
A Merry Activist

Why when we enter the main building at HQ does everyone stare at us? We try to act like nothing unusual happened yesterday by heading straight for the assignment office. Geordie rests his elbows on Drake's desk waiting for him to fetch our job from one of many pigeon holes.

“You're to report to General Courtney's office immediately.”

Geordie snorts. “What does she think we've done this time?”

“How should I know? I just hand out assignments.”

“Have you been sneaking into the library without permission, Charlie boy?”

Charlie heaves a sigh. “Getting summoned to General Courtney's office is not a matter to joke about. Let me do the talking.”

“That'd look awfully suspicious,” says Geordie as we set off for the room of doom. “I'm gonna to talk too.”

“Can I talk?”

“If you feel the need sure. Gets funny when you try to explain yourself.”

“Do you want to talk too Danny?”

“I think we should cut ourselves off from this place. Last night when you lot went to bed I got talking to Casey. Actually he got talking to me. I was trying to ignore him but what he was saying got me thinking.”

“And what was Sleazebag saying?” Geordie pauses a few feet from Court's office.

“Ever thought you've been brainwashed? In first year you used to try run away from Cloud High. Now when you've got the ability to leave through Chunk you keep returning to HQ.”

“I have not been brainwashed!” yells Geordie.

“Ssh,” hushes Charlie with eyes on the office door. “Now isn't the time to be having this conversation.”

“I said we,” presses Danny. “If we were brainwashed we wouldn't know.”

“I'd know. What you listening to Sleazebag for?”

“Because he's an outsider. Said he was taking Cloud Association studies for his finals at Kensington Palace.”

“That's a dumb subject.”

“We're supposed to be-” tries Charlie.

“-All I'm hearing is blah blah blah.”

Courtney thrusts open her door. “Geordie Henley will you keep your voice down? I'm dealing with one headache in here, don't you add to it.”

“Tough you wanted to see us. Here we are.”

“This is correct. Team Cain seem to think you might know what happened to Captain Yuki seen as you burst in on them and messed up their assignment.”

“We messed up their assignment? That's rich. We were minding our own business then whoosh there's a sky fight above our measly tent.”

I have this awful sinking feeling I'm going to get in trouble today. Lies aren't going to take away the fact two breaks have appeared in the clouds.

“Let's not have this battle out in the corridor.” Courtney waves us into her office.

I go in second just behind Geordie. My heart thumps and hand tugs up my hood super fast. Sat on Courtney's desk in a red trench coat is my mum. I want to turn and run but doing so would be awfully suspicious. Does my hood make me suspicious? When Mum looks up from observing her nails she smiles at us before reacting to Courtney's voice.

“Sorry about the intrusion but I do need a word with Team Geordie. Perhaps you'd like to wait for me to finish our discussion upstairs?”

Mum keeps smiling as she shakes her head. “I've heard interesting snippets about Team Geordie even while all the way away in Japan. Don't tell me who's who let me guess.”

“Mrs Harlington please, we haven't time to play guessing games.”

“Nonsense, I've all the time in the world.” Mum holds a hand out to Geordie. “Blue black hair you must be Geordie.” She shakes his hand. “Terrible business with Midnight when she caught you, when you were on a patrol in Hackney. Still we learn from our mistakes.”

She points at Charlie. “Charlie Taylor, I believe due to your facial scar. I cannot apologise enough for Cloud High being raided. I warned your General more appropriate defences should have been put in place decades ago.”

Her eyes glitter over Danny. “Katanas means Danny Kaito. Master Hugo, skies rest his soul, mentioned you in a letter he sent me. Said you were his best trainee since Cain Dacota.”

She claps then folds her arms. “Which leaves Corey West from the Black Market. Running wild popping Yuki's eye and goodness knows what since. Do you always wear a hood?”

I fake sneeze. “'Fraid I gotta head cold.”

“My sympathies. If I find some hot choccy powder in logistics' larder you shall be the first to know. So, Courtney dear what did you want to talk to this talented young team about?”

“There was an explosion of light in the sky yesterday and a break in the Cloud Barrier was left behind. Team Cain seem to recall Team Geordie and Captain Yuki's squad being in the area at the time.”

“One of Midnight's experiments I expect. How could these four be involved in light blasts?”

“That is what I'm trying to discover.”

Mum presses a finger against her dimple. “Maybe there were mirrors involved to catch the sun's rays. You know how wappy Midnight gets trying to put the scarers on everyone. Did your team see anything Geordie?”

“Like I said already we were minding our own business by our tent when a sky fight broke out. Then there was this burst of light.”

“Hurt my eyes,” I say.

“Skeletals scattered. We had nothing to do with whatever assignment you gave Cain,” says Charlie.

“Just defended our tent,” says Danny.

“If you want answers grill Team Cain more. Those guys get away with way more shit than anyone else. I even heard they get to pick their own assignments.”

“Is that part of the brainwashing to keep them here?” I ask.

“No,” snaps Geordie. “Cain likes shiny things so wants all the best jobs to pay for them.”

“Would you three shut up?” groans Charlie.

“I didn't say anything,” says Danny.

Mum jumps from the table full of energy. Wanders over to the bookshelf. Traces a finger along book spines. “You have an aggressive collection of books Courtney dear. War and misery. Would you like me to lend you a cheery novel?”

“A cheerful novel won't help me gain control of those Thunders.”

Mum turns from the bookshelf her eyes shining with a merry intelligence. “A new Cloud High would. If you want Dave and I to fund the whole project we will have our terms. Get some ink we best get these terms down in solid writing.” She pauses while Courtney dips a quill in ink and straightens out a sheet of paper. “Firstly, a barracks is needed here at HQ for your hard working field agents.”

“Excuse me, my headquarters has nothing to do with how Cloud High operates.”

“I think you'll find it does as your trainees wind up hanging round HQ. Tents are out of the question for the youth of today to be slumming in.”

“This is hardly Kensington.” Courtney grits her teeth holding back sharper words.

“Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was?”

“No,” grunts Geordie. “Pompous pricks with their well to do language looking down their snooty noses at normal people like us ain't that right, Corey lad?”

“They do need educating better. A cheerleader thought Cloud High was poor people school.” I tap my switchblade. “They're wrong. Cloud High was a family home for kids way down on their luck. You won't forget to have a memorial for Master Hugo, will you?”

“What a wonderful idea. Yes, our second term is a memorial for dear Master Hugo. Thirdly I'd like an experienced team to patrol the new Cloud High twenty four seven.”

“I've not agreed to term number one,” says Courtney.

“We're not touching Cloud High until I see a barracks here for field agents.”

“We've caught Shade and his rider!” shouts an excited field agent from out in the corridor.

Surely no one has got hold of Don; he's supposed to be staying with Cain. Unless Cain telling Don, they were brothers was an elaborate scheme to bring him in. He wouldn't be so cruel, would he? Only one way to find out. I dash outside with the rest of the office.

Scree, scree, scree pierces through the air so high pitched a window cracks.

Out on the patio field agents have wrapped rope round a skeletal's limbs and pull taught, keeping him from flying away.

“There he is,” exclaims the field agent practically jumping up and down in excitement. “I'm surprised he was so easy to get hold of. Fell straight off Shade as soon as we made contact.”

“That isn't Shade,” snaps Courtney.

“Casey!” I yell as he punches the field agent trying to restrain him. I knew I ought to have escorted him home.

Beside me Geordie laughs at blood gushing out the field agent's nose. “Got quite a swing on him for a posh lad, don't he?”

“You've no idea.”

“Someone get that Thunder under control,” orders Courtney.

“I am not a Thunder,” protests Casey. “If your agents believe me to be one they are poorly trained.”

“If you're not a Thunder what are you doing riding a skeletal?”

“The clumsy creature fell on top of me when its rider was downed by one of your lot. Hardly my fault it took a liking to me.” Casey balls up his fist. “Do you mind? You are causing my ride distress.” Instead of using his fist Casey rushes the nearest agent holding a rope. Knocks him flat on his back. Flicks his fringe as the skeletal throws back his head, and with a swing of the tail knocks his second captor off his feet.

“Casey!” I exclaim again.

“What? They knocked me out the sky.” He gives his usual naughty smile which was lost to him yesterday.

“Do you know this Thunder?” asks Courtney.

I nod scared I'll land myself in trouble if I open my mouth.

“Thunder. Oh no. Courtney dear this young man is from Kensington. A neighbour of mine. One of the Hillcrests I believe. Lives three doors down from me on the opposite side of the street. What an unusual occurrence for a skeletal to latch onto someone who isn't a Thunder.”

“He hasn't latched onto me. He's merely giving me a ride home. If you'll excuse me I have lost patience with you Cloudys. The scrapes I keep getting into is ridiculous. Look at my wrists.” He holds up an arm to show us. “I've been mugged, tied to a rafter, chased by a griffon, had a skeletal fall on top of me, and now abducted by morons.”

“You are not going back to Kensington on a skeletal. In fact I am taking you in for further questioning.”

“You can't,” I find myself protesting. “He hasn't done anything wrong.”

“He is in the company of a skeletal. Riding one freely is out of the question. That thing has probably killed fistfuls of our agents over the years. Do you two know each other?”

Obviously Courtney doesn't pay any attention to gossip that circulates round clerical. “Vaguely. I found him on my patrol a couple of days ago. Thunders had him strung up in a tower block. He's been resting up in my tent.”

“You have him.”

“Have him?”

“If that skeletal insists on following him around he is going to need to be trained in arms and flight. Your team has six months to prepare him then he will report here and can work as an under-cover agent. Skies knows we need one.”

“Wait one minute. I do not intend on keeping in this creature's company.”

“Tough you are stuck with him. He will not stop following you until one of you dies. If you wish to murder him go ahead,” says Courtney.

“I've no time to be trained by amateurs. I have my finals in Kensington next semester.”

“This will come as a shock to you; your exams are insignificant in the wide world. Kensington Palace breeds naïve minds. Team Geordie will train you and you will report back to me in six months for your first assignment.”

“I will not.”

“That's the best offer you're going to get. If I were you I'd take the opportunity to learn to defend yourself,” says Mum. She turns to Geordie. Rests a hand on his shoulder. “What a pleasure to meet you and your team. Remember you have a most honourable profession. The Harlington’s are going to be doing everything in their power to support field agent teams living standards.” Her merry eyes twinkle onto Courtney. “I'll write my terms down and post them to you otherwise we'll be sat around arguing in your stuffy office all day long. No buts, ifs, or what’s Courtney dear. I am going to take a ride out to see this break in the clouds for myself.” Mum leaves in a swirl of red trench coat.

Phew, the hood was enough to keep her from recognising me. I should really tell her I'm alive only this isn't the right time and I've grown used to living without parents. Am I selfish? I just want to keep living my life with my new family. I'll tell her soon away from Cloudy HQ.

“Your mom seemed nice,” says Charlie as we have a stroll round the grounds.

“I think she's after Courtney's job.” I imitate Mum's sweet in tone voice. “Courtney dear, you're a real cowbag handing tents out to your field agents while taking care of your logistics members with their full larders and cosy beds. Watch out your book shelf is going to be stuffed with frivolous novels one day soon.” I push down my hood as we reach our old cabin. “She's a real activist.”

My attention focuses on Casey who trudges over to us looking as though he's been handed a death sentence. He flings his skateboard over a shoulder. “I wish I'd never sent you a single letter. Then I'd never have seen you, come to your pad, had a skeletal land on top of me, and ridden the damn thing.”

“What's happening to you isn't is as bad as it's sounding.”

“Really? Should I be dancing on my own grave?”

“Listen. You won't have to do anything you don't want. Infiltration would be extra dangerous. They wanted me for that; I said no. There's always a choice even when you're not offered one. How about you let me teach you how to fly properly, and Danny could give you some lessons in defence, then you can fly off to do whatever you fancy.”

“I ain’t skipping on a commission payment 'cause he's too soft for Cloudy work,” puts in Geordie.

“It's not I'm too soft. I simply refuse to be told I have to do something. You're the soft one risking your life for scraps of commission.” Casey shoves at Geordie's chest trying to push him over.

“It ain't about the commission.” Geordie rams his sabre hilt into Casey's stomach. “Field agent work is about regular citizens who can't fight back against Thunders. You can quit shovelling your paid for fancy studies into my lads' ears. We ain't brainwashed. You are.” Geordie narrows his eyes at me. “What are you smiling at?”

“You mean that?”

“Just shutting Sleazebag up.”

He totes meant it. Whoa I leap as Geordie takes a swipe for me. Out come my blades. Looks like we're having our daily training session right here.

“Danny you're fighting me.”

He gets Charlie instead. “You're always against Danny. Let's mix it up a bit.”

“I hate fighting with you,” says Geordie as I get hold of my short sword and put away the switchblades. Yikes, I'm up against Danny. His quiet confidence always puts me off guard. Nope for all my stylish tricks I cannot win against Danny. He gets better every day.

Done I switch to have a spar with Charlie who lost his bout too. Watching a Danny and Geordie battle would be interesting. Lots of other Cloudys think so too. Quite a crowd has gathered round us. Both clerical and logistics members sit watching us as though they're at an Ancient Rome gladiator arena. I don't do too well today. Charlie's brain works out most of my moves before I get chance to use them meaning I lose. With Danny and Geordie still going strong I take myself to the well to wash away my sweat.

I'm being followed. On instinct I turn quick holding out switchblades.

“Whoa feisty, just me,” says Casey. “You're the real deal, aren't you? A pro lethal field agent. I can't really imagine you in that way. You seem different to the person I knew before.”

“I did terrible today. Didn't win a single of my spars.”

“You can't exactly go in for the kill in a friendly. I can’t imagine you in a real fight.”

I pull the bucket out the well. Heavy, full of water.

“You don't run away any more. Couldn't believe you stood up for me today against dragon lady.”

“Did I?” I splash my face with water.

“Totally. You questioned her about that skeletal that's chosen to creep round after me.”

“Maybe you should think how he feels.” I incline my head at the skeletal who lingers quite a distance away from Casey. “His companion was killed yesterday. He must think you're something real special if you managed to persuade him into giving you a ride. What did you do to make him help you?”

“Gave his retched beak a slap and told the ugly brute to let me fly him, then slapped him again.”

“Meanie.” I make a box out of my hands and look through it to capture the skeletal. “I think he has a handsome charm about him once you get used to the membrane. I used to creep after you too and look how I turned out.”

Casey splashes me with water. “A demanding brat.”

“With style!” I give Casey a nudge towards his skeletal. “Strike a pose. Take on the world.”

Casey rubs the skeletal's beak. “You are full of character I'll give you that.”

“Want to go on a proper test flight?” I ask as Sunshine runs round the skeletal and takes a drink out the bucket. “I'll cover you in the Cloud Barrier in case we come across any Thunders.”

“Go on then.”

“Flying comes naturally to some people. Geordie could ride Chunk at ease in seconds. Took me a few weeks with Sunshine.” I lower my voice. “I heard Don had a lot of work to do with Shade, who kept being unruly.”

Casey rubs his skeletal's neck. “He's not unruly. It's me I can't keep balanced.”

“Cool, you know what you need to work on. Do you want to go flying Sunshine?”

Bounce, bounce, bounce, he's raring to go. Casey's off. I follow him.
