The entire classroom was extremely excited about today! Apparently, we were holding those elections for Class Representative and Class Vice Representative again. I think I might just vote for Momo and Iida again since they did an amazing job last year!
"Alright, pass up your votes and I'll tally them on the board." Mr. Aizawa instructed.
We all pass up our votes and waited with anticipation. Mr. Aizawa counted up the votes and turned to the board.
"For Class Vice Rep, with a total of 13 votes, Yaoyorozu. Midoriya in second with 4, Shinso with 3, and Mina & Kaminari are tied with one." Mr. Aizawa told us.
"As for Class Rep, in first place with a total of 11 votes, Leonidus. In second place with 8 votes, Iida. And finally, in last place with 3 votes... Bakugo." Mr. Aizawa continued.
"Eh?!" I uttered.
Me as the Class Representative? Normally I'd be opposed to it, but I think I understand why.
"Ah man! I thought I'd win for sure this year!" Kaminari sighed.
[1 Hour Later...]
"Wow, Class Rep, who would've thought!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah! That must be really exciting!" Uraraka beamed.
Iida looked over and smiled, "Indeed, it's quite the duty!
"Dude, I'll give you ¥300 and 2 bags of gummy worms if you let me be Class Rep." Kaminari bargained.
"Sold!" I shouted.
Bakugo nearly choked on his food, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"
"Of course! I wouldn't give it up to him. Besides, the Class Rep spot is worth like, 6 bags of gummy worms." I joked.
"Darling, I don't think you should hang the future of your Class Representative position based off of gummy worms." Momo advised.
"Yaoyorozu's right, what makes you think that I DON'T have 6 bags of gummy worms?" Kaminari questioned.
I shook my head and smiled, "Good grief... Do you really think that I would make you Class Rep if you gave me money and gummy worms?"
"I mean, it's worth a try, right?" Kaminari laughed.
After lunch, we headed for Gym Gamma. Mr. Aizawa had a test for us to take, but he wouldn't tell us what it was. As we all filed into the gym, Mr. Aizawa told us what we were going to do, I bet this test'll be easy!
"So, you all know that I've assigned a test for today. It won't be an easy one for all of you, as it'll test your mental fortitude. We'll be working out your weaknesses." Mr. Aizawa explained.
I raised my hand, "Yes, Leonidus?"
"This test doesn't happen to revolve around fear, does it?" I nervously asked.
"That's exactly what this test is about, getting over your fears, regardless of them being rational or irrational. I'll be going alphabetically down the list." Mr. Aizawa said.
Aoyama was called up first, which gave all of us time to reflect on what's about to happen. Everyone was confident that Mr. Aizawa didn't really know their fears.
"Yeah! What do we have to be scared of?" Kirishima exclaimed.
"Everything..." I shuddered.
"Huh? What? Alyx, what do you have to be scared of?" Mina questioned.
I mumbled aside, "...hatsune miku..."
"What? Speak the fuck up, Amnesia." Bakugo told me.
"Hatsune Miku, alright?! That's what I'm scared of!" I confessed.
Deku looked puzzled, "Why? What's so scary about that?"
"I've had some... Bad experiences with that thing. Emphasis on thing." I replied.
"How DARE you!! She's not a thing, she's a living goddess! Hatsune Miku is hot as hell!!" Mineta argued.
"And seemingly the only girl that'll talk to you." Sero added.
[15 Minutes Later...]
"Alright Alyx, you're next." Mr. Aizawa called.
I gulped and slowly walked forward. We walked through a door that separated the waiting area and the testing area. I stood on a red X that was in the middle of the room.
"Are you ready, Alyx?" Mr. Aizawa asked.
"Physically, yes. Mentally, no." I admitted.
Mr. Aizawa hit a button and the wall in front of me slid open. A screen lit up and that damn song started playing. I tensed up and started nervously smiling.
"Is this really what you're scared of?" Mr. Aizawa questioned.
"H-How can you not be?" I replied.
He nodded, "Alright, let her in."
The door opened and I heard someone walk towards me. I saw those blue pigtails out of the corner of my eye as they leaned over my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to face it. It was Midnight but... I was screaming on the inside as Ms. Midnight smiled at me. This was so humiliating, a fighter of my caliber, and yet I'm scared of something like this...
"Well, well, well! I heard you were the Class Rep of 2-A! Pleasure to meet you!" Midnight grinned as she stuck her hand out.
I nearly forgot! Iida said that being the Class Rep was a huge responsibility, which means I have to have a bigger resolve. I closed my eyes and took a deep, shaky breath. I grabbed her hand and shook it.
"Pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Miku!" I replied with a smile.
The song stopped and the walls slid back in place.
"Nice job, kid! This was probably the weirdest fear I've ever heard of, but nonetheless you did great." Midnight complimented.
"How did you guys know?" I asked.
"For starters, you kind of shouted it to your classmates, and we've observed your behaviors. That further solidified your fear in particular." Mr. Aizawa explained.
Shit... Maybe saying it out loud wasn't exactly the brightest thing to do. I walked out of the room and I heard Aunt Nezuko.
"Why would you be scared of such a cute thing? That's quite a silly thing to be scared of." She giggled.
"Well, it's quite a bit to explain, I'll have to tell you guys when I visit again." I replied.
"Alyx, who are you talking to?" Tsu yelled over to me.
I looked over to them, "Oh! I'm just talking to God."
"You do that a lot, don't you?" Mina commented.
After the test was over, Mr. Aizawa dismissed us for the day. When I got to my locker, I noticed that it was open.
"Didn't I close that thing?" I thought.
I opened it and saw an envelope. I opened it and inside was a note alongside ¥40,000. On the note was, "Thank You! -Mr. Kageyama", which honestly came as a shock to me. I smiled and put the note in my pocket.
"What was that?" Momo asked.
"Mr. Kageyama gave me ¥40,000. I'm assuming it's for saving Selina and Sota from those Nomus." I responded.
"Aw, how sweet! Why don't we all make a stop there for dinner tonight?" Momo suggested.
"Yeah! That sounds nice." I replied.
We all walked back to the dorms, right before I entered, my phone started ringing. I picked it up.
"Hey Mom, how's it been?" I answered.
"Hey sweety! I have a question." She told me.
"Oh, what is it? Is something wrong?" I asked.
"No, no. I'd just like to know what you spent ¥550,000 on." My Mother replied.
Oh crap, I knew she was gonna see it!
"W-Well... I, uh... Momo was gonna buy some beauty care and health stuff online but I bought it for her instead." I told her.
"Oh, I thought you bought those ridiculous figures you always buy. So, how's school been going for you, kiddo?" My Mother laughed.
I sat down on the stairs, "It's going alright. How are you and Liz?"
"We're doing just fine, she's a bit restless now that you're living at Heights Alliance. You should drop by sometime; I think it'd be good for her." She answered.
"Hey, why don't I just drop by now? I've got quite a while before we head out for dinner!" I told her.
"That'd be nice! See you in a bit, hun!" My Mother responded.
We hung up and I took off towards home. Thankfully, I used to live close by!
[4 Minutes Later...]
I landed on the ground in front of my house. I knocked on the door and Liz opened it. She gasped with excitement!
"Aly!" She yelled.
Liz jumped up and hugged me.
"Hey! You're getting big!" I exclaimed.
I walked in and saw my mother talking to... Kariya?
"What's up, little bro. How's it been?" Kariya asked.
"It's been okay, I guess. What are you doing here?" I replied.
He stood up from the couch and stretched, "Welp, I figured I should come and visit. It's been what? 4 years now?"
"Why did you leave? What happened?" I wondered.
"If you want the truth," He sighed, "I was jealous of your Quirks. Once we were told that you managed to get both Mom's Quirk and our Dad's, I just never felt the part anymore. I know it's sounds ridiculous, but I felt as if you were the top priority, that it was always you, Alyx. As soon as I turned 18, I ran away from home, I had some buddies who lived here. They weren't exactly the best group of people but I had nowhere else to turn."
"We got into some trouble with the law here. I-I... I didn't know what to do but... I killed 'em, the whole squadron, gone in an instant. From then on, I've been on the run. I haven't looked back since, I don't think I could ever look back, Alyx. Then, when I heard you were at U.A., I just couldn't hold my anger in any longer. But the funniest part is, I was scared. There was this fear lingering in the back of my mind that you hated me." Kariya continued.
I wasn't sure what to say. He looked down at the ground as he sat back down on the couch. Kariya stared out of the window.
"What did Pops tell us? That we'd always be together, no matter where we are or what happens? If that was the case, how come you let me go so easily? Why was I the exception?" Kariya questioned.
"Kariya... I... I didn't know you felt that way." My Mother spoke up.
"It doesn't take much to ask. Like the saying goes, better three hours too soon than a minute too late. I'm not blaming any of you for my actions." Kariya replied.
I was puzzled, "Then, what are you doing? I understand what you're saying, but why? Why tell us now?"
"Because like all of you, I'm one minute too late. I just wish that you were three hours early." Kariya finished.
Those words hit me like a truck. My Mother got up and hugged Kariya as tears started to come down her face. I joined in the hug as well, what could we even say?
[2 Hours Later...]
All of us sat in Mr. Kageyama's Sushi restaurant. Kariya's words still lingered in my mind, especially what he told me before I left.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Just remember, you won't always be fast enough to save everyone." Kariya told me.
I stared at my sushi, everyone else was laughing and having a good time. Kariya's words... I couldn't shake the image of Laura or him from my head.
"Alyx, is everything alright?" Deku wondered.
"Yeah, I'm just thinking, that's all." I lamented.
Deku nodded and continued to talk to Uraraka and the others. The more I kept thinking the more I felt like I was going to breakdown. I stood up which caused everyone to look.
"I-I need some fresh air." I quickly announced.
I walked out of the restaurant and walked into an alleyway a few feet away, I sat down against a wall and held my head in my hands. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Laura, Jaku City, All For One... I felt an arm go around me and I looked to my right.
"Are you wanting to go home?" Momo cooed.
I nodded and I saw Shinso & Deku walk back inside.
[10 Minutes Later...]
Momo didn't leave my side the entire way back to the dorms. Once we got there, we went up to my room. We laid on my bed and I held her close to me.
"Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you don't want to." She asked.
"I-I'm not sure... I don't really know." I told her.
She nodded and got closer to me. Momo pressed her head against my chest and sighed. We sat there in silence for a while, there was a question plaguing my mind the entire time.
"Can I be fast enough?" I blurted.
"If you weren't, none of us would be here, Alyx." Momo responded.
What she said made me feel 100 times better, I wasn't sure what to say.
"Thank you, Momo." I cooed.
[3 Hours Later...]
I felt someone press something against my mouth, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Momo, Deku, Uraraka, and Mina standing next to me. I opened my mouth and Momo put a piece of sushi in my mouth.
"How are you feeling, friendo?" Uraraka asked.
I sat up after eating the piece of sushi, "I think I'm alright now. Thank you."
Shinso walked in, "Is he doing alright?"
I looked over and waved.
"How's it going, Mr. Class Rep?" Shinso asked.
I don't know why, but I still didn't feel like I deserved to be Class Rep. Maybe it was just doubt creeping in again. I sat cross legged and looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me all the time." I apologized.
Deku walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he smiled at me.
"You don't need to apologize, Alyx. We understand!" Deku reassured.
I closed my eyes and smiled. As I finally relaxed, my hair finally fell to his normal look.
"A-Alyx... Are you losing your hair?!" Mina squealed.
"What? No! This is what my hair normally looks like. My Quirk kinda does this thing where it keeps my hair up." I explained.
"Normally? I always thought you had short hair; I didn't think it'd go down to your neck! It kind of looks like Kirishima's!" Uraraka noted.
I laughed at her, "How else do you think I sleep at night? I kind of can't have my hair putting holes in my pillows!"
"You kind of look like Bakugo's Pomeranian!" Deku chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess so! Geez... I need a haircut!" I agreed.
Momo, Uraraka, and Mina's eyes lit up and they gasped with excitement.
"REALLY?!" They shouted.
"Yeah, I guess so? What's the excitement about?" I asked.
"Well, we've been DYING for something to do around here!" Mina told me.
We walked downstairs and I sat down on a chair.
"Hey, what's going on?" Sero questioned.
"They're giving me a haircut, or well, Mina is." I answered.
Kirishima looked back at me from the fridge, "Woah, really? Awesome dude! If you need ideas, I can give you some!"
Mina hurried down the stairs with scissors, hair clippers, a hair dryer, a spray bottle filled with water and a blanket. She threw the blanket over me and fluffed my hair up a bit.
"Alright, soooo... Whatcha lookin' for?" She questioned.
"I mean, I don't really know, I was kind of thrown into this." I replied.
"Yo, what about if you shaved one side of his head and left the other side long? That'd be cool!" Kirishima suggested.
Mina looked at my head, "Eiji baby, he isn't going to a punk rock concert. Wait! I know!"
Mina waved someone over.
"Yaoyorozu, could you make a curtain or something? I want this to be a surprise!" Mina smiled.
She nodded and in seconds, a curtain stood to the right of me.
"Alright, I was gonna give this one to Sero, but I think this'll look great on you! Hold still!" Mina exclaimed.
[15 Minutes Later...]
"AAAAAAND done! So, how's it look?" She asked.
Mina held a mirror up and I looked at my hair. I'm not gonna lie, it looked really great! She shook the blanket off and my hair fell on the floor in a huge clump.
"Wow, we could make an animal out of all that hair!" Mina joked.
Mina slid the curtain open, "Ta-dah! Everyone, look!"
Everyone had... Interesting reactions. To note a few, Kaminari spat orange juice on the floor, Kirishima ran into the dorm doors, Momo dropped her tray of lavender tea that Deku caught with his Blackwhip, and Mineta froze in his tracks.
"I'm gonna assume you all like it?" I chuckled.
I walked over to Momo who couldn't stop staring at me, I closed my eyes and smiled at her. I opened my eyes and her face didn't change one bit.
"Uh... Momz? You alright?" I fretted.
I waved my hand in front of her face but I still didn't get a response. I turned and looked at Mina.
"I-I think we broke her." I laughed.
Mineta smirked, "I bet that's not the first time that's happened."
I narrowed my eyes and looked at him, "I really don't like what you're insinuating, Mineta."
I leaned forward and booped her nose and she shook her head quickly.
"S-Sorry! It definitely does look amazing. You look a lot better, that's for sure!" Momo complimented.
After everyone looked at my hair, I got ready for bed. As I was showering, I could've sworn I heard something. I shrugged it off and finished showering. I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out.
"Oh Jesus!" I shouted.
"Sorry for dropping in, darling. I just..." Momo's voice trailed off.
I tilted my head in confusion, "You just what? Did you need something?"
I sighed as I realized what happened. I dried myself off and put on some clothes. I carried her over my shoulder and left the bathroom.
"She's flustered again, isn't she?" Shoto asked.
I nodded at him, "Yep, I did it again."
I heard a spring bounce off the floor as I walked to her room. I laid her down on her bed.
"It looks like someone's fantasizing." I chuckled.
Momo's face went red and she sat up, "I-I am not! I would never do such a... An inappropriate thing!"
"Oh? That's not what you'd be saying during our 'Special Training' exercises." I smirked.
"At least I'm not the one that's scared of Hatsune Miku!" Momo deflected.
"H-Hey! That's hitting a bit below the belt there!" I exclaimed.
Momo giggled as she let her hair down, "It's true! How about you fancy me with why you're so scared of her?"
"I'd rather not, but I guess... It's because one year during my middle school years, Sheyenne thought it would be funny if I took a picture with this Hatsune Miku animatronic that this mall had. So that's what I did, it was all fine and dandy until it said my full name and looked at me. The damn thing even smiled at me for God's sake!" I explained.
She raised one of her eyebrows, "So, you're telling me, a mall animatronic caused this irrational fear?"
"Yes." I replied.
"You know, that's probably one of the strangest things I've ever heard. It's definitely a top 5." Momo admitted.
"Top 5? You've heard stranger?" I asked.
I climbed into bed with her, "Would you believe that it was from Mineta? I guess it was more idiotic, however."
"I'd be dumb if I didn't! What'd he say?" I chuckled.
"He said and I quote, 'Yaomomo is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal'. It was quite disgusting, honestly." Momo told me.
"Woah, really? If I was anything like Bakugo I'd march downstairs and turn him into grape juice permanently." I replied.
"Please do, I think you'd be doing us all a favor!" She laughed.
I turned over and looked at her, "*Ahem* Excuse me, my dearly beloved, but I have observed that the curvature and beauty of your figure reminds me of the compound mixture of oats and or milk or water. Otherwise known as oatmeal. Might I add that your Gluteus Maximus is rather superb as well?"
"Wow, that was the first time I've ever heard you talk like that and that's what you say?" Momo rolled her eyes and smiled.
"What? I could've just said, 'Babe, you're thick as FYUCK', and just left it at that." I laughed.
She shook her head and giggled, "Just go to bed, will you?"
I smiled and cuddled up with her. After a while, we fell asleep.
Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero
Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )