Drake climbed the platform and went near the center waiting for his opponent to come as well. To Drake it was just one more duel against a first-year wizard, he didn't think too much about it since probably the only one who could give serious problems would be Scarlett. While he was thinking Jacob arrived near him with an arrogant smile on his face.
Drake shrugged his shoulders and waited for the teacher to give a sign.
"Okey, students first you greet each other," said Karpov while he waited for the students to comply which took a few seconds.
"Now walk ten steps and the count of three the duel will begin "continued the teacher.
"One, two…" before the teacher could count to three after they turn around and face each other, Jacob used "Stupefy". Even though Drake was taken off guard, the moment that Jacob waved his wand Drake already started doing the same and made a silent incantation since he shouldn't have time to cast it while chanting. Drake used "Protego", leaving all the students to astonish including the DADA teacher.
Jacob also looked astonished and before he could recover Drake used "Flipendo", knocking out Jacob flat into the platform floor. Drake thought that since Jacob wanted to play dirty, he would also play with him and instead of knocking his wand he went for a bashing. After that, he just waited for Jacob to recover, which was taking his time, he looked confused since he had hit his head on the floor.
"You…you…fucker," said Jacob pulling himself up with some difficulty. Before he could say a thing, he heard and saw another spell coming at him.
"Stupefy," said Drake right after Jacob got up, he knew that Jacob wasn't thinking straight since he should have launched a spell or something while he was on top of the table.
After stunning Jacob, Drake used "Expelliarmus" making Jacobs wand flying off from his hand. A few more moments passed, and Drake didn't hear the announcement only after Professor McGonagall intervened did Karpov woke from his stupor.
"Professor Karpov you need to announce the winner and give him the rewards!" said McGonagall in a happy tone.
"The winner of the duel his Drake, 30 points to Gryffindor," said Karpov.
But before Drake and the Gryffindor student could rejoice, they heard a voice coming from the Slytherin students.
"Hmm…Drake should be disqualified; he never had the intention of disarming my student" said Snape glaring at Drake.
But before he could reply, McGonagall answered him:
"Oh, and your student attacked before professor Karpov counted to three and also didn't aimed to Drake wand, don't be a sore loser, this was a wonderful match!"
"This is my class and I decide who is the winner! Student Drake showed remarkable magic proficiency, all the magics used were very well performed and controlled to not have sufficient power to hurt someone, including the fact he could make a protection charm without a chant." Said Karpov interjecting between the two and then turning to Drake.
"I hope that all of you had paid attention to this duel especially the magic performed by student Drake" continued Karpov while he looked to all the students.
Listening to the words of Professor Karpov, Snape turns around and left the class. Before he left he looked at Drake and then to his students.
"Pathetic!" Said Snape watching the first years Slytherin students.
Drake descended the platform and went to his friends which had happy looks including Scarlett, even though her house lost. The Gryffindor students looked at Drake in awe and it seems that they wanted to congratulate him, but none of them step up to do it. Drake ignores them and said to his friends:
"So how did I do?"
"Damn! You were awesome!" said Katie with a very excited look,
"Well…it seems I was worried for nothing, but you used non-chanting magic…I think you will get some troubles with it." Said Cho with a happy and with a little concerned voice.
"I'm not amazed about it; I knew you would burn him to crisp" replied Scarlett with a smirk on her face.
"Yup, it was like a walk in a park…but I showed more that I initially thought…that sneaky bastard beginning to attack before the three…I should have expected that…I made a mistake…after all you all little snakes are very cunning although there are some exceptions."
"You are not satisfied?! Even with cunningness you still defeat him with a chant less magic" replied Katie.
"Tsk! Yup, you are right about the last part there are some exceptions" said Scarlett right after Katie."
While they were talking Professor, McGonagall went near them.
"Well done Drake, now you could have at least spare you colleague from visiting Madame Pomfrey."
"Thanks, Professor, I would have done that if he hadn't attacked me before the three" replied Drake.
"Okey, okay…I will get going, have a nice day you four…don't do any pranks, I will be watching you…" said Professor McGonagall while looking at a Drake before she left.
After the professors left, the students also started to leave, only the Drake and the ladies stayed behind. As the students were leaving, all of them knew what Drake did at most of them had a little bit of fear like the Slytherins students and a few Gryffindor ones. As the Ravenclaw, they were astonished since a kid of their age could do some chant less magic which lead them to think that he studied a lot of books.
All the students left and only the four of them stayed behind. Drake made a few charms to not let people hear their conversation.
"So, let's talk about some business. Yesterday I talked to Peeves about the vaults and he couldn't tell me anything about them. He only said that we had to retrace the steps of the previous group to the portrait vault and find the clues. This means that there are probably more vaults and also the school won't be against us for now."
"Well, that's something already we know where to begin," said Katie.
"Yeah! Its time for some adventures heheheh!" said Scarlett.
"Wait! What did you mean by saying that the school won't be against us?" asked Cho.
"What didn't you read the book about Hogwarts, it says that the school may have like a mind of his own…" said Scarlett followed by Katie.
"Of course, I read it! But I think it's not true, the stairs, the ceiling, the mysterious rooms, and all the other stuff it's the product of magic" said Cho.
"That's is where you are wrong Cho, and the proof is the sorting hat. If the founders could give sentience to the sorting hat, why couldn't they do another object and for example give the control of the school to it?!" said Drake.
"Not all the books tell the truth…" said Scarlett.
"Whatever…let's say that you are right, so the school won't have any problems with us about this matter?" asked Cho not very convinced about.
"Yup, for now, …we are cool since we don't have the intent to use them to harm the school or the students…but if any of us leaks a single bit of intent about that…we are fucked. I will ask this only once. Do you want to keep going with this?" asked Drake to the three.
"Yes!" replied Katie and Scarlett at the same time.
"Yes…but…can we only do with the four of us?! Don't forget the other students weren't first years when they started the search and fought against those oddities. We probably will need help…" said Cho.
"Heheheh…it seems little Cho wants to invite her boyfriend to the group…" said Scarlett giggling. Katie also started to laugh about it.
"Hmm…I also have been thinking about it…but probably I think for now it should be only us. But maybe in the future, we can add more members and also, we can form like a group, order or association to discover all the mysteries of the magic world" said Drake.
"Oh my god that would be a great idea!" said Katie with an excited tone.
"I agree with Drake, I think for now its should be only the four of us, but we can also make a list of some potential candidates," said Scarlett.
"Yeah…" replied Cho.
"That would be wonderful! Now what should we do this weekend?" asked Drake to the group.
"I think we should start the investigation on the portrait vaults next Wednesday. Because its Halloween day and all the portraits, ghosts, students and teachers will be in a partying mood and most of them won't care about a few students sneaking around the castle" said Scarlett.
"I would agree with you but don't forget we have a banquet to attend. I think we won't have time for searching very much" replied Cho.
"That's a good point but don't forget its holiday so I think we will have a lot of time to do it," said Drake.
"Well for me it's good, I don't care when we start, I just want to go on an adventure," said Katie.
"Then today we can relax and go on our own business, I will go to the forest to play with my pets and then I need to go and talk with Professor Dumbledore about my punishment."
"Okey…on Wednesday we start the exploration…so I will go and study a little bit and talk with Cedric" said Cho which won a few giggling from the girls.
"Then that's perfect! I will go to assist the Quidditch training with few friends and then I will find you" said Katie.
"I don't have anything to do really…and I don't want to be the third wheel, or I don't think the Gryffindor student would want a Slytherin student seeing their practice so I will tag along with Drake" replied Scarlett.
"Okay then for today we will do our own business and then we can meet at dinner," said Drake.
Drake dispelled the magic and together with girls started going out of the classroom. He parted ways with Katie and Cho and then went with Scarlett to the forbidden forest.
well here it is another chap...and im sorry for the delay...you know the drill any mistake or something you find just say...i have been trying to correct the mistakes you point in the other chaps. I will aslo started to read the former chaps too...
cya soon