
Chapter 235

Then slowly all the Red Cloaks took out their swords and one of them came forward and said "Release Ser Jamie at once or there will be consequences."

Later he would remember this as the moment when he could used his silver tongue, a few subtle compulsion charms and calmed everyone down.

But right now adrenaline was rushing through his blood thanks to the running and his short bout with Jamie Lannister.

"Consequences?" he asked, feigning confusion. "I do wonder what that word means."

"So be it." The man said and moved toward him, the Lannister men moving ahead along with him.

A roar from the side alerted the man to what or who was coming.

The Red Cloak commander's eyes went wide and he raised his sword to protect himself.

His sword didn't work as he had hoped.

Baka's giant 150 pound heavy sword broke through his sword and cleaved him in half before anyone could even resister what was happening.

He heard some girl scream in the background and then chaos ensued.

His men ran forward with their spears and shields and formed a two row deep circle around him and Varko who was still holding onto Jamie who was now looking at Baka in slight fear.

Ygritte came inside the circle a moment later, took out her Valyrian bow and started shooting at the Lannister men some of whom had surrounded Baka while the others charged at his men.

It was beautiful.

The Stark men looked at the scene and then looked at Robb who was looking rather confused and a bit afraid of the sudden escalation in violence.

He knew that Robb wanted to side with them but with Sansa's betrothal to the Royal family, he was not sure whom he should fight as both parties were his allies.

Then one of the Stark men shouted and charged at the Red Cloaks. He remembered the man being one of those who had accompanied him to the North of the Wall. In fact a lot of the men in the courtyard had fought beside his men before.

So once that man charged against the Lannister man, the others didn't look to Robb Stark for order and charged along with him against the Red Cloaks.

By now the whole courtyard had become a 3 way meat grinder.

The Stark men were fighting the Lannisters. His men were defending against the Lannisters and stacking bodies as the Lannisters failed to penetrated the magical armor of his men while his men's own magical spears easily penetrated their defenses.

Ygritte was already on double digit of kill counts and Baka had surrounded herself with a circle of dead Red Cloaks and was covered in blood herself.

Looking at her cleaving through two to three men at a time like that, for a moment, he was sure that he could send her against the White Walkers and she would take care of that problem on her own.

Robb looked at the scene that was now out of his hands and grimaced. Then he resolved himself, let out a war cry and charged in the melee with Jon and their two grown direwolves charging beside them.

He looked around and noticed that the small direwolves were with Arya who was frozen in her spot and was looking at the whole thing in shock. At least she was behind the Stark men so he wasn't worried about her being harmed.

On the other side of the courtyard, Joffrey was shouting something to Sandor Clegane while pointing at Baka while Sandor was holding both Joffrey and Tommen with one hand each and was looking at Baka with apprehension and some well deserved fear.

Then there was a bellow from the other side of the courtyard "STOP THIS MADNESS IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING!!!!"

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