
Lion's Beard Auction House 1

"Master Ben?!"

"Yes, Brewer?" Ben answered

"I want to inform you that the carriage will be leaving in two hours time." Brewer said with his head bowed.

"Okay. Let me freshen up. I'll be right there in thirty." Ben replied.

After the maids set the bath Ben took his bath briefly before looking for what to wear. Butler Brewer already had a plain black suit resting on his massive king size bed. Ben picked the piece up and inspected it. It was neat and smooth, highest quality material in the entire county. Ben could say his clothing collection were second to the kingdom's royal's or maybe even the empire's royals.

He walked over to his table and lifted a jet black ring that rested there. Once he wore the ring he sent his consciousness into the ring then willed himself towards a corner. There Ben could see a wardrobe adorned different coloured magical robes. They were all part of his Badlands collections. Robes more powerful than a Level 3 magic robe given at The Phantom.

With a thought Ben brought out his favourite robe. It was a mixture of both Ice and Fire magical properties. The upper part of the robe was red before fading at the middle area where it began changing to a darker shade of blue then lightens up at the buttom.

Ben poured his Mindpower into the robe and like magic it appeared on his. However, it attached to him in the form of a luxurious suit from his past life.The shoulder part of his suit had the red tint while it changes to the blue hue when going down. The same also wet for his pants. Luckily these ancient robes came with shoe collection. When Ben had first found out he laughed at it,only now did he realize that most of the nobles back in the days were all Spellcasters.

"Wow... Ben, you look... good." Vivi was quite shocked seeing Ben in such an exquisite piece of suit... any nobleman's suit for that matter.

If it weren't for official parties Vivi could say he never wore any suit. All she remembers was Ben wearing a Hunters gear Suit, tatters for smithing or just plain casual wears. Vivi on the other hand wore a tight one-piece deep V-neck royalty red long gown, it perfectly outlined her busty chest and ass. The colour suited her fiery hair.

"And you my dear is just smoking hot. I really don't know if I'll be able to live through the death glares I'll be receiving from the men we'll be passing by... Ah, how I hope the host of today's auction will be a woman, so that at least I can have you all for myself to see. If not I don't any man will be able to peel there eyes off you once they take a peek at your beauty." Ben's praises went on and on and it caused her makeup to be unable to hide her blushing that went all the way down her neck. She ran away like a scared rabbit.

"Aww, now look what you e done. Haha." Stephan walked in only to see Vivi running out with a blushing face.

"Did I go overboard?" Ben asked scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, a tad bit. Come on then, we don't want to be late, do we?"

With nothing left to do they entered the carriage that was arranged by Brewer and left for their destination. The ride was long very bumpy to say the least. This would be one of the reasons Ben missed his past life so much. Despite the magic in the air the technology was so backward that it was hard to see any improvements in the world at large. At least back there even though there were bumps the shock absorber in the cars will reduce those bumps in the road.

Thanks to his strong physique he could endure the horrendous ride tile the end, the siblings, however, were already exhausted from the ride alone. After gathering a bit of energy by resting in the carriage for a whole thirty minutes they regained their composure. Finally, their three hour long travel has come to an end

Unlike what Ben expected the Lion's Beard Auction House was actually a mansion probably owned by a Baron or even a Count. The place was huge, much bigger than Ben's mansion at Nalazi. Ben ad the other two had to walk a short distance of ten yards before entering the main doors.

Ben could see a lot of people going through the main doors, but it didn't stop him from spotting two other doors at the side. One of the doors was rarely used but Ben saw only spot a group of two to five people entering, when compared to the first door you'd know why. Those who went through the second were very wealthy people (considering their clothes) with powerful insignia showing off their family backgrounds, someone with a prestigious status or someone just filthy rich.

The third door was even worse. No one went in or out of that door. Even with the scarcity of people Ben knew that door was an important part of this building or even the business of this Auction House. Shortly after only a single person was found entering that door with a big box. Since it wasn't that far Ben asked Lucy to give the interior a scan for heatwave.

[Three people can be spotted. They are into some sort of negotiation.] Lucy answered.

"Hmm, hey Stephan, do you know what that door is used for by any chance?" Ben asked while pointing at the third door.

"Oh yes. That's where all the items are sent to be appraised before they are auctioned." answered Stephan, "Do you plan on selling anything?"

"Yeah, just wanna try."

"Can... Can I come with you?" Vivi suddenly asks.

""Huh?"" both guys liked confused. "Why's that?" Ben inquired.

"it's because of the way these people keep staring at me. It's a bit scary, you know?" been looked to pound to co inform her words and was met with different gazes fixed on him and Vivi.

From the men the former was given the looks of envy and awe. The latter was given looks of lust, interest, and admiration. While the women around looked at Vivi with great jealousy, not only is she overly beautiful but she is also accompanied by two very handsome men.

Ben seeing the heated gazes being thrown at them wrapped a hand round Vivi's waist pulling her closer to himself while giving all the men a gentle smile. But to them that was equivalent to a slap to their faces.

"Stephan, do you care to join us?" Ben asked.

"Nah, I'd rather wait here." Stephan smiled.

"Okay then." with that Vivi followed Ben towards the third door.

Upon entering what they saw totally surprised them, especially Ben. This was because the person behind the counter wasn't just beautiful young lady... well, of course she was, but because this 'lady' is an elf.

"Mholweni." Ben greeted in elven tongue meaning 'Hello.'

He learnt how to speak elven tongue from his time with Zoe during their mission of going into the Badlands. Shocked and surprised to hear her Mother tongue all of a sudden was huge for the female elf behind the counter playing dress up as a receptionist. But the shock was even more evident when she saw who it was that spoke her tongue.

Human! Although, it has not been unheard of humans speaking the difficult elven tongue, it is known that only one out of fifty can speak the native tongue without literally bitting their tongues off. Despite what she knew of the difficulty of other races that try to speak elven she knew that one can not be as fluent as the human right in front of her.

"Mholweni." she replied in elven.

"Ndingathanda ukubeka into kwifandesi, ungayenza loo nto?" (I would like to put something for auctioning, can you do that?)

"Royalle?!" the elf exclaimed when she heard Ben speaking what is known as the royal elven tongue. Like the name implies only the Royal Elves and those upper echelon in the elven kingdom can understand and speak the royal elven tongue. Truthfully, understanding wasn't the hard part it was replying like so. "Ah uxolo... Ewe, ewe. Senza njalo." It was at this time she understood what humans meant by being numb with shock even when they weren't electricuted. "Mandiyolanda i-appraiser." she said as she stormed off through the back door. In less than five minutes later she returned. She was followed by a... dwarf.

"Wel..." the dwarf stops midway remembering what his assistant had just told him. "Wamkelekile undwendwe olubekekileyo kwi-Lion's Beard Auction House yethu." (Welcome esteemted guests to our Lion's Beard Auction House.) the dwarf gave a short bow as he spoke. "Ndingu umvavanyi, Vandrîck." (I am the appraiser, Vandrick.) the dwarf, Vandrick, tried his best to speak the little even that he knew how to.

"Please, not everyone understands." this time Ben spoke in Common then shifted his gaze over to Vivi who was stunned mute for a while. It was though only now did they see who stood beside Ben and they immediately recognized who she is.

"You must be Ms Vivi. Founder of The Golden Heart Restaurant, am I correct?" the dwarf said, seeing her faint smile he knew he was correct. The dwarf in his many years hadn't been more impressed by this young lady in a long time. And now, there's someone who accompanied her capable of achieving what more than half a race aren't able to.

"Thank you." Vivi humbly bowed and smiled, but it's a little awkward. Thankfully, her early involvement in politics allowed her to change reactions fairly quickly.

"Your restaurant is an excellent place, I really enjoy what you did with fruits for your dishes. It is superb."

"Please, I am grateful for appreciating my restaurant, but I wouldn't be where I a without someone to push me forward." with their hands still locked together Vivi leaned in closer to Ben's embrace with a smile. Although she smiled she felt guilty taking all the credit from Ben who brought all the recipe. And worse yet, he was right there.

"Why don't we go somewhere more enclosed so I can show you what I have to bring." Ben left Vivi and the elf receptionist to themselves. He left with the dwarf, Vandrick, to the back door.

Food for thought:

The same way enemies meet at narrow paths, so also do acquaintances meet as well

EldestLord53creators' thoughts