
Chapter 185

As if feeling their attention on him, Lord Bolton opened his eyes and looked at all of them of a short moment before he spoke "You don't need to worry about Weeper and his people."

"Why is that?" Qhorin half hand asked. "Does this has something to do with the fire in their camp that I saw last night."

"Fire?" Jon asked him, looking slightly confused.

He shrugged in response. He had drunk a little too much last night and he couldn't even remember who brought him back to his tent.

Lord Bolton nodded. "I sent some of my wargs to light fire in the food supplies in Weeper's camp. All of the food they had burned down. This morning, my wargs reported seeing him and his people pick up their camps and leave down South for foraging for more food. His army won't be in fighting condition any time soon."

The camp erupted in cheers at that and a raised hand from Lord Bolton shut them all up.

"With that said, you'll will now take your men and go back to the Wall."

"What?�� he asked in surprise and the rest of the people in the tent had similar reaction.

"Fuck that. Who are you to tell me what to do." Smalljon said in anger but a simple look from Lord Bolton's apathetic gaze shut him and silenced the tent.

"Is there a reason why you want us to go back to the Wall?" his uncle asked.

Lord Bolton nodded "My wargs reported that the Thenns have left their homes in some sort of mass migration. For those of you who don't know who Thenns are. They are the largest and most developed tribe living this side of the Wall. They easily number over 20,000. I would guess that 15,000-18,000 of them are capable of participating in battle. And… some groups of them are even said to to be cannibals."

Lord Boltons words was met with silence and even he felt a shiver ran through his body at the mention of cannibalism.

"My wargs reported that the Thenns are some 120 miles North-West from us. Which means it would take them 1-2 weeks to reach us if they found out about us. Thankfully they have no idea that we are here. But that doesn't mean we'll remain hidden from them. We're not the most inconspicuous bunch of people and they have their own wargs after all."

Everyone in the tent had grave faces by this point, their previous victory all but forgotten in the face of this new threat.

"I suppose you have a plan in mind then." Qhorin half hand said and Lord Bolton nodded.

"Yes." He took out a map and put it on the table "We're here." He said and pointed at a positition in the map "The Thenns are here and the remaining army of Weeper will be here, to the South of us. Scattered and foraging for food for the next few months. You cannot go West. You cannot go South and going further North is just as foolish. So you'll go East from here. Then after you're sufficiently away from there, the men of the Night's watch will lead you further South-East until you reach EastWatch by the Sea."

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