
Far Far Away 2

"And what do I owe this honour to be at your presence, Count Albert?" Mally's words were spoken with so much disgust that she felt like puking just standing before the man that brought the calamity upon their side of the Kingdom.

Mally was brought to a big dinning hall. It was completely opposite to the dump and dirty cell she just left. The air was fresher. Round the long table counted many numbers of eggs in little egg cups neatly arranged one after the other. At the extreme of the table sat a man in his mid forties with a smug smile. This was Count Albert Einst.

"Oh my dear. Why don't you have a seat while we chat?" Albert said while cutting a piece of beef with his table knife.


"Okay, how are you today?" Albert motioned the guards to bring Mally closer to where he sat, that they did. "I was wondering if you have considered my offer from last time?" he raised his brow all the while popping a diced meat in his mouth with a fork.


"Hmm, I see." with another gesture from him the guards forced her to sit by his side. "Ha! Why do you have to make everything so difficult, Ms Mally? Don't you understand that my feelings for you are genuine? If not you would be seeing yourself being defiled by those barbarians..."

"Hahaha! And what makes you any different from them?" Mally's laughed before adding a snide comment.

"Mmgh. No, no Ms Mally, I know what you are trying to do but your words will not affect my feelings for you... Sticks and stones, Ms Mally, sticks and stones."

"..." after her earlier comment she spoke no more.

Albert tried many ways to make her come to his side but all his attempts were made futile, at the end he lost his temper. He had tried keeping her free for a day, however the very second he turned his back on her she tried escaping. Not like it would have done anything anyways since the entire castle where the prison holding all nobles who refused submission was very heavily guarded with both defected warriors and fierce beasts that were controlled by the Wicked god believers. While beyond the wall swarmed with even greater number of demon creatures that would feast on any living thing that they deem prey.

Albert knew what he wanted and as a cunning man, he knew the way to make the nobles to see and have a change of heart was to have one or two of the opposing nobles to come over to his side. He already has some, but they were co-conspirers. He knew that bringing the moral of the opposing side would crumble what they are standing for.

Staying the whole day with Mally while sway her to his side, but it brought no fruition to his plan therefore, he was forced to lock her up in a bed room instead of the cell. Since he can't have any results with her being locked up or partially free, he would give her freedom but with a condition.

"Well, I have seen it within myself to treat you more to what you are, a lady. Therefore, you will now be treated as such. This will be your maid from here hence forth." Albert informed her with a smile.

"Why am I here?" Mally was still cautious so she kept her guards up against the perverted noble.

"You are here because I have made a mistake. I have hit you, I have insulted you, and I can't seem to forgive myself for doing that." Albert said with his head hung low as though he knew he was in the wrong. "I... I hope you sleep, Ms Mally." Albert, with that simply stepped out of the room.

Mally looked at the fading figure of her enemy in confusion. She had expected the same treatment to befall her like the other times which ended with her battered and bruised lying in her prison cell. With the doors closed she veered her head to her new 'maid'.

She was smart enough to think otherwise. Anyone could tell she was a spy for Albert, sent to keep an eye on her. Mally would swear on her left toe the girl didn't even know the simplest thing about serving a noble. She must always keep her head guarded against the likes of her.

"What is your name?" Mally asked the girl that seems to still be a teenager.

"My... my name is Fiona, My Lady." Fiona was fidgeting the whole time she stepped into those doors. She tried bowing according to etiquette but flopped.

"And why have he sent you to spy on me?"

"I... My... No, I wasn't sent to be a spy of any sort." Fiona immediately dropped to her knees pleading. "Please don't send them to throw me out! Please I beg you." tears fell freely down her face.

Mally was at a loss for words. If this spy was such a good actor she could imagine how good she must have acted her way to her position to be the spy sent to watch over her. Mally gave a cold snort before turning her head away. There was no difference throwing this 'maid' because Albert would just arrange for another 'maid' to serve her.

Hearing no response from Mally, Fiona raised her head and looked at the back of the one of the most powerful people held captive. But, like Mally, she too was held captive by Albert but for a different reason.

Mally decided to play according to her nonsense and act as though she was non-the-wiser of their conspiracy of roping her to their side. Mally began to think of many ways to escape, she knew this 'maid' of hers would never leave her side since that was her sole reason to be by her side.

After a while standing in the room thinking of what her next course of action would be. Well, she knew escaping was futile so she shifted her attention to the maid Albert left her with. Mally walked towards the door in attempt to leave the room. And as she expected Fiona stopped her.

"My Lady, is there anything you would want me to fetch for you, perhaps I should go do it for you." Fiona hurriedly stood up and rushed to the door with her head bowed.

"Oh really? Then I guess you can go take a piss for me then. In my stead, that is." Mally said with a flat stare.

When Fiona heard her what Mally intended to do her face lit up in a deep blush. At this moment she knew not what to do. She could only shrink back, "Then let me bring a napkin for you, My Lady." with that said then follow her from behind.

'Hmph, as I thought.' Mally gave a light snort before saying aloud. "Thank you but I think I can clean myself up, if you don't mind?" Mally stretched her hand to receive the napkin but it didn't fall into her hands.

"But... but I... I am tasked to do everything for miss so she doesn't tire herself out, no matter what it may be." her words were so small as she went on they became a whisper. Her blushing face became even more red.

"You have to be kidding. Don't you think your acting is becoming a little too much? You can at most stand outside the door without having to keep your eyes on me for every single second." Mally folded her hands on her voluptuous chest with a frown. This 'maid' of hers was going a little over script.

"My... acting? But how?" Fiona got confused at her words.

"I am not going to let some unknown, untrustworthy, and lying person watch me while I ease myself or go for a shit. Tell me Fiona, are you going to clean my ass once I am done... shitting?" Mally asked. She tries using her judgemental instinct on the young girl as the Head of the Court.

However, what she saw wasn't a girl hiding ulterior motives... well, besides for having to serve Mally in any way possible, she was sent indeed to keep a 24/7 surveillance on her and report Mally's every actions to Count Albert. She could also tell that within those eyes of her's, so much anxiety was raging all over her accompanied with fear of failure.

Fiona was fidgeting uncontrollably for someone healthy. Fear was holding her, but guilt gripped her even more. It wasn't guilt for herself but for the woman before her. Her mission wouldn't be an easy one but one that isn't impossible.

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