
Chapter 186

"You continue to say 'you'. Are you not coming with us?" his uncle asked with a suspicious look.

Lord Bolton rolled his eyes and shook his head "No. My army will go with you. Walton will lead them like he has done till now. I on the other hand, will continue further North to complete the task I set out for. I'll also take my two sworn swords, Ygritte and the 50 elites from my army."

"You just said that going further North is foolish." Harrion Karstark pointed out what him and probably everyone else in the tent was thinking.

Lord Bolton shrugged "It is. But this is something that must be done."

"What must be done?" he heard Jon speaking and was surprised by that fact. Jon usually stayed silent in meetings like these because of his status as a bastard.

He himself was somewhat proud of his brother for speaking up.

Lord Bolton just cocked his head and smiled a grim smile "I think I already told you."

There was a silence in the tent at those words.

"You're going to the Land of Always Winter?" he asked.

"If we're unlucky then we won't have to go that far." Lord Bolton said with a dry chuckle that held no mirth in it and then his face became serious "I think we're going to unlucky."

"I'm coming with you." He heard Jon say and turned to look at his half brother who had a resolute expression on his face.

"Aye. If this is all not some stupid fantasy of yours then you'll need all the help you can get." Qhorin Half hand said.

"All the muscle as well." Smalljon said with a proud smile.

"The Mormonts are you in this as well." Dacey Mormont said. "I don't know whether there is any White Walker as you claim or not. But House Mormont always helps it's friends."

"We'll aid you in this task as well." Jojen Reed who had remained silent in all the meetings till now spoke up.

"This… is not really necessary." Lord Bolton said with a strained smile. "And I cannot risk your life on my own. You are the heirs of your respective houses. I cannot take you in something so dangerous even if I wanted to do so."

"Perhaps. But I'm not the heir of any house." Jon said "I'm just a bastard. You should not have any problem taking me with you, right?"

"You may be a bastard but you're still the son of Lord Eddard Stark and someone whom he loves like a true son. I'll not risk your life." Lord Bolton replied.

"I'm neither a lord, nor a heir. You should not have any problem with taking me. Or do you have any excuse for me as well?" Qhorin half hand asked and Lord Bolton looked at him with a strained smile. Then he gained a thoughtful expression for a short moment before he nodded.

"Very well then. If one of you is coming with me then those of you who wants to come might as well join me." Lord Bolton said.

His eyes widened at that and he said "Then I'll join you as well."

"Absolutely not." His uncle said before he even finished "My brother put you in my care. Both of you." He said looking at Jon as well "I'm not allowing you to go on a risky mission like this."

Before he could protest, his uncle added "Not alone at least."

Lord Bolton nodded his head "Very well then. Those who want to join me may remain behind. As for the rest, you should leave for East Watch as soon as possible." He said "Now if there's nothing else, I have some do some preparations for our journey ahead."

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