
A Strange Encounter

Deep in the Lyssia Woods, the veteran scout and his apprentice were exploring the woods for the young apprentice training. The young apprentice wasn't exactly paying attention to where they were going, the veteran whistle and the apprentice stopped. They were faced with a poisonous vine that was only inches of their face, the vine was called Neos. They grow around dying trees and lure bugs and insects to their death, seeping into the animal veins and bloodstream, quickly claiming the animal's life. Surely a human body would be a perfect meal for the plant's hunger, the young apprentice moved away and regather besides their master. The veteran chuckled, he looked into his apprentice's golden eyes. Their dark brown hair was a perfect match. The veteran smiled and patted his apprentice's back before heard a loud crack, he quickly shot his eyes up and stared at the dead animal that appeared out of nowhere. The young apprentice moved closer to their master, the veteran clutched his staff that was at his side.

"Listen, kid, I want you to get the horses ready if this goes south, understand?" ordered the veteran. The young apprentice nodded and gather the horses together, the veteran waited patiently for the beast that threw the poor deer out in the open.

What happened next was indescribable and was horrifying, a beast that was standing on its hinds looking over the dead deer. The beast was completely covered in gray fur and its body looked as if it been in the military before, the beast looked over the veteran's direction, its amber eyes glowed and the veteran saw a better look of the beast's body, its ears were pointy and were on alert, the body of the beast was skinny, kinda curvey. The veteran took out his staff and ready himself, he saw a sword on the back of the beast and wondered what kind of beast was he encountering. Before the veteran told the beast to stop where it was, it stopped and opened its mouth. Teeth that were the size of a finger and sharp enough to kill the two, the veteran heard a low growl then again. Was it a warning them to get away? Whatever the growls were meaning, the veteran didn't move, he steadies himself to hold his ground to protect the young apprentice.

"H-Help me," spoke the beast before collapsing to the ground, the veteran walked up cautiously and watched as the beast's body turning into a young girl. He called his young apprentice to come to him and ordered them to give the girl medical treatment if possible, the veteran tried to remove sword on the girl's back but the left arm grabbed his wrist. The girl slightly rose and her left eye was open with the same amber eye. Did the girl have the same eye color as the beast that was inside of her? The answer was no, the other eye of the girl was closed shut, was the beast trying to regain control?

"Leave the sword on me," said the girl's voice growled, whatever was inside the young lady was trying to take over. The veteran nodded and removed his hand from the sword, the girl collapsed and the veteran picked the young lady up.

"Will she be okay Master Bergan?" worried the young apprentice, Bergan knelt down to his apprentice level and said.

"I don't know."
