
Provisional License Exam!

The day of the License Exam, I got my new and improved costume, it felt a lot lighter despite it looking a lot more armored. Thanks to Hatsume's engineering, it made my movements a lot better! We boarded a bus to head to some sort of stadium. We all got off the bus, and there were kids from different schools here as well. I didn't know there were other hero training schools here! One of the kid's came up to us and introduced himself.

He was from Shiketsu High, and he headbutted the ground?! This guy was extremely optimistic, but kind of nuts. His name was Inasa Yoarashi. He seemed like a pretty cool dude! I also noticed some blonde girl with purple eyes! She looked a bit intimidating! We entered the stadium into some small room, all of us somehow fit, and some guy explained to us how the exam was going down.

So, the exam is split into two parts, the first part was an elimination round, where we were given balls that were used to tag these buttons on our body. In order to eliminate someone, you have to tag all three of the buttons on that person. The first 100 people to eliminate someone would go on to the second part, which was a rescue mission trial. The walls of the room fell to the sides and we were already in the middle of the stadium! We all got into position, except for Bakugo and Todoroki.

"I ain't gonna be partnering up with you extras! I can do this by myself!" Bakugo shouted.

Bakugo ran off, and so did Todoroki. We all were grouped up, and it seemed like we would be okay. Until we saw that literally everyone was targeting us!

"Heh, must suck to be you guys. The best class is about to be gone within seconds!" A kid smirked.

There were at least over 100 balls heading right towards us! Deku and I jumped into the air. We used our Quirks to create a huge gust of wind that redirected the balls back at them. Some people got hit, but none of them were eliminated.

"We aren't going down-" Deku announced.

"-We're all making it through this!" I proudly shouted.

Some kid absolutely wrecked the arena with some earthquake attack! It separated all of us, which wasn't good at all. I was alone, I needed to stay low in order to find someone from my class. I heard over the intercom that someone eliminated almost 50 people in one go! I'm glad I wasn't where that person was. I took a deep breath and searched for Momo, Deku, Sero, and Kirishima's heat energies. They were all spread out all over the stadium! I felt someone above me and I looked up. It was that blonde girl from Shiketsu that was eyeing me when we arrived! She hopped down and I backed away.

"Easy, I'm not here to eliminate you. You're Alyx Leonidus, right?" She asked.

I nodded at her, "Yeah... I am. Who're you?"

"Tomikoa Muteki, nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

I didn't let my guard down for a moment, for all I know, she could be a distraction while the other Shiketsu kids ambush me. I couldn't help but remember what the other kids were muttering around me before the test.


"Woah, isn't that the one girl from Shiketsu? Shit man, looks like we aren't passing!" A boy muttered.

"Geez... Wasn't she the girl that took out like, 20 villains at once?" A girl whispered.

[Present Time]

She held her hand out and I stared at her. I shook her hand and pulled me forward.


"Uh oh, that doesn't look good!" Ms. Joke exclaimed.

"I know, I've heard a lot about her. But I think Alyx can manage, he's handled threats similar to Tomikoa." Aizawa replied.


"I heard you're pretty strong, I really, really like strong men. I'd love to fight you, but I don't think they could handle it." Tomikoa whispered.

"You're strong too, from what I've gathered. I'm not gonna lie, my blood was boiling with excitement when I heard that someone really strong was here!" I smiled.

"Oh, I'm flattered!" She responded.

"Hey, look! Down there!" Someone shouted.

Tomikoa and I looked up and saw a group of kids standing above us. I stood next to Tomikoa.

"Hey, what do you say we work together, eh? Maybe we could surprise some of those people up in the stands!" I grinned.

Tomikoa smirked and looked up at the group, "Sure, why not?"

I activated Mode One and we charged towards them, they threw their balls at us but we narrowly dodged all of them! I ducked a kick from one of them and sent them flying back with one of my own. I didn't even realize that there were more of them coming towards us! Tomikoa and I stood back to back and we locked arms. They all began to charge towards us.

"You ready to spin?" Tomikoa asked.

"Always am ready!" I exclaimed.

The students threw their balls at us, Tomikoa spun around with me, creating some sort of tornado move that spit the balls back out at the others! I grabbed one out of my back pocket and chucked it, all of the targets on our bodies lit up a bright blue! We landed on the ground and saw that we eliminated almost all of the students around us!

"Your exam is over, please wait in the designated waiting room for further instructions." A target relayed.

"2 more students have passed, Tomikoa Muteki with 12 eliminations and Alyx Leonidus with 12 eliminations as well." The announcer sleepily stated.

Tomikoa stumbled around and tried to balance herself. I grabbed her arm and put my other on her shoulder.

"Hey, you alright? You're moving around like you're just learning how to walk!" I laughed.

She didn't say anything, I opened my eyes and saw that she was just staring at me.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine." She responded.

We walked to the waiting room together and I saw all of the other students going at it. It was honestly really cool seeing everyone's Quirks in action! I looked over at Tomikoa, I was gonna say something but she was looking another way and was holding her hands near her chest.

[15 Minutes Later...]

The first part of the exam was over, and thankfully, all of us passed! This next part should be easy, it's just a rescue exam, so it shouldn't be hard at all. We were being critiqued by actors who were pretending to be injured civilians and actual judges assigned to each of us. All of us started out by heading to the wrecked city area. Most of us had split off into the different areas where we thought we'd fit best.

"Help! Someone please! My leg, I can't move!" I heard someone shout.

I looked over as we were running past and saw him.

"You guys keep going, there's someone injured over here!" I yelled.

I made my way over to the actor, they were buried underneath a piece of rubble.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm here to get you to safety!" I reassured.

I surveyed the area, the building was collapsed and from what it looked like, it was unstable. The actor was breathing rapidly and sobbing.

"Stay calm, if you keep breathing like that, you'll hyperventilate. Stay still, this'll only take a minute." I calmly told him.

I activated my Quirk and reconstructed the building. The pieces of debris lifted off of him and he gasped with amazement. I picked him up and started walking.

"P-Please... My... M-My dog, he's stuck down there! You have to get him, please!" He begged.

"Don't worry, I'll come back to get your dog once we get you safe first. Let me relay to the other heroes to set up a temporary shelter. By the time we get over there, it should be set up, and I'll heal your injuries!" I explained.

The actor looked surprisingly happy, so I must be doing something right!

"Momo, Deku-kun, can you tell everyone to set up some type of shelter for the injured? I've got one here who's leg is broken. I can heal those who are injured, we just need a shelter spot." I relayed the message to them.

"We'll be right on it, we were about to set one up anyway." Momo responded.

Thankfully, my Overdrive's come into contact with someone in our class, or I wouldn't have been able to have this shelter set up. I made my way to the others, which didn't take me long.

[4 Minutes Later...]

"Hey, how's the search going?" I asked.

"Good, so far, we're finding lots of people. Most are still conscious." She told me.

"That's good." I replied.

Just then, Deku came in with another person.

"Oh, good! Let me finish healing this man up and I'll-" I tried to say.

Before I could finish, there was an explosion nearby. This was a part of the test, from what that one guy just told us. Gang Orca was playing a villain and had minions, and we had to protect the people and fight them at the same time?

"We need to relocate the shelter!" Momo yelled.

I just remembered something; I made a shield during my first encounter with that Sudden Death villain. Could I... Make a larger force shield using my Overdrive?

"Wait, I don't think we need to. I think I can make a force shield using my Quirk." I replied.

I stood in the middle of the shelter and placed both my hands down. I did it, I made a force shield! It's putting a lot of stress on me, but I think I can manage it. A shield this big is putting out more Overdrive than what I do when I'm healing. Hopefully this doesn't take too long! I noticed that a bunch of Gang Orca's goons where pounding on my force shield.

"Nice try!" I yelled, "But it's gonna take a lot more than fists to get through this shield!"

After what felt like forever, I heard an air horn, signaling the end of the exams! I put down the shield and gasped for air. That took everything I had to keep it up for that long! I couldn't move my arms, they were locked in place.

I tried to move my legs, but I fell over, "Oh, come on!"

This just wasn't my day, I laid on the ground unable to move whatsoever. I heard someone walk over to me, they helped me up and threw my arm around them.

"Did you overuse your Quirk, Alyx?" Momo questioned.

I responded by coughing up blood and nodding. I couldn't move my legs at all, so Momo practically dragged me back to the middle of the stadium.

"S-Sorry about this, I guess I really overdid it this time." I apologized.

"It's alright, you acted rather well, that was a brilliant plan! You did amazing!" Momo smiled.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked to the side, "T-Thanks!"

We made it to the rendezvous point where we'd see our results. I was super excited to see how I did! We all received sheets that explained what actions got us points taken off our total score, Momo had gotten one, but I didn't. Did they forget to bring mine down or something?

"Huh, maybe they forgot mine?" I wondered.

"Hmm... Perhaps so. I got 6 demerits, that's not that bad!" Momo told me.

"Alright everyone, here's the results of the Exam." Mr. Yokumiru announced.

The screen lit up with our names, I looked for mine on the screen, my eyes widened when I found mine at the very top! Momo gasped with amazement as she found my name as well.

"I wasn't expecting... Something like this at all... This is the first time I've seen a student reach a perfect 100. Congrats to you, Alyx Leonidus." He sleepily complimented.

Everyone was muttering among themselves, even though I couldn't move my arms or legs still, I felt like I could jump for joy!

"Now, those who have passed will be receiving your licenses, those who scored below fifty will not be. Those being Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Inasa Yoarashi, and more. But... Luckily for you all there is an opportunity to redeem yourselves by taking a special training course. I truly hope that you all will be able to fill the void that All Might has left behind him." He continued.

I couldn't stop smiling, I was really proud of myself, I guess I wasn't as useless as I thought! As he concluded, I started to regain feeling in my limbs and the first thing I did was hug Momo.

"I did it! I don't know how, but I got a perfect score!" I beamed.

Momo hugged me back. I was super happy! I couldn't wait to tell my parents about this!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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