

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible, the harem is terrible. -This is not the marvel story you're looking for. It's not even in the MCU yet after so long, and may never be with how slow it is. -This is a wish-fulfillment story that is in the MCU universe and will follow the MCU in my own way. The goal is to blend my story in and around the MCU. -Be warned I'm a below-average writer, I need to work on my details and wording, and probably everything else. Expect quality fluctuations. -This will have a harem since my last story didn't have one. --Expect badly written lemon scenes. They will be marked for an easy skip for those who don't want to read it. If you can handle all that, then welcome aboard. -The Asgardian Theoric is about to get a second chance. [[[ https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Theoric_(Earth-616) ]]] -The story starts before the MCU where he will grow his abilities on his way to becoming indomitable. -1st volume: Prologue -2nd volume: Troll War - (ch.12-59) -3rd volume: Hidden Forces - (ch. 60-194) -4th volume: Olympians -5th volume: Mutants -6th volume: MCU -7th volume: Darkness -8th volume: Epilogue ___________________________________ To help answer some questions people might have. -This is a fanfic, don't expect everything to be super accurate to marvel canon or history in general. I'm taking the info provided that's already been established and turning into a story of my own making. - No kingdom-building, - The beginning of the story puts a lot of people off because I didn't go the normal route people would like, and they don't tend to like the troll arc. The next arc also starts a slow tedious writing style that needs much work and improvement. - He also starts a little rash and seems a little weak because his powers easily drain him, some of this is explained later though and fixed by Gaea, but many miss this and only concentrate on the fact that he isn't being and doing what they think he should. - I should also explain that he has some memories that were locked away and then deleted because of his rashness. This was simply a way to end the whole locked memory thing, the Acanti soul was a plot point to give him future memories of the MCU, beyond that it served no more purpose so I got rid of all the other useless knowledge, He was in no way nerfed as some would like to believe. - I made him a little more emotional than I would like at the beginning, it was my attempt at trying to give him a personality after being criticized for the lack thereof in my last story. - Ruthless? I don't think so, I'm going more the route of a fair Mc. He'll do more of an eye for an eye type stuff, gender does not matter to him when it comes to this. - While the harem isn't the end all be all goal, it's true that he is going around getting women. - I do have a story beyond the harem though and will not focus too heavily on the harem beyond the obvious. Mostly he just goes around sleeping with them and beyond that is anyone's guess whether they stick around or not, I do try and make it feel a little more real, but it is a harem. - Basically a harem with a progressing story. ___________________________________ -I have also posted this story on Royal Road and Wattpad.

Nevvan · 其他
201 Chs

Rock Trolls

They marched into the sparsely spaced woods, but it was still thick enough to hide many things as they made their way towards the breach's reported location.

The closer they got, the worst the feeling became for Theoric, it didn't make sense that he was ordered out here, he was a Crimson guard, Odin's guard and he wasn't even here, this wasn't his type of duty.

The veteran soldier from earlier saw his ugly expression took the chance to talk to him, "Sir this will be over before you know it and then you can go home to your wife."

Theoric glanced at him, "I don't believe I caught your name."

"The names Brahan, friends call me Bran." he grinned

"Well Brahan, tell me, do you think a Crimson soldier should be out here?" Theoric smirked seeing him wince when he choose to say his full name.

"Now that you mention it, I wasn't going to say anything, but why are you doing this?"

"I told you I was ordered, now why I was ordered is the question."

Seeing the sun getting ever lower, "Let's pick up the pace, I would like this finished before dark." Theoric ordered.

Jogging along Theoric made sure to keep alert, they never knew when they would be engaged, if the report is right the breach happened in the morning so they could be anywhere in the surrounding area by now.

He cringed hearing the sound of the men with their armor clanking along, they weren't going to sneak up on anything and would easily be detected by whoever was around, leaving them vulnerable to ambushes.

The last thing he wanted was to take things slow though, he felt bad about the situation, but it was his first break in a while and he was missing his free time on another mission that he should have never received.

He consoled himself that he was in Asgardian territory and that they have the advantage.

Coming upon a clearing they could see the breach, the ground was cracked open and a portal was in place for quick travel.

"It's a trap, men in formation, circle up and ready yourselves." He yelled once seeing the portal which he knew meant far more came than reported and many more could be on the way.

The men reacted as trained and followed the order as they all circled up with spears out, it wasn't long before the whooping and hollering of the rock trolls started up after his initial yell.

The Orange-Skinned Rock Trolls are stocky and massive with orange skin, ape-like faces and brains to match, some hair on them, five fingers on each hand, and two toes on each foot, the average standing at 5 foot tall.

This was unusual though, to be able to set up a portal and send so many through, it's never been done before, the most they have been able to accomplish before is small raiding parties of half a dozen Trolls.

Now the men were surrounded by more than 3 dozen Trolls fully prepared to wipe them out.

Theoric frowned seeing them coming out of the woods surrounding him and his men.

"This shouldn't be possible, how did so many get through unnoticed," Brahan muttered loud enough for the rest to hear.

Things looking bleak, the atmosphere tuned gloomy.

"Steady men, brace yourselves, we will not fall here." Theoric yelled trying to pump morale into his men.

Not much of a speech, but it did help as they readied themselves for the Trolls tightening the formation and their grips for the first clash.

Theoric drew his sword grasping it with both hands, the charging trolls finally upon them, a group of trolls stopped before engaging and bent down allowing the following ones to use them as a stepping stone to jump over the formation.

Theoric shouted- "Back row shields up, spears up, impale those bastards."

Most of the falling trolls were impaled, the ones that made it through were quickly dispatched by Theoric as he quickly cut them down.

The bodies of some that fell though pushed a few of the men out of formation allowing an opening for the Trolls to exploit as they charged in avoiding the spears.

When they were in range, the men drew their swords and engaged the Trolls who wielded clubs and axes.

A couple of Asgardians were unlucky enough to be chopped down before drawing their swords, Theoric rushing up to the front making sure to cut down the ones who had their weapons stuck in the bodies of his men.

As the fight dragged on the more skillful Asgardians were holding their own and giving better than they got as they stuck together and defended themselves from the less coordinated less trained Trolls.

Theoric was showing everyone why they called him the butcher as he made his way forward dodging strikes and countering with ferocious 2 handed swings that cleaved through his enemies like they were made of mud, sending body parts flying and blood spraying.

Things were going well until their champion arrived, Ulik, bigger than the rest standing at 6'4" with a bulky build that made him look like a tank of flesh, wielding hammer-like fist knuckle weapons (Pounders).

He super jumped over showcasing his strength to be far superior to theirs as he landed in the middle of them crushing a couple to death under his feet.

Theoric eyes widened at this display, knowing that he was far outclassed didn't sit well with him, if only he had the strength of Thor he could fight this monster, he thought, clenching his fists tighter in anger.

Ulik alone started smashing them all to pieces, Theoric stuck where he was unable to move due to the overbearing feeling of Helplessness knowing that he was nothing to this monster, could only watch as Ulik crushed his men into meat paste leaving him for last.

After the last of his men were killed, Ulik turned to him, the other Trolls knowing to wait in the back until he says otherwise only watched on as their champion worked.

Ulik- "I saw the way you killed my men, I saved you for last in the hopes of a good fight, don't disappoint me."