
Chapter 5

I could hear Hera laughing. I have been training for over two weeks but in this room time meant nothing.

"Very impressive. Don't forget you also have to train your brain as well as your techniques."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I'm going to create a game where you must win by using your wits instead of just your strength.We can develop a test for all of you to achieve."

"Do you mean all of us will have to go through this game?"

"Each of you can go through your own game." Said Hermès, " I realize that you stick together since you are a family but each of you will need to learn self-reliance."

Just then I was covered by a white mist and then I found myself inside of the wreckage of a car. Mom, Dad and Reggie were not there with me. I was all alone.

The car seems to have crashed head on into a large tree. I could smell gasoline.

'Well since I have to use my wits I think will be safe I got out of this car since it might explode any minute now'

As I open the driver side door I noticed that the odor of dazzling got worse. One little spark, and then it would be all over.

The sound of thunder crashing in the distance brought a shiver down my spine.

'It's only a game, isn't it?'

As I finally climbed out of the wreckage of the car I found myself standing in front of an old Victorian style house.


No sooner had I started approaching the house when the car wreck behind me had exploded.

Well at least I wouldn't have to worry about paying for a tow.

Lightning lit up the sky and the thunder crashed again as I approached the old porch of the house.

I looked to the side and noticed the mailbox, there appeared to be a note inside.

Out of curiosity I pulled the note out and read it.

'Dear master, please forgive me but unleashed a monster in side of the house. By the time you receive this letter I will be gone. The wyvern must be stopped! It can only be beaten by the power of the Ruyi Jingu Bang. You must Succeed master!'

'So that's what I must do.'

The front door opened up by itself as I walked up the porch steps.

'How cliché'

I stepped over the threshold and into the house.

A pair of bright yellow eyes appeared in the wall in front of the front door, their sight piercing into me.

"That Pitiful wench sent you? You're just a child! Good luck trying to get through my fun house, you'll need it."

After brief laughter the eyes disappeared and all of quiet.

On my left was a broom closet, it was completely empty inside except for a small sling sitting on one of the shelves.

"Of course," I said to myself, "Just like in King's quest; take everything that's not nailed down."

I took the sling and stuffed it into my go thinking that it will come in handy later.

I stepped into the hallway and noticed an old book sitting on a shelf. As I looked closer, I noticed that the book seemed to be connected to the shelf by a lever.

In front of the shelf was a patch of floor that looked different then the rest of the floor.

I carefully moved the book without stepping on the patch of floor and I could hear the sound of a mechanism and instantly the floor opened up.

Down in the pit was a collection on spikes waiting to impale someone.

I congratulated myself, how lucky I was to notice that trap. If I had picked up that book, I would have failed the test.

I carefully avoided the trap and opened up the book.

The book had no pages inside, just a small bottle labeled 'no ghost'

I pick up the 'no ghost' bottle, the contents of the bottle was a gel like green liquid.

There was nothing else to do in this room so I walked around the trap and  towards the double doors leading into the next room.

I felt wind attacking my exposed flesh and then there was a bright flash.

Suddenly a gigantic dog appeared in front of the double doors. It had thick brown fur, three heads with rows of sharp teeth and the mane of a lion. This had to be the meanest looking animal I had ever seen in my life.

'I could blast him! No, I must use my wits or I will lose the game.'

I stayed away from the giant dog and stepped into another room; it was a kitchen.

'Of course! Maybe I can bride the dog into letting me pass by giving him some food.'

On the right hand side of the kitchen was a small door leading to a pantry.

I open the door and walked inside the pantry and looked around.

On one of the shelves was a 20 pound economy sized bag of flour.

'No the dog wouldn't want that'

Right above that was a small box of matches.

On another shelf was a large container containing ionized salt.

There was nothing inside the pantry so I decided to step out into the kitchen.

I decide to check the door on the opposite side of the kitchen, it was a huge walk in refrigerator loaded with lots of food.

On one of the shelves was a pound of hamburger meat still wrapped.

'I could use that'

I grabbed the wrapped meat and headed out back towards the double doors.

The gigantic dog growled when it saw me.

I threw the meat away from the double doors and the dog ran after it.

While the giant dog was eating all of that meat I use that chance to sneak into the double doors.
