
000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

[Heyaaa author here this is actually the first time i write something so i really need your review to fix my writing and I try to fix it and taking you guys feedback] Rei, a normal student living in normal world, wakes up one day to find himself transported into the gacha game he always play. Granblue Fantasy, To make things even more weird, he suddenly have the appearance of Lucilius, an astral that want to destroy the world

IamReallySalad · 游戏衍生
95 Chs

39. Luminiera Omega

<3rd PoV>

After Rei opened his eyes, they immediately felt the pressure of the aura he emitted.

Some of them like Djeeta, Vyrn, Lyria, and Katalina immediately recognized this aura from when they were in Zinkenstill.

"This is bad! Katalina, this is like before!" Djeeta shouted to Katalina.

"I know, Djeeta!" Katalina drew her weapon and ran to the side of Djeeta to prepare in case Rei would attack them like before.

Djeeta also drew her weapon, preparing herself in case the previous incident would repeat itself.

"Hey, what's happening with Rei!? The aura he's emitting really feels different from before," Rackam looked confused by what was happening.

Io, Eugen, Narmaya and Rosetta were also confused about what was happening, but Rosetta seemed to recognize the aura emitted by Rei.

"This aura... it's like the astral aura I once felt, but there's another aura I don't recognize," Rosetta muttered to herself.

"Hey, Rei, what are you doing! Don't lose control again!" Vyrn shouted at Rei, who was staring sharply at Vira with his six wings on his back.

But Rei completely ignored Vyrn's words, the hint of purple on his wings began to gradually cover his black wings.

Vira, who was the center of Rei's aura pressure, began to tremble as she could feel his power far surpassing hers.

"I don't know what kind of creature you are! But don't expect me to give up so easily!" Vira shouted at Rei.

"O Luminiera! Show me the power of an Astral knight! Grant me sword and shield to clear away the foes in my path!"

After saying that, they all could see a sword beginning to appear in Vira's hands, and she was enveloped in a golden force field.


"Sword of Repudiation!"

The area around Rei began to crack after he uttered those words, and soon the cracks multiplied and eventually shattered.

They could see a grey sword beginning to emerge from the cracks that connecting to somewhere.

The grey sword emitted a powerful aura, similar to when they fought Colossus.


Rei immediately grasped the sword he had summoned, and as he held it, the floor beneath him cracked and crumbled.

"Let's see if your words were just empty talk or not," Rei said to Vira, smiling broadly.

Afterwards, Rei began to attack Vira by striking her force field so fast even Vira doesn't have time to react as she suddenly get thrown through the wall.

she did not stop being thrown as she continued to pass through the walls and break them.

Vira was thrown until she got out of Albion Castle, but eventually she stopped being thrown and used the power of Luminiera to fly.

Not long Rei suddenly appeared in front of her flying using his wings.

"Don't be arrogant! Holy Blade" Vira used the power of the Luminiera sword to slash Rei.

The Luminiera Sword began to be surrounded by a blue aura at the command of its user.

Vira immediately swung her sword towards Rei, who just stood there staring at her.

"Wings of the Word"

The aura surrounding the Luminiera sword instantly shattered after Rei said that...

Wings of the Word is the power of his wings that passively modify any damage received, making them significantly weaker to the point where they barely pose any harm to him.

Seeing the aura surrounding her sword disappear, Vira looked shocked because she didn't know what happened.

But Rei didn't just stand there after removing the power of Luminiera, he immediately slashed the force field surrounding Vira and destroyed it easily.

*Shatter* Her force field shattered and disappeared after Rei destroyed it with his sword.

"Aghhh" Vira immediately felt the side effects as her force field being destroyed.

Vira slowly started to descend as she couldn't bear the side effects, but unfortunately Rei wasn't going to let her do that easily.

Rei grabbed Vira's hair and stopped her from falling, then he pulled her hair so he can look at her face that in pain.

"What's wrong? Is that all you've got? You used the power of Luminiera but couldn't harness its full strength?" Rei taunted Vira who looks in pain.

"Ahhhh!" Vira screamed in pain as Rei pulled her hair upwards.

But as Rei was enjoying Vira's screams, he suddenly felt energy gathering in a certain direction.

Rei then turned towards the source of the energy and saw that the Empire's weapon was preparing to shoot at him.

"Ohh look Vira, the weapon you fear is getting ready to fire," Rei directed Vira to see the Empire's airship where the weapon was located.

As Vira saw the light gathering above the Empire's airship, she opened her eyes wide and started to panic.

"They are using that weapon!?!? If they use it, this island will be destroyed!" Vira tried to release Rei's grip on her hair so she could stop the Empire's weapon.

Unfortunately, Rei's grip was too strong and Vira was still weak from the side effects of him destroying her force field.

"Let go! I have to stop it," Vira started to cry, not wanting the other people of Albion to suffer because of her actions.

But besides the Empire's airship, Rei could see that the Grandcypher was also flying towards them.

Rei could see that the others had boarded the Grandcypher as they couldn't fly and were chasing them.

"It seems playing is over." Rei muttered to himself.

"Come here, Luminiera," Rei said to Vira.

After saying that, something suddenly flew out of Vira's body and circled around them.

The thing that came out looked small and green, surrounded by small blue spheres.

It was Primal Beast Luminiera in its normal form.


"Luminiera?" Vira looked confused as to why Luminiera suddenly came out of her body.

After losing Luminiera, she could no longer feel the power flowing inside her.

Now she was just an ordinary knight like before...

Luminiera seemed to be observing Rei from top to bottom, as if she recognized him.

After observing for a while, Luminiera then smiled while nodding and finally entered Rei's body and disappeared.

Rei feeling Luminiera inside his body then smiled and looked at the woman whose hair he was gripping.

"Now you are no longer useful to me," Rei said to Vira before throwing her towards the Grandcypher.

"Kyaaaaa!" Vira was thrown so fast towards the Grandcypher, causing panic among the others on the deck as they tried to figure out how to catch Vira.

"Hey, this is bad! If Vira crashes into the Grandcypher like that, she won't just be injured she could lose her life!" Eugen shouted to the others.

"Lyria!" Katalina quickly called out to Lyria.

"I understand! Please lend me your power, Tiamat, and stop Vira," Lyria used her power to call Tiamat and then slowed down Vira with Tiamat's wind.

"Good job, Lyria!" Djeeta then ran to where Vira would fall.

Even though Lyria had slowed down Vira's speed but she would still fall head first toward grandcypher. So Djeeta needed to catch her quickly before Vira hit the Grandcypher.

Djeeta ran fast and managed to catch Vira who is already unconscious.

"Whew, thankfully in time," Djeeta placed Vira on the deck of the Grandcypher and wiped away her sweat.

"Vira!" Katalina ran towards them to check on Vira's condition.

"Good job, Djeeta," Vyrn said to his best pal.

Katalina then examined Vira who was unconscious and seriously injured Her hair was disheveled and they didn't know if her internal organs were injured too or not as they didn't have a doctor.

"Lyria, please heal Vira!" Katalina asked Lyria, who was still running towards them.

"I know!" Lyria then sat next to Vira and tried to heal her.

While Katalina and Lyria were busy with Vira, the others refocused on Rei.

Rei had been floating in the air without doing anything, just staring at the Empire's airship.

"Are you sure Rei will stop that weapon, Djeeta?" Rosetta asked Djeeta.

"Yes, I'm sure," Djeeta answered confidently.

Meanwhile, Rei continued to staring at the Empire's weapon.

At the beginning he wanted to test the strength of that Empire's weapon, but if he did that it could destroy the island due to the explosion's impact. So, he decided to destroy the airship instead.

Rei then released his grip on his gray sword, and the sword immediately disappeared.

"Let me see your power, Luminiera!" Rei said to Luminiera inside his body.

Shortly after Luminiera began to emerge from his body but this time there seemed to be a kind of connection behind Luminiera that was linked to Rei's body.

"Use all your power!"

Luminiera then began to be surrounded by light and appeared to grow larger and larger.

Luminiera continued to grow until it surpassed the Grandcypher and the Empire's airship.

After finishing growing, the light that surrounded it dimmed and eventually disappeared.

They all then saw Luminiera in its true form.


With all four of its hands, Luminiera began to aim its spear towards the Empire's airship.

"Rain of Brilliant Spears" Rei said to Luminiera.

Upon hearing that Luminiera started to hurl its spear towards the airship, but as it was about to throw the spear suddenly the spear began to multiply.

From just 4 spears to 8, then 16, 32, and so on until it filled the sky.

Luminiera then threw all the spears towards the Empire's airship.

*Boom* *Boom* Each spear that hit the airship exploded massively.

But because Luminiera was using too many of its spears, many spears passed through the airship and continued to fly behind it.

The explosions kept happening for a while until there was nothing left of the airship and the Empire's weapon.

"Wow, look at Luminiera... I didn't expect a primal beast to have that kind of power!" Vyrn looked shocked when he saw Luminiera like that.

"Hey, if the primal beasts we fought before are like that, we wouldn't be no match for them" Rackam spoke as he looked at Luminiera's form.

"This... this is the true power of a primal beast," Rosetta told them.

"Eh!? Are you saying the primal beasts we fought before didn't use their true abilities?" Djeeta looked surprised when she heard what Rosetta said.

"That makes sense, you know... Primal beasts are weapons created by Astral to change this world," Narmaya said as she staring at Luminiera.

"And because Astral is no longer in this world, no one can truly wield the power of primal beasts..." Rackam concluded from what he heard.

"But how can Rei use the power of a primal beast like that?" Lyria said to them while still healing Vira.

"I don't know... but I'm a bit suspicious of something, I'm not sure about it so I'll stay quiet for now until I'm sure," Rosetta said to them.

They all then looked at Luminiera and Rei, floating in the air, as they both staring at the now non-existent Empire airship.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

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