


They dared to go in a creepy and horrific forest as they were still in there youth, they found it challenging to go there in the mid of night. Some of them weren't ready to go including "EMMA, LUCAS and LILY" meanwhile "ALEX and AMELIA" were exuberant to go there. so they both being obstinate and make them ready to go .

The light fades as they enter the forest, turning into a strange dark and quiet place, the sounds have all but vanished. The smell of animal or beast hangs in a still air, no flowers seem to help the uneasy odor.

Wind slipping through leaves, cracking undergrowth with each step , grass and weed sliding against pant legs, breathing sounds, fox yipping, wolves howling

ALEX : (while being like a leader) Everyone just be together and stay alarmed, anything could happened at any time (he said while looking towards Lily whose face color was already pale due to terror-stricken )

LILY : C...can you just stop saying li...like this? I'm already frightened and you are saying shits like this

ALEX : oh c'mon it's a forest a creepy forest anything is expected here (he said while smile annoyingly )

[ Lily starts crying like a little baby while shouting ahh I wanna go homee , mom where are you they forcefully brought me here I don't know anything I wanna go home my mom must be waiting for me]

EMMA : hey Lily girl stop crying , we are together ,nothing wrong can happen to you as long as we are here by your side (she quiet her like a mother) and you Alex stop saying like that , we are here just because of you and Amelia and now you are saying -

ALEX : (before she complete her sentence) blah blah blah anything else "MISS EMMA" he bragged

AMELIA: okay now stop it you all we are here for fun not for quarrel let's just enjoyed it.

LUCAS: oh yeshh I just remembered , my mum cooked pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie all of you had dinner at my place ..

LILY : sounds good..

ALEX : well just ask your mom to add pumpkin in pumpkin bread and pie (he said with a naughty smile on his face)

LUCAS: was it a joke..??

ALEX: yeshhhh

LUCAS : I don't like youuu

ALEX: It's okay not everyone likes me so it wouldn't makes a big difference for you to like me or not

EMMA: Goshh this guy.....



AMILE: DAMN.. look at that (she said while pointed towards a haunted house)

EMMA : goshh this place is really so-

AMILE: I dare everyone present here if you go inside this house I'll give all of you five dollars

ALEX: I accept (while raising his hand)

LUCAS: Are you insane or something ??

ALEX: If not being coward like you guys called insane then yeah I am, I am insane

EMMA : who do you call coward ?? huh!!

ALEX: YOU !!!! did you get that you are a coward (he said in a daring tone)

EMMA: ok then ( raise her hand while looked at Alex) I accept

LILY: aishh not you Emma

Emma: just accept it , it would be fun and then Amile will treat us a dinner.

LUCAS: OKAY!!! I accept but there is a condition

"Alex will be the first one to go inside"

ALEX: Stupid people, stupid desires..


LILY : if you will be the one to go inside then okay I can join you guys ,I don't have any

choice anyway

*without wasting any time they start walking towards the house meanwhile Alex was the one walking in front of them as a leader * {as he was the one to enter in the house}

while standing in front of the door Alex knocked it the door was opened. He was about to go inside when a guy of his age suddenly jumped in front of him

He wore black jeans and white shirt with a black coat and wore a halloween mask

ALEX: what the fuck dude "Is this your way to welcome a guest "have some manners

while listen Ale talking with someone all of them went inside

??? : oh you are many "why here by the way"? do you guys want something?

LILY: N...No, S...SI...SIR , we were just passing by-

??? : okay let's go inside(while walking towards the hallway)

EMMA : AC...ACTUALLY sir we are not here for coming inside we were just -

*he takes his mask off*


"As he took of his mask my eyes widened I have never met someone more handsome then him. He was so gorgeous that I can't take my eyes off from his face . His face ,his body structure ,his nose his voice everything of his was perfect"

after he took off his mask while looking towards Emma

??? : I know I am very good looking , but just stop staring at me like this or i might catch an evil eye

LILY: oh c'mon stop doing doing self-praise

he looked at Lily with a strange expression on his face

??? : let's go inside ,I like if you guys accepted my invitation , I hope you don't have any issue

( before anyone could say something Emma spoke up ) of...of course we don't have any issue

ALEX : but-

??? : we will talk after get in the house

they all get in house the house was as large as a mansion and ass creepy as if it's a mansion of ghost The windows were dark and filled with shadows that play tricks on their eyes. The house itself was in dreadful shape, it was heavily dilapidated.

while walking within the hallway they all approaches a room , the room was creepy full of old and strange pictures with spider web all over it , dark and ominous, promising something terrible and fierce."

He asked them to get freshened while he himself went to fetch something to drink for them

Alex: damn this guy is so disgusting

EMMA: and cute as well...