
Lunch Date! A Nice Day Out!

"Hey, babe... Baaabe..." I whispered to Momo.

It was about 9 and she still wasn't up, I guess it probably was because of that Heroes Vs. Villains test from yesterday. I stared up at my ceiling as I laid there next to her. I heard her make a "Mmh" noise.

"It's 9." I told her.

She didn't say anything back, or well, make a noise back. I sighed and smiled softly.

"I'm leaving, babe." I lied.

She grabbed my arm and slowly pulled herself on top of me.

"No... You... You aren't." Momo wearily yawned.

Momo didn't budge an inch, no matter how hard I tried to move her. I sat up and she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I stood up and left my room. As I walked downstairs, she fell back asleep!

"Well, good morning, you two!" Mina greeted.

"Morning, and she's still asleep, somehow." I responded.

Kirishima and Bakugo shot up from the couch, "LET'S FUCKING GO!!"

I turned over and saw that they were watching some sort of volleyball nationals on T.V., this guy with orange hair was doing amazing! So was the rest of his team from what it looked like. I walked over to the coffee machine and made some coffee. If Kirishima and Bakugo's yelling wouldn't wake her up, but maybe this would!

I sighed, "Well, I guess we won't be going on a lunch date today after all."

"We're going on a lunch date?" Momo asked with glee.

I smiled and laughed, "I knew that'd wake you up!"

[1 Hour Later...]

Momo and I left the dorms to head out to our lunch date. We were going to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, which to my surprise, was still open even though it was the winter.

"A-A-Alyx, d-do y-you t-t-think that w-we c-c-could l-land?" Momo stuttered.

"Oh, sorry! I guess I forgot about how cold it was out here!" I chuckled.

We landed on a rooftop that was nearby the shopping mall. I held her hands and activated my Quirk to warm them.

"Geez, these mittens don't really have anything to them, eh? I can almost feel your hands plain as day!" I told her.

"Well, it might b-be because of the pressure y-you're putting on my hands, darling." Momo suggested.

After I warmed her up, we continued towards the mall. The mall was actually rather spotless, there wasn't an inch of snow anywhere! Momo held my hand as we walked into the mall.

"Hey, there's a place here I've been wanting to go to for a while, it should be over this way." Momo pointed in a direction.

She led me to a pet store designed to help people work out certain Quirks. I'm pretty sure Koda would love this place if he hasn't been here already. She stopped in front of a whole bunch of kennels that contained cats. She pointed one out, it was a very furry tabby cat, and it was kind of big!

"Would you like to hold him?" An elderly woman asked.

Momo quickly looked at me and smiled ecstatically.

"Yes, please!" I replied.

We went into a room and waited. The lady brought her in and set her on the ground. She left the room and waited outside.

"Oh, my goodness! She's just a ball of fluff!" Momo beamed.

The cat hopped onto my lap and started purring as it curled up.

"I guess Shoto and I have something in common now." I observed as I pet the cat.

I activated my Quirk and used my telepathy, "Hey, Mr. Aizawa, I have a question."

"What is it?" He answered.

"So... If I, HYPOTHETICALLY, brought a cat back home to the dorms-" I said.

Mr. Aizawa interrupted me, "Alyx, you don't have a cat with you, right? Shinso's already brought six back to the dorms."

"Wait, Shinso brought six cats to the dorms?" I asked.

"That's beside the point, you aren't bringing another cat home, are you?" Mr. Aizawa responded.

"No! Momo and I are hanging out and we're in a pet store at the Kiyashi Ward Mall. She might've seen a cat here that's extremely fluffy and fat." I told him.

He sighed, "Fine, if you do decide to get it, both of you hold full responsibility for it."

"Yes sir, Mr. Aizawa!" I replied.

I deactivated my Quirk and Momo took the cat from me.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked.

"Oh, I was just talking to Mr. Aizawa. I asked him about the cat and stuff." I answered.

She gasped, "Can we get her?!"

"Well... I'm not really sure. I mean, it'll depend on the adoption fee, plus Mr. Aizawa said that we'd be completely responsible for it as well." I replied.

The elderly woman walked in and smiled, "I see she's taken a liking to the both of you. Aren't you two those students from U.A., Braveheart and Creati, was it?"

"Yes ma'am, that we are." Momo responded.

"Well, if you're interested in her, I may be able to work some magic for you." The lady winked.

Momo shot a look at me and I nodded.

"We still have a bit of shopping to do, but we'll take her! Could you hold her for us until we come back?" I questioned.

"Sure thing, dear. She'll be waiting here for you both!" The lady replied.

She took the cat and we followed her out of the room. We walked out of the pet store and made our way to another store. It was a health & beauty store that mainly held items for women.

"Hey, what do you think this perfume smells like?" I wondered.

"Well, that's a-" Momo tried to answer.

I sprayed the perfume and nearly died. I didn't realize that the nozzle part was aiming at me.

"Jesu... J-Jesus... Christ! Holy hell!" I coughed and gagged.

Momo was trying not to laugh but she just couldn't help herself. A young woman came over to us.

"Excuse me, can I help you find any-" Her voice trailed off and her eyes widened.

I finally regained my bearings and I wasn't inhaling anymore of that perfume.

"Phew, I nearly died a third time there! That's some strong stuff!" I joked.

The young woman looked to be about 15-16 years old and had a simpered look on her face.

"Y-You... Y-You're... C-Creati and Braveheart!" The girl squealed.

The girl started muttering to herself, "Okay... Okay... Calm down Tashiro... Calm down..."

"Uh... Are you alright?" I wondered.

"Yeah I'm just really super-duper excited that I finally get to meet you guys in person like you seriously have no idea how much I've dreamed of this moment that you'd guys eventually walk in here and I'd be all 'Hey, I'm a huge fan' and then we'd talk more about stuff and things and other stuff!" She burst out.

We stood there trying to take everything she said in.

"W-Well... I'd have to say, I do admire your enthusiasm!" Momo complimented.

"R-Really?! Do you think I could have your autographs?" She asked us.

Autographs? That was a first. She grabbed a piece of paper and we signed it, I left a smiley face right next to my name! We found some stuff that Momo needed and we bought them. Our next stop was...

"Hmm... Are you feeling hungry?" Momo questioned.

"I'm always hungry! Depending on what it is, of course." I answered.

We headed over to the food court, which the lines weren't too long. As we waited, I felt a small tug on my shirt. Two little boys stood there, looking a bit scared and upset. The one holding my shirt was most likely 7 while the other one holding his hand couldn't have been more than 4 years old.

"E-Excuse me, Mister Braveheart, have you seen our mommy? We got lost in a bunch of people and we couldn't find her." The boy fretted.

I knelt down, "What'd she look like? Could you tell me?"

"Uh huh! She has a red poofy coat, yellow hair, black shoes, and green eyes!" The smaller boy told me.

Momo knelt down beside me as well and gently smiled at the boys. Their expressions changed from worried to a much calmer demeanor.

"You guys wouldn't happen to be hungry, would you?" Momo questioned.

The boys looked at each other and nodded their heads. I picked both of them up and they gasped with excitement.

"Woah! You can pick both of us up?" The older one asked.

"Hee hee! Again, again!" The other one laughed.

I smiled and shook my head, "Good grief... Creati, do you wanna sit with them while I order food for us?"

"Sure thing, we'll be over here." She agreed.

I gave her the kids and they walked over to the table. I ordered our food and waited for it. After standing there for about 10 minutes, my order number was called and I brought the food to our booth. The kids ate and chattered back and forth with each other. As we were eating, a woman in a red coat came towards us, the kids jumped out of the booth and hugged her.

"Oh goodness! I was scared half to death! Thank you so much, Braveheart, Creati!" The woman told us.

"Eh, don't mention it, it's what we do!" I responded.

The children waved goodbye at us as they walked away with their food. I looked back at Momo who was giving me a smug smile.

"What? What's with that look on your face?" I chuckled.

"Oh, nothing. Nooothing at all." She answered.

After lunch, we went back to the pet store to pick up the cat we saw. The elderly lady said that we could adopt her for free, buuuuut some fees would have to come out of our pockets, so I guess it was "free." We walked out of the mall with stuff for the cat and stuff for Momo. I kept the cat warm by using my Quirk as we walked back home to the dorms.

"So, do you have a name decided yet? I was thinking Luna since the fur on her chest looks like a crescent moon." Momo wondered.

I sat there in thought, but in reality, I already thought of a name. But it definitely wasn't as good as Luna. I don't think Momo would be happy if we called our cat Princess Arletta the 73rd. I wasn't exactly good with coming up with names, which is why I thought of that first.

"Nah, I think that's a good name. Definitely better than what I had in mind and it's a lot simpler." I told her.

"Oh? What'd you have in mind, darling?" Momo asked.

I looked at her, "Oh, uh... I was thinking maybe Lucia or Athena?"

"Those aren't that bad; we'll just have to decide when we get back home." Momo responded.

[25 Minutes Later...]

I sat in Momo's room after we introduced our new friend to the others. The cat curled up on my lap and Momo was creating something.

"So, are we calling her Luna?" Momo asked.

"Sure! I honestly like that name, it kinda fits, you know?" I confirmed.

Momo put her shirt down as she placed a huge stuffed mouse in front of me! The thing squeaked and jingled!

"W-Woah! That's a little excessive don't you think? That's like a normal sized teddy bear!" I noted.

"Well, it's the size of the toys my pet used to play with, I don't see the problem with it." Momo told me.

Luna pounced on the mouse and rolled around with it. I bet she could tear that thing up in a few seconds if she wanted to! She eventually laid on it while staring out at the balcony door.

"I guess she likes it!" I laughed.

I never really thought of myself as a cat person, but I'm really starting to warm up to Luna. Momo gave me a hug which kinda caught me off guard.

"Thank you, Aly." She cooed.

I smiled, "No problem, Momz."

I heard Luna meow and we looked down at her, she was looking up at us. She trotted over to the middle of us and laid down. There was one thing on my mind, how in the world is she gonna act when we're asleep and when we're at school?

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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