
Chapter 01

She blinked few more times to confirm the situation. A gulp to soothe her conclusive thoughts, she once again tried on tapping the a screen of the phone with shaking fingers. Repeatedly tapping, swiping up the unlock screen. Yet, no matter how forceful nor whatever gesture, 11:45AM, the clock interface remains unmoved.

"Calm down, take a deep breath..." She controlled her mood. A sudden flash of vehicle made her retreat a few steps.

She looked at the rowdy shopping district laid like a realistic painting in front of her. As much as she want to leave, countless transparent hands began to pull her inside, pushing her to dwell in the same fantasy-like scenario.

She wanted to say she doesn't believe it—how she wish she could. After all everything happened too suddenly. It's too much to take in at once.

One moment, she was inside her room, sketching a small tree on a white canvas. Feeling parched, she glanced on the clock only to see it's already 11:45AM. She already spent 2 hours drawing alone.

Thus, with a phone on her left, she reached for the door. Click, the door opened. But instead of the kitchen, she was astounded to see the strange phenomena unfold before her. Freeze... She stilled. A moment of panic and confusion.

It's like some sort magic. For 18 years of her life, only this once she experienced this kind of exhilaration.

To sudden find yourself alone, unguarded in an unfamiliar place. Who would dare to smile?

Nevertheless, she's not a hysterical person who would make a fuss at seeing this mystical instances. So, as things began to slowly sink in, her ragged breathing relaxed. Her panicking expression toned down, making her blend among the various passersby in varied outfit and styles. Fortunately, she wore a decent dress. If not, it'll be a huge embarrassment.

She reflexively reach out for the side bag she always wore. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she found it's still there.

Now that she's here, she don't have any other choices but to familiarize herself with the place. It's even better if she could find out where was the nearest police station, so that she could inquire some informations.

Her eyes travelled towards various signboard only to frown. The place's writing is so unfamiliar. It looks like some sort of vine like characters, never appearing to any book she have ever read.

If the words written are not recognizable, what about the language they speak? Approaching somebody is useless, they'll just shrug her off due to language barrier.

Walking, she can't help but observe the people and how they approach things. Actually, there's nothing strange. It's just like any other shopping districts wherever.

There are various shop lined on the streets. Confectionaries, restaurants, bars, clothing and apparels. There are even large mall buildings and other commercial establishments. Aside from few factories and private companies, the entire street is flaunting it's varied products to choose from.

She approached an apple on a small booth, the old man vendor spouted words in different language. Based on his tone, it seemed that he is asking if the person would buy. The little protagonist on smiled, returning it back on the display.

She passed by several establishments, without anybody glancing her strangely. In fact, she's the one doing all the staring. People cannot even feel her gaze.

She once saw a couple making up in a car with an open window. Blushing, she can't help but question if ever the people here in this place is really that bold. Nevertheless, she brushed off the idea of revealing herself and only walked past them.

She also noticed a man with glasses elegantly sitting on a chair of a certain store. He looks like a refined scholar whose hobby to recite poem and verses. But only when someone neglect a mess of broken plates, splattered food and overtuned table beside him.

A question again troubled her, are they really that violent? Such soft features are so misleading. She took a mental note not to trust people based on the appearance alone.

Looking up on towering buildings, there are several large digital billboards, showing different advertisements. There is a conspicuous one, probably owned by a TV Company, showcasing a news alert about a huge fire in a certain laboratory. She cannot understand the subtitles, so her understanding is purely based on the images.

Crossing a pedestrian lane with other people, the protagonist found a herself in a deserted alley. She never realized it did exist since it was completely unnoticeable when not probed meticulously. She looked back, only to see that the place she was standing is the best spot to see the magnificent panoramic view of the entire shopping district. The sight is like an utopia, urging people to get in, to induge with the luxury of money.

If she just have money, she also wanted to buy a lot. But how is that possible? Not only that she cannot speak the same words, but she also got no idea on the currency of money people use.

Sighing, she returned her attention to the empty alleyway.

Opposite to the bright aura of the shopping district, it's excluding a dry and gloomy atmosphere.

"I won't get killed if I would enter here, right?" She mumbled to herself. Then chuckled when thought that even if people robbed her, they won't get a penny. "I wonder if I could realize that they're already robbing me?"

Disregarding the negativities in her mind, she ventured the discarded alleys.

Old buildings, closed shops, diners with customers only to be counted by fingers. There are even broken houses and buildings with broken windows left unrepaired. Debree and rubbles are lying on the road, obstructing it. The way is already narrow, with cracks and all, but with the stockpiled materials, it looks even narrower.

"Mreowww!!!" A sudden shriek of a cat, startled her onto jumping away. She groaned when her back bumped into a post with caution sign.

"Hey, be careful." An indifferent voice sounded behind her. It was warning her about a huge hole on the ground, just a arm length beside her feet.

Yet, the protagonist only looked back, since she don't understand a thing. She didn't even notice the hole. She just nodded at the person who said those, which is now holding the gray cat she just stepped.

The person seemed to be an animal doctor, for he's holding a syringe and a white laboratory gown. The gray cat she just stepped have a bandaged arm, which struck her guily. She bowed, acting out an apology before hastening away.

Surprisingly, at the end of the alley there is small but fully furnished two-story house. It looks clearly out of place. It excludes a warm welcoming aura different from it's depilated surroundings. The houses was painted by soft light blue paint, with some parts colored in white and dark blue. It got a red roof, with a chimney. There's a small lawn in front of the house, just enough to add small shrubs and bushes to compliment the house's warm atmosphere. The black fence is open, so as the house's door. Even though curious, she decided not to take a peek futher in.

Exiting the alley, a warm sea breeze met her cheeks, as her black locks danced with the wind. Cry of seaguls filled her ears, and a gentle splashing of waves on the rocks gives more realistic feel to the picture. A sea of dark blue waters sparkling with the sunlight. The clouds are clear, with few cottony clouds over the horizon, kissing the waters.

Nostalgia swept over her.

The previous occurrence rushed back at her like a wind flipping the pictures on her hand. All of the memories flashed on her eyes, like a film strip, provoking mixed emotions.

Appearing in another place out of a sudden. Exploring the place, only to realize that there was no difference on it and on the place she once been. With the problems on money, a place to stay and how to inquire information... She can't help but sigh.

Sitting on the rock, watching the birds play in the waters, carefree and wild. She can't help but ask again.

"Why am I here?"

Another sigh.

"Here." A candy suddenly appeared on her sight. It was handed by a beautiful pair of masculine hands. Realizing there is a person beside her, she stared at him with an unconcealed surprise.

The man was looking at her with amiable expression. His phoenix eyes are smiling, his lips, though pursed, shows no sign of pretense. He was wrapped a red trench coat even though it's summer, making his already pale skin can be seen paler with the contrast. The bright sun as if acknowledging the man's presence, dimmed a bit, giving him a soft aura that could make anybody comfortable.

"Here, candy." The man grabbed her hand and put the candy into it. "Kids should not frown nor sigh. I gave you a candy, eat it and smile."

Thanks for reading.

Ynnalyecreators' thoughts