
Chapter 10- Training Part 2

John and his teammates are having a training on their abilities so that they improve and make new skills out of it.

Now next is Rick. Since you have the ability to make a barrier, you just need to evolve so that you can improve it's durability, duration and distance. And one more thing, If you want to better improve your durability, then you must atleast build a solid foundation. That's all for my advice on your ability.

"Thanks for the advice John! It will surely improve my evolution speed and my training on my ability!" Says Rick.

Next is Steve. I don't know how to give an advice on your ability since your ability is complex like Harry. When you make an illusion, you focus and make an image on your mind right?

"Yes, that's how I made illusions." Says Steve.

So you must meditate to improve your mental ability and make sure when you use Illusion, you mustn't be affected by any variable so that it won't affect your ability on making illusions. The best advice is to control your emotions like you must be emotionless when making illusions. That's all for my advice on your ability.

"I thought of making myself emotionless, but it is hard to do it since I have a lot of things in my mind. It's like it is almost impossible." Says Steve.

I will argue on anything if you say it is impossible cause nothing is impossible! And you say that being emotionless is impossible?!? I will give you a demonstration on how to do it.

First of all, think that your on a void. Then think that you keep falling on that void and when you fall, keep measuring the distance of your fall. Lastly, you will be bored on keeping track of your distance so you can start showing no emotions. That's all for my advice.

"Thanks for the advice! You said that it wasn't impossible, so did someone achieve that?" Says Steve.

There were some people who used my advice and achieve that but they are atleast 11 who successfully achieve that out of 120 people that I taught.

"That's a quite a few! But can you atleast give me a live demonstration on that?" Says Steve.

Oh, ok! I can give you a demonstration and also Harry can do that since he is the first person I taught that ability.

When John set some kind of stance, he then closed his eyes and he suddenly released a strong and suffocating murderous intent.

All of his teammates that went inside the house to train their abilities went outside to look for the source of the strong murderous intent. And they were surprised that most of John's teammates were already at the ground, struggling to get back up while they faced the horrendous intent.

When almost all of his teammates passed out, Raphina suddenly called John's name.

John suddenly snapped out of it and asked:

What is it!

"What are you doing?!" Yelled Raphina.

Oh. That? Steve asked me to show my emotionless state. Oh, by the way, where's Steve.

"I'm... He.... Re...." Says Steve grabbing John's leg while crawling on the ground.

What are you doing there?! And why are most of my teammates passed out?!

"Why are you acting like nothing happened?! Most of our teammates passed out and that's all you have to say?!?" Says Raphina with an aggressive tone.

Wait, let me first figure out what happened.

"Sigh. After all that happened you are acting like your innocent? Man you're so troublesome." Says Harry.

So I think I figured out the situation. Looks like I released 1% of my killing intent and somehow that happened.

"Don't tell me that's only 1% of your ability! You're really strong and there I thought I can rival you." Says Harry.

What are we going to do now? And by releasing my killing intent, all of our teammates have improved their soul strength so give them this double S class artifact- Soul enhancing pill.

After John gave Raphina, Harry, Rick and Raymond the soul enhancing pill, they then placed their passed out teammates on their bedroom so that they can recuperate and heal their soul injury.

"Let's continue our training tommorow." Says Blaze.

You're really resilient huh. Hot-headed God! I said with a teasing tone.

"Shaddap! Devil of trainings!" Says Blaze.

Yeah, yeah. Let's continue our training tommorow. I still need to solidify my foundation.

After that, John went inside the Mansion to solidify his foundation.

To be continued...

That's all for this chapter and please like, follow and share my novel.