The year 1990
"HEHEHE! Finally, I received the letter from Hogwarts…I'm so happy! I need to go and get Ali and Alf to ask them if they can accompany me" said Drake in a happy tone after he received an Owl which brought a letter from Hogwarts. He knows that his dad is the headmaster but even so, he needs to receive these formalities. He went to the living room of his house and suddenly a five-coloured cat of his size appeared in the middle of the room and fell on his lap, with a wave of his wand that was with him he felt the distortion in space and used "Arresto Momentum" to decrease the fall of his cat to avoid smashing him or breaking anything from the room.
"Hey Z, where did you go? I was looking for you?! "asked Drake to the Zouwu beast. The Zouwu started snuggling on his lap while opening his mouth.
"Oh, so you went to eat, nice, nice!"
Drake started to pet the cat behind her ears and started to think about the 2 years since his 9th birthdays. He thought about how difficult it was to master the basics of Legilimens and Occlumency but at least he could already see the through the muggles thoughts and few Wizards with weak minds. He can also protect his mind against weak Legilimens spells too. He still remembers when he went to follow Hagrid in secret and discovered a passage to the muggle world and he had the idea of training Legilimens on muggles. Of course, when he returned home, there was his Dad and the prime minister of magic waiting for him. He was grounded for 1 month without using magic and his wand, hat and bag was confiscated.
"Damm…I just don't want to be grounded ever again…it was the worst days of my life, well if don't get caught doing some pranks…I won't get grounded hehe!" said a rumbling Drake with a little evil smile on his face. Z started to shake her head while looking at him like "Oh please, just grow up already!!"
Another memory appears has he thinks about all the time he spent with Z his Zouwu beast, she started to grow and with her, the powers to warp space started to manifest and with it countless broken objects. The pranks he made to the muggles world when she escaped with him…oh it was simply too funny…and one more time the punishments were ready when he arrived seems he was always caught by his Dad.
He also thinks about how he uses his time-turner to have a few additional hours. He only goes back in time at maximum time 5 hours a day and not all days…since time laws a very strict and ageing is one big problem too. Even with these limitations, he looks older than a typical eleven years old boy. Well at least he could master the basics of alchemy and his magic garden already has few magic plants inside it. He also discovered that alchemy is connected to potion-making and chemistry, a muggle science. Because of this, he asked his dad to buy a few basic books about chemistry, biology, electronics and computation. With this knowledge, he could finally make some panaceas to cure some diseases and other things to calm down some beasts or to attract them. He also started to get some ideas to increase the efficiency of his experiments without spending much mana or time to do it.
He also trained in healing magic. However, to use it you need to spend a lot of magic and have perfect manipulation of it. He still hasn't achieved perfect manipulation and practising it would leave him spent for a day. He started to read some anatomy books from muggles to understand better the human body, of course, he knows that wizards and muggles are different. But most of the body is equal, except for the capacity to use magic. As he keeps thinking about the three years that passed by, Alina and Alfred returned home and see their master with an absent look.
"Young master are you okay?" asked Alina.
Drake come back to his senses and responds
"Why do you still call me young master? You are free elves now, I asked dad and he permitted me to free both you. You can call me by my name."
"We know, young master and now has free elves we want to continue you to call you young master, you can't order us now heheheh! Replied Alina, followed by a nod of Alfred.
"So, why did you call us here young master?" asked Alfred.
Drake walks to them and delivers them the letter he received. Wendy grabs the letter and opens it; she lets Alfred see it too.
1st Page
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Dad
Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr, Dumbledore Jr
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely, Dad
2nd Page
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
Course Books
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
- The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
- A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
- Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
- A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
- One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
- Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
- The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Karpov
Other Equipment:
• 1 wand
• 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
• 1 set of glass or crystal vials
• 1 telescope
• 1 set brass scales
You cannot have your broomstick,
Also, just because I'm your dad don't think that I won't punish you.
"Oh, it seems it was your dad who personally wrote your letter of admission" commented Alfred.
"Yeah…" replied an absent-minded Drake.
"This will be very easy for a young master; you will have a very easy time. You also have all the items here" said Alina while she finished reading it.
"Yeah, so I wanted to give you this news hehehe!"
"Well thank you, young master. By the way, I see that Z manage to come inside without breaking anything" said Alina while she petted Z in the head, she clicks her fingers and a small piece of fresh meat appears in her hand and she gives it to Z.
"You two just spoil her too much" complained Drake.
"So, little Drake, how are the rest of your beasts?" asked Alfred.
When Alfred asked this question, Drake started to think about how he got his beasts, the first one was when he went on a trip with his dad, Alfred, Alina, Newt, and Tina. To New Zealand, and when they were travelling through the mountains and found a bunch of illegal hunters attacking an Antipodean Opaleye female Dragon. When we arrived there, we fought the illegal hunters and captured them but unfortunately, the mother dragon was dying already. According to Newt, it seems that she just delivered her baby dragons when she was attacked. Newt took them and gave me one and I called her Jade.
Another monster that I have it, is a Swooping Devil, offered by Uncle Newt in my 10th birthday. I called her Greenie…yup all females...and finally, I have 3 headed-dog given to me by Hagrid since he had two of them.
As Drake still thinking about the past, he woke up with Alina and Alfred waving their hands at him.
"Sorry…I was thinking about these 3 years…well, they are fine, only this guy manages to get out from the suitcase" said a nostalgic Drake.
"Young master should not be thinking about the past, but the present. So shall we go to the Gringotts bank in The Leaky Cauldron" said Alina.
"Yeah just let me grab my magic hat," said Drake, in these 3 years, he also managed to control the magic hat. He can summon with just a though objects from it but not living things. Although the objects need to be a certain size and weight...with a little magic he can summon anything directly from his suitcase.
"Okey" replied both Elves.
here it is another one..this was a filler next it would be going to Hogwarts...also don't forget Harry and company only went to Hogwarts in 1991..he will be going probably I will invent same names since idk which people entered in 1990
So mistakes or something says in comments