
Chapter 236

He won't say that the battle stopped in an instant but it dimmed down a bit and a few more men died before the men finally separated.

Well in the case of Baka the fight did stop in an instant.

None of the Red Cloaks who had surrounded her look keen on fighting and stayed well away from her. She flicked her sword as one would flick a dagger and came to his side, the Lannister men parting around her like she was a demon from hell itself.

Even his own and the Stark men were looking somewhat fearful at her.

Had they really not seen her in action before? Oh yes, he did enhance her body after coming back from the North.

"BOLTON! EXPLAIN. What is going on here?" The King asked as he climbed down the stairs in a hurry. The fat in his stomach jiggled every time he took a step but over all, the King looked better now that he had started to exercise than he did a few months before.

The Kingsguard Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Meryn Trant.

Ser Barristan's eyes seemed locked on Baka and his hand remained at the hilt of his sword, ready to defend it King if need be.

"Your grace." He said and knelt. The other men around him followed his example and soon everyone in the courtyard was kneeling.

"Stand." King Robert said. He did.

"Now explain what the bloodly hell is going on here." King Robert.

The thought through a few answers and then gave one "It's my fault your grace."

"Your fault. How?" the king asked.

"Well, after I was coming back from seeing young Bran, I ran across Ser Jamie Lannister over here." He said and pointed at Jamie who was still struggling under Varko's foot.

The King looked at Jamie Lannister as if seeing him for the first time. The side of his mouth almost quirked up in amusement at the side before he controlled himself and became serious.

"Ser Jamie seemed rather keen on having a talk with me. About his not-brother Tyrion probably. We threw a few insults at each other. My insults were better and Ser Jamie lost his temper and tried to kill me." He said "I ran and reached the courtyard where Varko…" he pointed at the man "…handled Ser Jamie. The Red Cloaks didn't their pretty golden cub being under someone else's foot. They told me to release Ser Jamie. I told them to go fuck their mothers. And a fight started."

The King seemed lost for words for a few moments before he shook his head.

"So much death for…"

"JAMIE!!!" a shrill voice echoed from the other side of the courtyard and he almost rolled his eyes as the Queen looked at his brother lying under Varko's feet and came down from the main Keep.

The Kingsguard Ser Boros Blount and Ser Arys Oakheart followed behind and looked at the scene in shock.

She looked at the whole situation for a moment before he eyes fell on him.

"Bolton. How dare you…" the woman walked over the dead corpses without giving them another glance. Well, she was not losing her lunch despite all the blood and gore so at least that was something "I knew you would show your colors sooner or later. Release my brother this instant."

He looked at the woman with an annoyed expression and put his little finger in his ear "What? Strip my brother and fuck him with the Lion cock till he's dead."

This time the King not able to stop the laugh bubbling in his stomach and let out a little chuckle which stopped immediately as the Queen's venomous gaze fell upon the King.

"You. Why are not telling this upstart to release my brother. Any insult to him is an insult to you."

The King looked like he wanted to facepalm himself for getting in this situation.

The king turned toward him and Varko "Bolton. Have your man release Ser Jamie. End this farce once and for all."

"But I'm still surrounded by Red Cloaks your grace. I'm afraid if I let Ser Jamie go then they would attack and kill me and my men. I'm afraid I'll keep Ser Jamie with me for a little longer."

The King frowned at that.

"Are you refusing a direct order from your King, Domeric Bolton." The King asked with a serious expression.

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