
Homebound! Rift Reversal Doohickey!

It was about 5 minutes until 10 PM, Momo and I were in the shower, ever since I fought Deku I've been extremely sore. It's been about a couple days since then and I haven't stopped apologizing to him since.

"I keep forgetting that you've got a scar on your shoulder. Where'd you get this one again?" Momo asked.

"Oh, that was went we fought Nine. He shot a laser through my shoulder, trust me, it didn't feel great at all." I answered.

I turned my head and looked at her, "Speaking of scars, you never told me where you got that one."

"I got this from Shigaraki after you killed Gigantomachia. I'm surprised you didn't notice it then since it was right in front of you." She explained.

"I mean, I don't exactly approach women and then image enhance on their boobs, you know!" I laughed.

"Well look at you! You actually said 'boobs' instead of avoiding the word altogether, now that's progress, Alyx." Momo giggled.

"Wait... Speaking of image enhance, I wonder how far I can zoom in using these contact lenses?" I wondered.

My phone started to ring, I looked over to the sink and used an Overdrive Whip to answer it.

"Hey, Alyx! I was just calling to let you know that we've finished up that machine you told us about, the one that you wanted to create those rifts to send all those people back home? My Dad contacted Eraser Head earlier, I'm surprised that he's still awake, I guess that's why he looks so tired!" Melissa told me.

"Alright, thank you, Melissa! I'll see you tomorrow then!" I responded.

"Yeah huh! See you tomorrow, Alyx!" She ended.

[Several Hours Later...]

"So, this'll take us back home for sure?" Chandelier questioned.

"Yep, that's the idea, this doohickey will send rifts to different locations across the planet from what Melissa told me!" I confirmed.

Melissa looked over my shoulder, "Actually, it's not a 'doohickey', Alyx. It's an A.R.T.D."

"That's correct, a 'doohickey' refers to a small device, darling. This is definitely far from a small advice." Momo agreed.

"Gee... I didn't think you guys cared that much..." I muttered aside.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Kazunori wondered.

"It means 'Advanced Rift Transport Device'! This machine will be locked away for safe keeping and safety reasons after this. If this thing ever ends up in the wrong hands, it won't be good for any of us." Melissa explained.

Melissa gave me a watch that I gave to Chandelier and Kazunori. They studied it and looked a bit confused.

"What's this?" Chandlier asked.

"It's something that'll allow me to keep contact with you guys and even head to your world. I'll check up on you guys every now and then." I told them.

They nodded at me, Melissa hooked me up to the machine and got it started. I entered Gear Six and charged up at a moderate pace. If I used Infinite Mode or even attempted to go up to full power with Gear Six, I'm pretty sure this thing would explode!

"Could you go up just a bit more?" Dr. Shield asked.

I nodded and slightly increased my power. The A.R.T.D. started whirling and humming.

"Iida, is everyone in position?" Momo questioned over a communicator.

"Yes! We're all in position, this was rather difficult to set up, however." Iida responded.

A rift slowly opened up in front of us. It stabilized and opened up completely, Chandelier and Kazunori looked at me.

"Leonidus, we've had quite the experience with you, this definitely was an interesting experience. You're more than welcome to drop by whenever you'd like!" Chandelier smiled.

Kazunori crossed his arms and sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I'll miss you too and all that other bullshit. Can we go home now, Chan?"

I smiled at them; Chandelier chuckled as the two walked into the rift. I kept it up for another 10 minutes or so. We got the all clear to stop the machine, the rift closed, and everything was back to normal.

"Well, that was quite the couple of weeks, eh?" I remarked.

"Yes, you even played vigilante for most of it." Momo added.

"Waaait... That was you? I had a feeling that you were a part of that vigilante trio! I was a bit skeptical at first, why'd you do it?" Melissa inquired.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I had probably the biggest breakdown I've had in years in front of someone I basically just met. I laid out quite literally everything that was on my mind."

Melissa blinked a few times, smiled, then nodded. I guess she was wondering what I all said.

"It sounds like you need a break, Alyx." She spoke up.

"I've been overdue one for the past three years now!" I chuckled.

Momo looked at her phone, "Well, Valentine's Day is coming up soon. Perhaps we can take that day to relax?"

"Hmm... Hey, I've got an idea! There's this place that I've been thinking about heading to. I'll be heading there today to make sure that he still owns the place." I replied.

"Well, I'll let you guys go then. See you around!" Melissa beamed.

[2 Hours Later...]

I landed down at my parent's old resort, the place was actually still up and running! The hotel like building still had its golden O shining brightly at the front.

"Alyx, is that you?" I heard Ikari call out.

I turned around and smiled at him, "Hey, man! Long time no see!"

I noticed that there was a woman standing behind him. The woman had rather pretty light purple hair, her eyes were a deep violet, she looked to be about 5'1" maybe? She slightly moved her head behind his arm as I made eye contact with her.

"Oh? Who's that?" I wondered.

"This is my wife, Celaine." Ikari told me.

She peered around his arm, "H-Hi..."

She's awfully shy, probably way more than Tomikoa! I nodded and smiled warmly at her.

"It's nice to meet you, Celaine. So, she's your wife? I didn't know you got married!" I greeted.

"Married? What do you mean?" Ikari questioned.

"You know, like, engagement rings and ceremonies and stuff! When'd that happen?" I continued.

He blinked and looked confused, "That's what you have to do? I thought it was just telling them and that's that."

I lowered my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes, "Good grief... I guess you don't know a whole lot about societal norms..."

"Societal what?" Ikari restated.

"Nothing, anyways, I had a question. Do you think that I could bring a couple people over here sometime next week?" I asked.

"Of course! Any friends of yours are a friend of mine. Are you wanting to have dinner here?" Ikari grinned.

I nodded at him. Ikari nodded back at me, Celaine emerged from behind Ikari, she looked away from me as she held her arms out.

"N-Nice... M-M-Meeting you..." She shakily muttered.

I walked over and hugged her, "It was nice meeting you as well, Celaine!"

I stopped hugging her then turned around towards the ocean. I waved at them as I flew off back towards Japan. My interface popped up in the middle of my trip back.

"Allllyyyyxx... Are you almost back?" Rei wondered.

"R-Rei? What in the hell are you doing? Are you in Hatsume's workshop right now?" I sighed.

"Uh huuuh, so, she's told me a lot about you! Or well, just stuff that I already knew!" She giggled.

"Well, I'd imagine what she- What's that noise?" I quickly noted.

I heard what sounded like a phone camera, then I heard it go "BRRRRRRRRRRRRR" soon after.

"D-Did... Did you just take pictures of me, without me even being in the picture?" I asked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who's to say?" Rei responded.

I blinked 3 times to get rid of the interface mode. Now that has me wondering something, Rei told me that she has over 1,000 pictures of me, how long has she been stalking me? Also, what exactly does she know about me?

[A Couple Hours Later...]

I told everyone about Ikari allowing us to head to the old resort for Valentine's Day. I suggested that all of us go, since we hadn't actually all hung out in quite some time.

"That'd be awesome! But wouldn't some of us need dates or something? I mean, it is Valentine's Day after all." Sero chimed in.

"Not really? I'll be inviting pretty much everyone! If I remember right, there's a huge room that we could have this party at! Honestly, feel free to invite people as well!" I replied.

"Sooo like our parents?" Mina questioned.

I nodded at her, "Sure! As for the dress, I guess it doesn't really matter, casual or formal will work."

"How about formal? I'm assuming this'll be somewhat like a school dance, so it's best to wear formal dress instead of casual." Momo suggested.

"Hmm... How far out is this resort anyway?" Deku asked.

"It's about 3 hours southeast by boat, 2 and a quarter by plane, and about 35 minutes if I fly there in Infinite Mode. If we were in Nevada, it'd be a rather short trip." I informed him.

In the middle of our conversation, I told Annie, Kariya, Mom and Dad about it telepathically.

"Awesome, I'll bring Yu along with me then. I almost forgot about Ikari honestly." Kariya responded.

"Yu? Wait, you have a girlfriend? Oooo!" I chuckled.

Kariya didn't respond to me, I guess he didn't want to answer me. Everyone else was going, Mom and Dad were bringing Liz along with them as well. Mineta was typing quickly on his phone while holding his credit card out. What exactly was he doing?

"Woah, holy hell little dude, I'm sure your phone's gonna break if you keep typing like that!" Kaminari laughed.

"I'VE GOT NO TIME TO WASTE!" Mineta exclaimed.

Whatever he's doing, it must be extremely important!

"So, Alyx, about what happened a few days ago..." Uraraka spoke up.

"Hm? What about it, Uraraka?" I wondered.

"Did you really let All For One control you, just so that you could fight Deku?" Uraraka continued.

I sat down on the couch, "If I'm gonna be honest, yes I did, but I was also fighting for control that entire time. All For One was in my head the entire time, trying to tell me what to do, and he sometimes got me to do it. When I used those different Quirks, that wasn't me doing it, besides me giving Ragdoll her Quirk back."

"What about Mikaboshi?" Deku added.

"He couldn't do anything," I replied, "All For One trapped him inside of his domain, so he couldn't help me out against him. You know, if I got a dollar for every time I've been possessed, I'd have $2. The fact that it's happened twice is honestly strange. But everything I said to you came from me, not All For one, Deku."

He nodded at me, the things I told Deku, we were keeping it to ourselves.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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