


/"Brynn Allyson Morris!/" My mother yells my name

I jump in my seat as I turn to face the angered woman.


Was I daydreaming again?

/"Hmm/" I hum as I begin to cut a small section of my steak

My mother sighs.

/"I was saying that your father and I will be out of town until sometime next year,/" she informs me

I roll my eyes as I shove a the small cube of steak into my mouth.

Of course they're going out of town.

I've come to expect nothing less from them.

/"If you want to throw any parties or invite people over please do it at the lake house,/" she pleads

/"God knows we could do without a repeat of last time/" I hear her mutter underneath her breath

Oh my god!

That was one time!

/"How was I supposed to know that someone would throw up on your bed? I didn't even know that they went upstairs/" I shrug

I let my mother curse underneath her breath as I take a sip of my water.