
Chapter 9

The next morning he was right back at the insults. I couldn't figure out what happened. Like a switch he changed, finally when he made a comment about the biscuits were the worst he'd ever had, I'd had it. I couldn't take being shut up and his pushing and pulling anymore, I didn't say anything I just grabbed my coat and walked out the door. I started walking back toward my house, it couldn't be that hard to find if I just followed the way we came. He stood in the door, "I wondered how long it would take you," he called. I was sobbing by this time I turned around, "You are rude and hurtful, and no one would want you except your cattle," I screamed and turned and kept walking. I had a purpose now I was going to go back and find Samuel and marry him just out of spite. My anger was rolling like the thunder crashing above, until lightning struck a tree as I walked under it, it fell and I was caught under the leaves and small branches. "Luce!" he yelled running over, but I was frozen in fear. "Luce, talk to me so I know where you are," he said. He snapped and ripped branches off of me, "I tried to not see Samuel, I wore an ugly green dress to make me look sick," I told him. "I hated every minute I was with him, I prayed every night you come and take me away from all of that," I yelled. "There you are," he said grabbing the last few branches. I reached up for him, he grabbed my arms and pulled me to him, embracing me. He pulled back to look at me, "Are you hurt?" he asked. "I don't think so," I replied. "Luce, don't go not like this," he yelled over the thunder as it rolled. I smiled, "What?" he yelled. "You've never called me Luce," I said still smiling. "Let's talk inside," he called grabbing my hand. I wouldn't move, "What now?" he asked. "I love you," I yelled as more thunder crashed above. He grabbed me and kissed me, it was deep and passionate like our first kiss.

We ran back to the cabin hand in hand, he took my coat and started taking off my dress, "You can't take off my dress," I stopped him. "I need to check and make sure you don't have any deep cuts on your back," he said. "Fine," I said. I felt exposed standing there in my corset and slip, he ran his fingers gently over my bare skin on my shoulders, tracing the bruises again. My breathing hitched at his touch, he ran his finger down my arm, "Ok, just some scratches," he said and backed up. I went into my room and changed into the only other dry dress Charley brought me. "Did you send the flowers, the day of Lizzie's funeral?" I asked. He nodded, "Why didn't you send a card with the flowers?" I asked. He leaned again the table, "I did, and I asked if I could call on you the next week," he replied and added, "My timing is always impeccable." "I didn't see a card," I explained. "If you had would it have mattered?" he asked. I looked down knowing my father would have never allowed it, "I told my father I loved you," I said back at him. "Luce, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings," he said quietly. I didn't say anything, "This can't happen," he said. I just stared at him, "You have a fiancee. Maybe if things were different," he reasoned with himself. "If things were different we might not have this chance," I whispered and he gently kissed me. "We can't keep letting that happen," he said pushing me away. I stood there a minute before he jumped up and started peeling potatoes, I walked over and touched his hand, "I can do that," I murmured. "I'm going to go chop wood," he said and walked out. I peeled and chopped potatoes and carrots, and put them in a pot with water and some deer meat, Charley had brought. Suddenly Ben came back in, "I cut myself," he said grabbing the rag and wrapping his finger. I grabbed some clothe and ripped it, "Let me see," I said kneeling next to him. I pulled the rag off, "It's deep," I said, I cleaned it and wrapped it. "I don't blame you for what happened," I said looking up at him. "It would have happened if you were there or not, the McNally brothers said that your father ordered it, but I know it was Samuel," I confessed. "The difference is, if you hadn't come I would have died too," I added. He looked into my eyes, "We can't keep doing this because, it isn't right," he said putting his finger under my chin. He looked into my eyes, "I want to do this right, I don't want talk," he said. "Talk?" I questioned. "Samuel and Clarence Jr. have the sherriff looking for you," he told me. I stood ridged, "How do you know?" I asked. "Charley told me," he answered watching me quizzically. "What if Clarence remembers the cabin?" I demanded, fear rising in me. "They won't think to look here," he assured. "You don't know that," I cried. "Luce," he tried. "No, he killed my family. I don't know what he'll do to me, since I got away," I cried frantically. "Shhh," Ben shushed grabbing me and holding me as I cried. "What do we do? If they find me, Clarence will make me marry him," I sobbed. He hushed me again, "Tomorrow, when Charley comes we'll head to my parents and send for the preacher," he replied kissing my hair. My head snapped up, "What?" I asked. "If you want to, Luce I'll protect you," he said. I kissed him urgently, I wanted to marry him more than anything else, and this may be the only way we can.

That night we went to bed, but I didn't think I was going to be able to sleep I was just too excited. Nearly three years of waiting and it was finally going to happen. I felt like everything was working out for once like there was a reason for things that happened. I had just started to fall asleep when we heard the horse whiney, I jumped up. Ben was already peeking out the window. "Ben," I called from my doorway. "Shh, get down," he whispered. "Ben Allen, I got a bone to pick with you," a man outside yelled, and by his tone I was guessing he was drunk. "Ted is in jail and Harry is dead," he shouted. So, by deduction this must be Fred, "Luce, go to the back door," Ben whispered. I got down and crawled to the backdoor, but I didn't go out. Ben raised his gun and shot Fred as he charged the door. As he opened the front door all the way, someone grabbed me from behind, I screamed. "Nice little set up you got here, Benny boy," he said holding a knife to my throat. Ben walked closer, "Don't get to close or your sweet little girl will be with her family real soon," he said. "What do you want?" Ben asked. "The cops are hunting me, they're supposed to be going after you and your pop," he said. This guy smelled like liquor, sweat and tobacco, it was an awful smell. "So, what do you want?" Ben asked calmly. "I want you, to come back to town with me and tell em how it was your pop and you trying to stop the Mills from makin a move on your ranch," he said. "Ok, let her go. Sleep it off an in the morning we can go," Ben said. "Not a chance I'm not stupid," he said. I could tell this man was getting tired he was beginning to sway, I winked at Ben he shook his head. I stepped on the man's foot push him back and ducked down as Ben shot him. I jumped up and ran to Ben burring my face in his chest, he hugged me, "You are a stubborn woman," he whispered holding my head before kissing me. "What's going on?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he asked back putting his gun away. "My father wasn't making a move on your ranch," I said. "I know," he replied. "Why is Samuel saying that?" I pushed. "He needs a reason to blame us," he answered. He didn't say anything else, he just hugged me. He pushed Harry's body out the back door. We slept that night in the same bedroom I was too afraid to be by myself. He slept on the floor and I dangled my hand down for him to hold, "Ben, what are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked. "Just sleep, don't worry about tomorrow," he said. It was hard to sleep but I managed, somehow.