
Chapter 4

"That is one hell of story." said aunt Reggie, she had joined us for dinner that night.

"I never thought that one day we would become gods among gods. I must be dreaming." said Dad.

"I don't know if I like the idea of you fighting demons Billy." Said Mom as she poured a glass of ice tea. "You're my little baby. I don't want to see you get killed."

"Helena my dear, you worry too much." said Aunt Reggie, "William has the power of two gods, immortality twice! According to the prophecy, we will get this power too."

"And the power of the philosophers stone." Aphrodite added. "All of you have a very rare ability to absorb energy from deities and their items. That's why Ares wanted the philosophers stone."

"That's incredible!" said Dad, "but I do agree with your mother. You are our pride and joy but I don't want anything to happen to you. After all, you're still pretty young."

"There's the peaches of immortality," said

Aphrodite, "You can all eat them, that will help. I will sent a message to Thor and he will deliver them."

"Dad," I sighed, "I have been trying to get to that point for sometime now. All of you have been training me for as long as I can walk and I need all of you to train me now in this mysterious room."

"Mysterious room?" asked Mom.

"Yes." said Hermes, "It is a special room that we have constructed at Mount Olympus where one can get a lifetime training in less than a second. Is a room where time stops and the one inside the room never needs to eat or sleep. Within the room that use her will never age."

"William," said Aphrodite, "Since you have the power of the philosophers stone you won't need my power right now. Let me give it to one of your folks."

I sighed. "Very well. Mom, can you give me your hand?"

Mother extended her hand without saying a word, I knew she wanted to fight along side of me; they all did! The Kyles always stick together!

I grabbed moms hand and a bright light lit up the room.

Then Mom stood up from the table. "I feel great!" She yelled.

I turned to my father.

"Dad? Auntie?"

I held out my hands and both dad and my aunt grabbed my hands.

The philosophers stone divided it's power between both of them with the same blinding flash.

"Well if we are going to help him train," said Dad, "we will have to start packing up anything that we will need."

"I managed to teleport here earlier today." I told him, "I'm wondering if I can transport the entire house within that room."

"Could that be done?"

I stood up from the dinner table.

"There was only one way to find out."

"Alright" said Hermes, "I will help you read the position of the room."

I would silent for 1 minute as I began to concentrate on moving the entire house.

Then there was a blinding light outside of all of the windows.

Mother ran to one of the windows, "Everything has changed outside. It is as if we are in another world."

It worked!

Just then, the front door opened.

"I figured you would bring some help. The Kyles I presume?" said a tall red haired woman as she walked into our house.

"You must be Hera, the queen of mount Olympus."

"That is my correct." She said with a smirk.

"Well queeny, do you always barge into other people's houses?"

"No, I prefer to be invited."

I stepped side to extended my hand to the kitchen.

"Come in."

"Pleased to meet you, meine Dame." said Mom.

Hera nodded her head. "You must be the mother, your eyes are identical to the boys."

"So who is this Lilith woman?" asked Aunt Reggie.

"No one knows where she came from. All I know is that she is a crazy witch who wants to wipe out every universe and everytime line." said Hera

"Why would anyone want to do that?" asked Mom

"Apparently she's under the impression that life is we know it it's not acceptable her eyes. So she wants to get rid of it and start clean. Creating every universe and timeline to her own liking."

Hera sighed.

"We are not just trying to stop an evil woman. We are fighting for our very existence."

"If that is all true then we should start training a soon as possible." said Dad.

"Very well." said Hera as she put her hand on my forearm, "it's time for me to join Hermes and Aphrodite.

In one minute, there was another bright flash and Hera was part of me too.

I stepped outside the front door and looked around the room of nothingness. It had a white tile floor and seem to have no walls, there was sky as far I could see in all directions except for one huge door that was not very far from the front door of my house.

'That must be the door to get out.'

"Well my boy," said Dad he walked out through the front door. "Shall we began?"

Dad was dressed in his kickboxing attire assisting of long white girl pants with a black belt and boxing gloves as well is shoes.

"Yes," I said, "let's begin."

I turned around like wonder Woman and my clothes changed into my martial arts outfit consisting of black pants with a black belt and a red karate gi top with black trim. On my head I wore a red headband.

A boxing ring appeared around us, and a crowd cheering.

"Ready daddy?"

My dad smirked, "Ding ding"

Dad moved around me with impressive footwork, he wasn't the middleweight champion for nothing.

I threw a jab at my father, he ducked with a duck to the left.

Dad threw left hook at my head. The attack made impact, and sweat popped from my head.

He gave me a right to the gut. Then a left to the gut. Then a right. Then a left. Then a right. Then a left to the jaw. I fell to the ground.

"Come on my boy, you can do better than that."

Now it was time to get serious.

I hopped right back up on my feet and went into a stance.

Dad and I both threw a punch at the same time. Our fists collided.

A left kick to dad's head! A gruesome right jab to my stomach! The fight waged on.

I moved in my dad. right jab to the gut. Another jab. Another jab. And now a left. Another right. A One-Two combo! A back spinning heel kick!

Dad backed up and shook his head.

"That's it my boy!"

I threw a right to dad's head. Another right. Another right. And then a right to the gut. Then a right uppercut to the chin. I was alternating between the head and gut.

Dad went for a right, but I blocked with his left hand.

Dad saw that I have blocked his punch so he melee kicked me in the gut.

Bam! What a block! Dad was blocking my punches. His arms seem to be glowing!

My punches seemed to be glowing too!

Some of my punches were getting through Dad's blocking.

OOO! I took a big blow to the head.

Dad's fist looked like it was on fire!

It's seemed as it our fight with on for days. Since we were inside the room up nothingness, neither of us need to rest.

Finally I managed to knock dad when I tried for a front kick but he grabbed a hold of my foot.

"What's the matter boy? Can't move?" Dad taunted.

I jumped up into the air and backflip kicked him back several feet and he landed on the ground hard.

"Very good boy."

"I believe it's my turn now." Laughed mom as she entered the ring. She wore her white karate gi.

"Do try to keep up sohn," said mother as she went into her fighting stance.

Mom charged and swung at me, I blocked and kicked at her hip.

She ducked and rolled missing my kick my millimeters.

I attempted a jumping front kick, mom side stepped and I passed her and spun into a back kick that took mom in the jaw.

Mom shook her head and regained her position.

"Very good," she said. "That's my sohn."
