
This Hero and The Mulaplix!

I was unwillingly sitting inside of a giant plant pod. The interior was lit by blue bioluminescent lights. I could see faint particles floating around the area as they danced in the dim lighting. Standing still inside of the pod were a multitude of people. Each person looked emaciated and had a blank expression on their faces. They had been mind controlled by this group of girls that seemed to have an uncomfortable interest in me.

Sitting next to me is Rena, the top idol of the village of Mulbik. Next to Rena is a green plant girl named Mully. They had begun to talk to me and explain what happened to me, despite my unwillingness.

"See? I just pop one of those seeds somewhere on a person and then it grows in them! All these people are my fans so they let me touch them. It all works out!" Rena happily smiled at me as she shouted this. I cannot move my body at all, but I can look around with my eyes.

"Hm… Rena, do you have any other things to say?" Mully asked. She was taking advantage of her body's design as she twisted around in the air. Being attached to a tentacle allowed her to maneuver herself as if she were flying.

"Hmm…" Rena placed a finger on her chin. She stared upwards in an exaggerated motion to express her thinking.

"Well… Maybe he wants to know why I chose him despite only meeting him yesterday?" She finally suggested.

"Ah, I see… Well Kenji, Rena and I took a liking to you. I made a deal with Rena a while ago, you see. Rena would bring me a mate so that I can have children and in exchange when I am done with him I would let her have him." She nonchalantly stated.

Oh God. I do not want to be the mate of some plant monster. This is not how I want to lose my virginity! Oh no someone help me! I do not consent!

"Hehe! Mully told me that friends share what they have! That goes from talents like singing to food to boyfriends! Isn't she a great friend?" Rena kept inching closer and closer to my face as she spoke. Any closer and our faces would be touching.

"I don't want to date either of you!" Is what I would shout out. Unfortunately, I cannot move. Instead I simply have to stare like a statue straight forward. I always wanted to be popular with girls, but this is not at all what I wanted. Is this really going to be my fate? What do I do? Do I just-

<Yo, Kenji! Where the hell did you go? Gin's friends are at the inn banging on our doors. They said that Gin is missing and that they saw you and him heading off into the forest! What in the world are you->


<O-Okay! Okay I get it! I'll find you with our mind connection tether. We're coming to get you Kenji! Just hold tight okay?>

Suddenly, I felt a familiar sensation that felt something like a string being pulled towards the direction that I came from. This was the tether that Tael was referring to. I'm going to be rescued. Thank God!

"Hm… Kenji's heart rate just went up…" Mully lazily declared.

"Well of course it did! He gets to be with two beautiful ladies! Any boy would want this harem fantasy! Aren't I right, Kenji?" Rena leaned in close as she caressed my cheek. Please stop touching me. I want to go home.

We sat around for a few minutes. Rena seemed to be enjoying herself as she basqued in my presence. Normally I would be flattered and even possibly happy, but this is freaky.

After some time, Mully took a deep breath and spoke.

"Well… I should start the ceremony then. Rena, would you do the honors of starting the music? It's time for the concert that you invited everyone for!" Mully smirked as she slithered towards the middle of the seed pod. She made a pulling motion to me and I suddenly stood up.

"Alright! Kenji, I hope you're ready!" Rena jumped up from where she was sitting. She stuck out a double peace sign and walked to the center of the pod. I slowly accompanied her and stood in the middle of the pod.

Mully wrapped her lower body tentacle around me and grabbed my shoulders tightly. I was surprised by how much strength she had in her body, despite her dainty appearance.

Mully slowly got very close to me and whispered in my ear.

"Ah… Your biology is so different from any other human I've ever seen… Dark hair and eyes, levels in both a martial class and a spellcasting class, and a good brain… I have to admit I felt bad about manipulating Rena like this, but spreading my seed pods in you will be worth it." She quietly spoke into my ear with words that sounded as sweet as honey but as awful as milk that had sat out in the sun for 2 weeks.

This is bad this is awful oh god someone help me I don't want to have a plant monster spread seed pods inside of me oh jeez-

Wait… What did she say? "Manipulating Rena?" What does that mean?

Rena began to sing some type of song. Instruments such as flutes, electric guitars, violins, and pianos began to play a medley of music. Mully used her tentacle to raise me upwards towards the roof as she stared straight into my horrified eyes. She inched her face closer and closer. She opened her mouth as if to kiss me. I looked into her mouth out of a morbid curiosity and saw what looked like a small tentacle of some sort. It was pulsing at a constant rate. I wanted to squirm, but I can't.

Before Mully could steal my first kiss and potentially plant her seed pods in my insides, I heard a loud rumble come from the exterior of the plant pod. Mully winced in what appeared to be pain and quickly went to the ground, bringing me with her..

"Huh? What happened?" Rena tilted her head and asked. The music ceased when she stopped singing.

"Someone's here and they're attacking my pod…" Mully answered.

I heard another rumble as the pod shook once more. The slit that I entered from lit up with an orange and red light suddenly. I think I can hear someone shouting… I strained my ears to listen.


"It's that elf from yesterday!" Rena shouted out in shock. "How did he find us?"

"I don't know…" Mully began, but she suddenly looked at me in shock. Did she know?

"Hmph… I'll handle them! Open the slit, Mully!" Rena boisterously declared. It seemed like she was trying to seem bigger than she was.

"But Rena, you're only level 1! Kenji here is level 4. There's no way you can win!" Mully expressed genuine concern towards her apparent friend.

"Heh… I must not have told you. I leveled up! I'm a prodigy after all! I'm level 2 now." Rena gave a thumbs up.

This is bad. What other abilities did she gain?

"...Very well." Mully murmured. The slit slowly opened as Tael, Erana, and Kany were exposed. They all held determined faces and were fully geared up. I could see that they were panting slightly and had some sweat on them. They must have sprinted here. I have such good friends!

"Woah! It's Rena! I thought she was dead." Kany declared.

"Hmph. She'll wish she was dead by the time I'm through with her!" Tael announced as he struck a pose. The wind blew dramatically as he did this.

Rena slowly approached my party. While she held a determined look on her face, she was still outnumbered. Unfortunately, I was not the only one that noticed this.

"Hmm… one versus three isn't exactly fair, is it?" Mully turned towards me and asked. My head suddenly shook to indicate a "no."

"Very well then. Kenji… Go kill your friends. They deserve to be punished for interrupting our fun." Mully waved a hand forward. I was forced to draw my broadsword. I began to walk towards my party. Eventually, I joined up with Rena.

"Hah! Cool couples fight with each other against big bad villains! That's what all of you are! Watch as Kenji and I show you the power of our love!" Rena declared. She grabbed my hand and raised it high in some strange pose.

"Hmph. Looks like I need to settle a score with Onii-san. Fine with me. Bring it on!" Kany prepared herself for combat.

"This is for all the times you punched me in the gut, Kenji!" Tael happily declared.

Erana simply stared at me silently. She had a frown on her face.

I hope I don't hurt anyone… I also hope I'm not hurt too badly.

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