
Why Did It Happen To Me?

It was a well past evening as her father said that the two would be back. The gloomy clouds that the two have seen earlier came into a tumbling storm of rain and wind. Lilith came inside after she was done herding roaming sheep, it seems that the sheep were more on edge than ever. Usually, it took a simple order but this time she had to scream and yelling at the sheep just to get them to move. She dried herself and went into the fireplace where she placed more wood, watching as the flame crackled and sizzled, small sparks gently falling down. Her mother was in her chair, she was sewing before Lilith had entered the room, she knelt beside Lilith and rubbed her back, warming her.

"Are you still not hungry dear?" her mother asked, Lilith nodded and her mother sighed, not in disappointment but with worry. Her mother got up and went over to the kitchen table, eating alone while Lilith went to her room to lay down. She felt a sudden sickness, she always felt sick whenever there was a full moon but tonight it was different as if she was feeling a connection with the moon itself. Then suddenly nausea hit Lilith that almost made her collapse to the floor, her mother ran up the stairs and quickly knelt next to Lilith. Lilith could feel something crawling to her heart, the same feeling she felt before, only this time it was worse. Lilith started to feel like gagging and felt as if her body starting to warm up, her mother had picked her up and carried her back downstairs, where she could get a better look at Lilith's fever. Her mother went somewhere, Lilith looked at the moon again but this time it felt calming like there was no need to worry what was happening.

Then suddenly a window shattered near Lilith, she ducked down and ran away from the scene, she grabs the Wolfshead blade and prepared herself for what might happen. Her mother ran back into the room and stared at the broken pieces of glass on the floor. What caused the window to shatter all of a sudden? Surely they would know if the window was slowly breaking but the didn't.

Then a flash of lightning came and the two saw the figure that broke through the window. The creature had long, sharp nails that were ready to fight, the body was oily and covered in fur. Its head was elongated and pointy ears were seen, there was a tail that contained no fur was swaying side to side. The creature's body was hunched but even so, it was tall enough to make the two helpless. It was at least six feet eight, it dwarfed the two ladies and it was the first time that Lilith would encounter her death.

"Get back!" yelled Lilith slowly inching towards the creature, the creature did not seem to move or even be phased by Lilith's present. Her mother seemed to be more terrified, she was shaking and handing her hands together. Lilith moved forward and stroke the creature in its stomach but it seemed to do nothing as Lilith was sent flying into the kitchen wall, making a small dent in it.

"You killed my daughter!" cried Lilith's mother, she could hear the sounds slowly fading away as she felt her body dying. So this is how we die? Pathetic.

The creature advanced on Lilith's mother, picking her up by her throat. The creature seemed to smile, showing its yellow teeth. Lilith's mother tried to break free from the creature's grip, kicking and punching with all her might but her blood started to slow down, so did she.

"Say hello to the old king will you, Elizabeth," the creature's voice growled before it ripped Lilith's mother throat out. All Lilith could feel was anger, she felt her body changing. Her rib cage expanding, muscles growing and her body getting taller. She could see gray hair growing on her body and before that, she lost control.

Lilith standing up and ready to fight the creature that has broken into her home was fueled with rage. She saw her mother's throat ripped out, bleeding and already dead. She tackled the creature and clawed at it but Lilith was no match for the creature's strength and better experience than her new form. It kicked Lilith off of itself and stabbed it sharp nails into Lilith's side, they both heard a wagon coming. The creature had kicked Lilith in the side and jumped out of the window, leaving a mess of blood and sorrow.

When Lilith's father and brother had come through the door, all they saw was a wreckage of a fireplace and a girl, crying next to her freshly dead mother. The two men stood there, in complete shock and disarray and then, Lilith's father made the first move.

"Get. Away. From. Her," said Lilith's father with a stern and extremely harsh tone.

"F-Father!" stutter Lilith, her father walked directly up to Lilith and yanked her away from her mother and threw her against the broken window. He then picked the sword that laid in the kitchen and walked over to Lilith. Without any hesitation, he stabbed Lilith on the other side and left it there. Drew came over but her father gave a threatening look. Why was her father doing this to her? He can't possibly think that she did it? Then it hit her, her father thinks that she kill her own mother.

"Drew get me the dart from the living room, now!" ordered her father. Lilith remembered watching her father and brother throwing darts at the board, there was one that was completely made out of silver. Lilith started to put the pieces back together, her father was going to kill her without proper judgment. Run and leave, said a voice in her head, she slowly staggered up and was still in pain but surprising most of it was already mending.

"Now Drew!" yelled her father, she could hear her brother's footstep thumping on the floor, running towards her father.

"Give it to me boy!" demanded her father as Drew tossed the dart to her father. He lined up his shot but it was already too late, Lilith was already gone, leaving small drops of blood. All that was left was two men, who have come back from a long trip to see their beloved mother dead and their own blood betrayed.
