
"Hair and Tears Elixir"

Ainsley had not trimmed her finger and toenails, so Axelle got quite the harvest. 

They also cut the trimmed nails into smaller parts since the miraculous effect wouldn't change, anyway. 

They could also turn the trimmed nails into powder to avoid others from realizing that these were their boss' nails. 

Consuming one's body part was indeed disgusting, but since the body part was an elixir, Ainsley was determined to store as many as possible. 

Aside from preparing for the cure, Ainsley also asked the Godfather to create more for emergencies. 

While the carriage slowly departed to the Sloan Mansion, Ainsley replenished her energy, and ate a good meal to restore her blood loss before draining her blood once more. 

Because of this, the group harvested enough elixir to save their mafia members if something like this happened again. 
