

Henry's latest story made his heart sink:

"On a Date with Next Target" and Sebastian's grip on the phone tightened.

Oblivious of Sebastian's turmoil, Raymond exhaled deeply narrating,"I saw Natalie coming out of the clinic–"

"Raymond, hold on," Sebastian interrupted as he showed Raymond the phone screen.

"Look at this."

Raymond's eyes narrowed as he took in Henry's post. "Is that the dance instructor page?" he asked with a neural expression.

Sebastian nodded,"and we have a huge problem." he showed Raymond Henry's first story. "He's on a date with my Orchid..." He started, but Raymond cut him off.

"So you're going to stop the date? Because your Orchid is a dumb teenager who can't make her own decisions?" Raymond spat angrily.

Sebastian recoiled, taken aback by Raymond's outburst,"Man, calm down. What's with the tone?" He asked, raising his hands to soothe him.