
"Blood and Nails Elixir"

Ainsley didn't refuse the Godfather's suggestion. She did need the Godfather's ability to control the blood so that each bottle would only contain one drop of blood, not more and not less. 

She nodded at the Godfather while preparing several five-coloured energy crystals to restore her energy anytime needed. 

After the Sloan Family grew to this extent, getting four or five-coloured energy crystals wasn't that hard anymore. 

Of course, only Ainsley could use four to five-coloured crystals for her own consumption. 

The higher-ups could use the three-coloured or the four-coloured, while other members could only use one and two-coloured energy crystals. 

After preparing for the crystals, Ainsley looked at the Godfather and signaled with a nod. 

[You can start, Godfather. I'm activating my shaman ability now.] 
