” says Geordie.

“You can't stop it.”

“You've fought it this long.”

“Doing so is tiring.”

“It's only a small patch. You're having a weak spell like me at HQ the other week.”

“Major security breach,” says Danny in his usual casual tone despite, Captain Yuki and her squad of skeletal riders, dipping out the Cloud Barrier in hot pursuit of Team Cain.

Shade clatters over to us while Chunk leaps off the roof roaring. A second later Don's swung onto Shade and is airborne.

“Whoa everyone hold!” yells Geordie. I think that's aimed at us his team. “Don, I order you to hold.” Too late Don's gone after Cain. Jams his sword into a Thunder who almost clips Cain off Chillchill. “Fine carry on.” Geordie pulls the rest of us together. “Defend our patch, right? Drive everyone who isn't us away from the house. Forget everything else that's going on.” He slides his sabre out the sheath. I flick out my switchblades while Danny works his katanas in a quick warm up I'm ready exercise. “Charlie boy, where's your bloody sabre?”

“In my room.”

“It's useless there. Take sleazebag inside while you fetch it. Double quick. Let's go.”

Our world scatters. Danny's the first to move, jumping on a charging Honey. Charlie grasps Casey's arm and they make for the house. Chunk slams down in front of Geordie. They're up. I'm about to get on Sunshine when a downed skeletal and rider land almost on top of Charlie, it misses but falls on top of Casey. My heart catches for the second time today. I need to get over there. No need he's okay. A little winded perhaps. He gives Charlie an aggressive push, refusing any help up. Charlie hurries into the house by himself. Okay if Casey wants to look after himself I'll have to respect his wish. I follow Geordie into the air.

Up here is crazy. Everyone's flying circuits round our house trying to knock each other to the ground. Charlie climbs out Geordie’s bedroom window onto the roof, where Hotaru is waiting for him. I wince as Geordie and Danny send Thunders raining to the ground. Cain gets chased around by Captain Yuki; he seems distracted by something. I can see him getting caught. I fly right at Scally, bash into her. Take a swipe at Yuki. Miss.

“Corey West!” Yuki creases into laughter. Swerves her good eye onto me. Ot-oh.

“Let's get outta here.” Sunshine spurts into the clouds. The whole squad chases after me at Yuki's command. For a second I look behind my shoulder. Casey's being chased too. That fallen skeletal wasn't dead. If I keep flying below direct sunlight Yuki's squad will follow. I'll be able to lead them away from the house.

“Don't!” Geordie yells after me knowing exactly what I intend to do.

I keep going. “Fly your fastest, Sunshine. Stay in the clouds.”

We dart along going straight. I try to ignore the blotch on my hand which is spreading. Spreading at an alarming rate I've never experienced before. My body feels strange. Sort of like fading as though I'm in serious need of a sugar boost. Yuki's right behind us. Can hear her sword swishing. Even worse Sunshine's slowing down as though out of breath. That's never happened before; he's constantly a buzz of energy. Whatever this new development with my affliction is it must be affecting Sunshine too.

“You should leave me. Let me fall off. I'm causing you problems.” Having Sunshine has been amazing. I simply cannot have him suffer because of my ill health.

Sunshine shakes his head and tries to pick up speed.

Slice. Yuki's blade scores my jacket.

“The affliction's taking me,” I breathe as the grey spreads up my arm to my elbow. “Let me fall so I won't be a burden on anyone.”

Sunshine shakes his head again despite his speed decreasing even more. We've no chance of out flying Captain Yuki.

“Then we best do a good helpful thing for our friends before we become useless. It's okay to be grey.”

We swerve to face Captain Yuki. Our sudden manoeuvre catches her off guard. I span out my arms, holding my switchblades. Ot-oh her squad is right behind her. Best try lure her away from them. I giggle. “You're so slow and clumsy.”

Yuki stares at my right arm. “And you're going grey.”

Sunshine spirals further into grey cloud. We push on despite my floatiness and his tiredness. Yuki soon catches us up. Scally's claws hook into Sunshine so we're stuck together. I hum in time to Sunshine's purring. If I'm dying, flying is the way to go. The nail polish on my nails cracks, flakes away. Sunshine manages to find an extra spurt of energy, beats his wings hard, forcing Scally up towards real sky. I take a hit at Yuki. She blocks me. Scally is too big for Sunshine to force out the Cloud Barrier. This is bad. As Yuki takes a swipe at me I thrust a switchblade into Scally wanting her to release poor Sunshine whose breath is labouring. As metal makes contact with skeletal membrane my grey skin burns making me cry out. No, no longer grey. The grey beams a dazzling yellowy orange, all the way to my shoulder. Hurts, hurts, hurts. I keep pushing my blade into Scally. Sunshine bursts into his namesake colour. The brightest of light flashes through the both of us lighting up the Cloud Barrier. Yuki has no time to make a sound as Scally, followed a millisecond by herself, combust into light. My blade is no longer in skeletal membrane. Gone. I lean back in shock. Fall away from the light, my head a whirr of dizzy.

Fall, fall, falling. Sunshine tries to follow me, but his balance is off as he's falling half gliding all over the place. Light lingers where Scally and Yuki went bust. My eyes flicker. Energy level super low. Ground must be close. I don't think Sunshine's going to be able to catch me this time.

Branches snap...

Think I must have blacked out for a while because the next thing I know I'm laid on my stomach real high up in a tree across a branch. Too high. How am I going to get down? I look round for a way. Can't see one and daren't move in case I fall. Owie my stomach sure does hurt. I lay hung across the branch staring through the rest of the branches at dead woodland floor. How embarrassing.

“Al! Al! Alex!” Geordie calls for me from not too far in the distance.

“I'm up here,” I say knowing he won't have heard me.

“Al! Al! Al!”

I try again when he's closer. “Up here!” I can see him looking for me from the ground with Chunk stamping along beside him. I wonder where Sunshine is. Hope he's okay.

“Al?” He stares up searching for me. “Thank fuck. What’re you doing up there?”

“I'm stuck. Geordie help Al down?”

“If you reach out you can grab that branch to your left then-”

I shake my head. “Can't. I'm stuck.”

“Right I'll come help ya. Gimme a few minutes.”

Geordie sets to work climbing the tree. This is so embarrassing. Anyone else could have gotten themselves down.

“That branch there,” says Geordie once he's more or less directly below me. He climbs towards the branch he's talking about. “You just have to reach out and never mind.” He climbs onto the branch he wants me to pull myself towards, reaches over to me and holds onto my arm. “Come on. Over to me.”

I edge, still on my stomach, to the end of my branch. Shriek as I let go and hold onto a new branch.

Geordie climbs down a branch. “Feet where I was standing. Easy yeah?”

Not really but I try. Geordie's ever so patient helping me down. Takes forever for me to reach the ground. When I do Geordie's arm goes around my shoulders. “Everyone thought you'd exploded Al lad. Think they're looking for limbs. I knew different, knew you'd be alive. Are you okay?”

“My stomach hurts,” I groan, “and nail polish has come off see?”

“Has it?” Geordie inspects my hand. “There's no white spots here if it has.”

No white spots. True. I turn my hand over and over. The grey blotch has gone too.

“What did you do up there?” Geordie points to the Cloud Barrier. “Look there's a break in the clouds.” A little light shines onto the tree I fell into. Geordie's hand squeezes my shoulder. “Perhaps you've no longer got the affliction.”

“Please don't give me false hope.”

“There's a break in the clouds, your nails are clear, and who the hell's griffon is that?”

Still yellowy orange Sunshine peeks out from some dead shrubs then runs over to me full of purrs, rubbing his head against my chest.

“Sunshine, I'm so glad you're okay.”

“He's bright. Hotaru is not going to be amused.”

I laugh. “He never is.”

“Your griffon staying sunny yellow adds to my point. I don't think you have to worry about the affliction anymore.”

I hold my hands out an arm’s length away from myself. “Perhaps you're right.” I smile. “Time will tell.”

“If you do still have it don't worry yeah, 'cause I've always got your back. You might have the affliction but it's my problem as much as yours. You sure you're alright?”

“Drained, like someone's sucked the life force out of me; apart from that I think I'm fine.”

Keeping an arm hooked round my shoulders Geordie stirs me in the direction he came from. “We best get to the search party meet up point. We meet there every twenty minutes to see if you've been found.”

“A search party for me! How many twenty minutes have there been?”

“We're only on our third.”

How awful awkward having to tell people I was missing so long because I was stuck up a tree. Sunshine looks even more awkward than I feel as he keeps his distance from Chunk and ducks into foliage when the opportunity arises. When we get to the edge of the woods he brushes up against me.

“Al!” shout Danny and Charlie almost in unison. I give them a shy wave as they break away from Team Cain to greet me.

“What happened? There was an explosion in the sky,” says Charlie.

“We thought you'd blown up,” says Danny.

“Did you kill her?” Don jumps out of a tree landing in front of me. “Did you?”

“I think she combusted when the light hit.”

Don flings his arms round my waist. “I don't know what combusted is but sounds like she's dead. Thank you.” Next his attention is whisked onto Sunshine. “He's shiny like you. Is it permanent?”

“Well he's usually faded right after...” I trail off.

“Affliction.” Jordan strides over to me. “You have the affliction?”

“He did.” Geordie stands in front of me doing his macho protective routine. “Not that it's any of your business.”

“That light. A healthy person with the affliction. It doesn't make any sense.”

“I was never healthy. When we met I was wearing contraband nail polish.”

“You're healthy now 'cause it's gone,” says Geordie.

“We're not a hundred percent certain yet.”

“Let's say you are cured, that, along with this light explosion leaves a lot of unanswered questions for Cloud Association. Cain how are we going to tackle this issue?”

Only Cain is away with the fairies. Has eyes only for Don while Ashley presses at his arm trying to keep him calm.

I nudge Don. “Maybe you should apologise for stealing his shirt.” A shirt he happens to be wearing right now.

Don gives a huge grin to rival Cain's. “Sorry I burgled your washing line. It's such a handsome shirt and real sky blue is my colour.”

“It's not the shirt. Keep the shirt.”

“Why's he looking at me funny?”

“Cain maybe now's not a good time,” says Ashley. “We've a lot going on.”

“I'm not a Thunder!” Don yells defensively. “Shade's good. Sad was bad. I helped you up there today. Without me you'd have been hit off Chillchill.”

“Yeah you helped me, but I couldn't help you.”

Don pouts. “I don't need help. Look after myself.”

“Don't remember do you?”

“Remember what?”

“I don't expect you to. You were what three years old.” Cain stares intently at Don's face. “I know exactly who you are. Would never forget those ice blue eyes. Thought you were killed when our house got invaded. Assumed it was me Midnight had sent Yuki to fetch when all this time it was you.”

Swoop Charlie's already connected the dots to this puzzle. “Don, who do you think that boy was who tried to wash the smiley faces off the walls?”

“If I knew that I'd...” Don follows Charlie's gaze over to Cain. “Him?”

“I did try my best to wash that face off our walls. Then they killed my twin right in front of me. I couldn't concentrate after that. Not without Denna. Sorry I didn't know where you went. I had a furious fit.”

“Killed a Thunder with a tin bucket,” musters Don. “Smashed his head in. Two of them. Water, blood, paint, everywhere.”

“She was my twin. You were my brother too. I shouldn't have lost it. Should have put my energy into trying to help you get away.”

“You were awesome,” exclaims Don. “Killing two Thunders with a bucket neat. We'll kill lots and lots more to avenge your twin.” Don gives this scary grin.

Cain shakes his head. “Denna's not coming back no matter how many Thunders fall. We've got a new family to take care of now.” He points his thumb backwards at Jordan and Ashley.


“Yeah, you're my brother. I hope you can forgive me for failing you and oh hello.”

"Big brother!" Don attaches himself to Cain. “I didn't remember.”

While Team Cain is welcoming Don into their ranks Charlie turns to us. “We need to sort out what we're going to tell Courtney.”

“We weren't near any explosions. Al's tired; don't need aggravation.”

“We need an alibi,” says Charlie.

“We were in our tent. Simple.” Geordie pushes me into Sunshine. Raises his voice so Team Cain can't say they didn't hear him. “If anyone starts gossiping about Corey having the affliction I know where it's come from.” He gives Team Cain death daggers while making sure I'm safely seated. “We'll have a quick fly home in the sun. We could all use the err...”

“Vitamin D,” says Charlie.

For the first time ever, I fly at the back. My body feels weird as though empty and full at once. I hold loosely to Sunshine's feathers which gleam in sunlight. We must look super amazing together now he's stuck with his true colours. I wonder if he preferred being grey.

On landing at home that skeletal which fell on top of Casey charges round the house. I'll leave that problem to a grumbling Geordie. I need to sit alone, quiet for an hour to come to terms with what's happened to me. Try to understand.

Before I can get inside Charlie is at my side. “You haven't eaten today have you? You ought to. Want me to make you something?”

“For in an hour? I need to sit.”

“Certainly. Do you need help upstairs?”

“I'll manage.” I smile my thanks then grab the handrail and pull my way upstairs. My room. An hour's peace then back to being me. I just need an hour.

Urrr one hour is too much to ask for. Someone is sat on my mattress underneath the blanket. Hope it isn't a Thunder. There were an awful lot of them flying round the house. Could be a squatter. In case of hostility I ready myself with a switchblade then flick away as soon as swishing the blade open, as the body under my blanket gives a sniff. I think they might be crying.

“Is something the matter?” I say to the blanket.

As soon as words leave me Casey hurls himself from under the blanket and smacks into me. A hug. A tight hug which hurts my bruised stomach. I don't complain. Here's something else to understand. This is weird for Casey. His scent gets into my nose making me remember us. I daren't close my eyes in fear when I reopen them I'll be in my attic, and the last few years, with actual friends, will be a dream. After a whole minute he finally let’s go and sits on the edge of my mattress with his back to me while discreetly trying to smudge away stray tears.

“Did Thunders hurt you?”


“Then has your skateboard broken? Must be something awful to make you leak.”

“I thought I saw you explode. Everyone went looking for you. I wanted to help. Didn't. Couldn't look for pieces of you, so rode away.”

“Rode away on what?”

“I made that wretched skeletal which fell on me, give me a ride. Then that light. You exploded or at least I thought you did. Was a shock. Now I'm good.”

“Are you sure? You don't sound convincing.”

“Yes, I was just... how would you feel if you thought you saw me explode?”


“I felt distressed. Upset. Distraught.”

“Distraught is a rather strong word.”

“Don't you get it?” Casey squeezes his hands together. Watches his fingers turn red then releases the pressure. Lays back on the mattress to stare at the ceiling. “Why do you think I'd humiliate myself spreading false rumours about Corey West and I, and bombard you with invitations?”

Because he likes being in-control and I'm sort of popular at Cloud Association. He wants to jump on the popular wagon. I keep these thoughts to myself seen as I don't have the energy to get into an argument.

Casey inhales a deep breath, then exhales his explanation as though each word adds to his humiliation. “I needed to see you to tell you, I love you. No one else is right for me. I've tried going with other boys, sure I have, but I don't like any of them the way I like you.”


“You're fine so good.” Casey sits himself up. “I'll leave you in peace. Sorry for causing you any stress or inconvenience.”

“Case.” I think I might have got his intentions wrong.

“What?” is snapped at me in pure guarded Casey fashion.

“You can't tell me you love me then leave."

“Yes, I can because it's blatantly obvious you have no love for me. Which is okay. I hope you find someone you love who is as kind, pretty, and friendly as you are. Now you know I can move forwards without wondering what if.”

Kind. Pretty. Friendly. “You think those things about me?” I sit next to Casey. Tired I rest my head against his shoulder.

“What are you doing?”

“I'm using you as a leaning post because I'm sleepy 'kay?” He tries to pull away. I lean after him.

“This isn't appropriate behaviour considering...”

“Considering we could be cool again if you want to get to know me as a friend. I'm not depressed any more so won't be a drag at parties. Why don't you think it over a while?”

“I have. We can't”

“Why ever not? You said you loved me.”

“Exactly. How can I be your friend when you don't love me in return? I'd be tormented terribly.”

I tilt myself from Casey's shoulder. Catch our reflections in my full length mirror. His bad boy charm compliments my pretty boy style despite us being a touch shabby today with my mussed-up hair and his blurry eyes. "Try be my friend please? Is true I don't know how I feel about you at the moment, but I do know I used to be in awe of your big ego and I still like your trendy haircut."

"I do not have a big ego."

"Yeah you do it's huge." I giggle. "Bigger than Geordie's head." To try distracting him from this awkward moment in time I flash my nails right in front of his face. "Look, whatever made Yuki explode quite probably blasted away my affliction too."

Casey catches my wrist. Inspects my nails. "No white spots. How strange. You must be the first person in history to beat the affliction. I'm pleased for you." He lets my wrist go and nudges me with his elbow like he used to. "Okay let's give being friends a shot."

“Frickin’ hell!” yells Geordie from outside my window. We both run over to the window and lean out to see what's happening. Geordie's thudded to the ground. That rogue riderless skeletal must have knocked him over. It stands over him screeing. “Shut the fuck up and get outta here.”

The skeletal lifts its head, still screeing, it's cold grey eyes stare at Casey.

“Did you say you rode him?”

“Only once to try catch up to you.”

“He won't leave,” I call down to Geordie. “He's made friends with Casey.”

“That's just great.”

“I most certainly did not befriend that abomination.”

“By riding him you formed a bond seen as his old rider is dead.”

“Don't you dare tell me he compliments my style Alex, sorry, Al Harlington. Thunders ride skeletals which I am not.”

“Not necessarily. Don's not a Thunder and he has a skeletal.”

“Yes, well that kid's an odd duck, and grew up around them.”

“But he likes you.”

“I don't like him.”

“You best make sure he knows it then,” says Geordie as he darts away from the skeletal before getting thumped by a bony tail.

Casey swings himself out the window, drops down to land on the bottom floors outer window ledge, then jumps to the ground in front of the skeletal. “Get gone. You're not welcome here.”

Scree. Scree. Scree.

Casey flicks his fringe then points to the sky. “Piss off.”

The skeletal tosses its head then walks a full circle round Casey. Snaps at Casey's finger as he points to the sky.

“That hurt you brute.”

The skeletal keeps circling. Casey spins round on the spot, keeping eye contact with the skeletal. “I live in Kensington which is no place for a night terror like you.”

Snap, snap, snap goes the skeletal's beak then that beak rubs against Casey's bandages, while maintaining eye contact.

“Yes, you were on the squad that strung me to a tower block. Why ever would I want anything to do with one of your kind?”

“Pat him,” I suggest.

“He's not a puppy. You come down here and pat him.” Casey steps out of the skeletal's walking ring. “Go home to The Plaza or wherever you came from. I expect there are plenty of Thunders eager for a mount.”

“Exactly why you should accept him. If he's with you he won't kill innocent people.” I lean further out the window.

“Do you have any idea what that would mean for me?”

“You could fly to Dover and come on a picnic with me!”

“Oh boy,” groans Geordie.

“A picnic. I was thinking I'd have mobs coming at me from all sides. A picnic seriously?”

Drip drop. I lean even further out the window. “Rain!”

Casey holds out a hand while Geordie stares to the clouds. Rain doesn't fall much and when it does is a drizzle. I laugh as Sunshine runs inside knocking Charlie over in his hurry.

Drip drop drip drop. Big droplets. Charlie watches the rain deep in thought, while Danny sits on the veranda with Honey, enjoying the refreshing rain.

“What happened exactly when Yuki exploded?” asks Charlie as the rain picks up another notch.

“I put my blade into her skeletal. My grey skin glowed yellowy orange, and light blasted, they exploded, I did not.”

“That is highly irregular.”

“No shit.” Geordie stares at a new break in the Cloud Barrier.

“Is that a break in the clouds?” Charlie spots what has caught Geordie's attention.

“You've only just noticed? The break has been there since Al landed.”

“What? Why didn't you say anything? This is extremely serious. We need a cover story or excuse to these bizarre happenings.”

“Calm down no one's gonna link breakages in clouds back to Al.”

“They might.”

“Only if you get flappy. And it's a good thing so no harm done.”

“It won't be good for Al. Midnight wants control of the cure for the affliction and the barrier gives her an advantage where skeletals are concerned. If there's pockets of light occurring, she's going to get narked. She certainly won't want Al flying around freely.”

“Shut up you're scaring him.”

I back away from my window. My affliction is still causing problems even if it is gone. There is no escaping myself. Wherever I go trouble sticks with me as fast as my shadow.

Charlie knocks on my door then comes in with my dinner. “Are you sure you're feeling alright?”

I shake my head and tap my temple. “I don't know how or what I did. My mind is going to lose the plot. I'm on the verge of panic attacks. If they start over I'm not sure I'll be able to pull away from them.”

“Eat your soup while it's warm.”

I hold onto the spoon.

“I'm going to figure out how to approach Courtney so you've no need to worry about what she'll make of your affliction.”

“Geordie's tent lie?” I dip my spoon into soup.

“Geordie's tent lie is too simple. We need a more complex fabrication. I'll think up something tonight to spin in the morning. You've no physical side effects, have you?”

I blow on the soup on my spoon then shake my head.

“Good. I worry about you Al.”

“I worry about me too.”

Danny and Geordie fall into my room. They've been listening in by the door.

“Don't worry. Listen at that rain,” says Danny as he and Geordie sit either side of me. “Our lives have been much brighter since you came along. Don't you forget it.”

“You know what you're gonna do? You're gonna draw summat.” Geordie picks up my sketch book from where it's sat on the floor by my neatly folded clothes pile.

“Am I?”

“Yeah, by the fire. No use winding yourself knotty up here. Charlie does the worrying. I boss everyone. You cause havoc. While Danny sits back chillin'.”

Finding my smile, I put my arms round Geordie and Danny. Closing my eyes, I'm back on the edge of Watch Post. Wish I had a third arm as I feel as though I'm leaving Charlie out. As he makes to leave my room I spring up and force him into linking arms with me all the way to the lounge. Ooo there's griffons everywhere. Hotaru preens himself on the landing. Honey blocks the bottom of the staircase and I can hear Chunk knocking the table about in the kitchen. They must disagree with the rain. My Sunshine is sat by the fire. I sit with him. Take my sketch book and pencil slash paint tin from Geordie. Danny lights us a fire while chatting to Geordie. Charlie sits in his meditation pose in the armchair reading a philosophy book. I try to think of something happy to draw. Stuck for inspiration I end up doodling random patterns.

When warmth from the fire hits I get too sleepy to draw so abandon my pencil. Curl up leant into Sunshine. Listen to rain hammering on the roof. Casey comes into the lounge, sopping wet. He has a nosey at what Charlie is reading then sits quiet by the armchair, deep in his own thoughts until Geordie breaks the silence.

“Did you get that skeletal to leave?”

“No. He's jumping about in the rain like a fool. Hopefully he'll be gone by morning.”

“And you?”

“I shall be going home you will be pleased to hear.”

Only in the morning the skeletal has not flown away. He's on the largest hill stretching his wings. When he sees Casey go outside ready for Charlie to give him a ride home, he clatters down the hill and screes incessantly at a put out Hotaru.

Ignoring the skeletal Casey gets on behind Charlie. The skeletal grabs hold of his sleeve and tugs until he is pulled off.

“What do you want from me?”

The skeletal flaps his wings.

“I think he wants to be the one taking you home,” says Charlie as Hotaru impatiently prances on the spot.

“I'm never flying you again. Get that into your thick skull.”

The skeletal hisses and tries to press its head against Casey's palm.

“You won't be welcome in Kensington.”

“Who says you have to stick to Kensington?” I say. “And he wouldn't follow you twenty four seven. He'll have skeletal places to be and business to attend. Hotaru disappears for hours at a time, doesn't he?”

“When he knows he's not needed.”

“You're not needed.” Casey pushes the skeletal's head. “You'll never be needed.”

“Actually you do require a ride home and he knows. He'd be totes proud to be seen with you as his rider.”

Casey scratches the skeletal's beak. “Would you?”

Scree. Scree. Scree.

“Fine you win. I will allow you to take me home then your services will no longer be required. You can bother someone else.”

“Do you want me to escort you?” I ask.

“I'm quite capable of getting home by myself.”

“It's just you're not exactly an experienced flier.”

“I've been horseback riding and managed splendidly yesterday. If you can ride a griffon I can handle a skeletal easy. See you around Alex.”

“What no goodbye hug?” snorts Geordie as the skeletal runs in-between the hills and thrashes his wings, soars into the clouds, taking Casey with him, who is holding tight, rocking about, looking unstable.

“Casey's not into that kind of thing. He's worse than you. I sure hope he finds his way home.”
