
Caesar vs Sultan Part 6

"In hoc signo vinces"

"In this sign thou shalt conquer".

-  Constantine the Great

As the sun ascended from the horizon, its rays spread across the battlefield, illuminating the aftermath of the night's gruesome conflict. Once a serene and picturesque expanse of land, the plains now lay littered with the lifeless bodies of both men and horses. The scene was a chaotic amalgamation of debris, dirt, shattered weapons, and scattered arrows. The verdant landscape, once teeming with vibrant greenery, had been transformed into a macabre tableau. A haunting red hue enveloped the entire battlefield, sending shivers down the spines of any who dared to pass by. The only signs of life were the circling seagulls, Aegypius vultures, and buzzing flies, drawn to the heat of the summer and the remains of the fallen.