
A Difference of Skills! Further Quirk Evolution!



(Immersive Read Point: Listen to Ashif N's cover of "Kamado Tanjiro no Uta" OR "Ultimate Battle" by Akira Kushida/ Cover by Jonathan Young!)

Alyx stared Sashi down, Momo felt the heat coming off of Alyx. It wasn't like anything she's felt before from him. But at the same time, his body was cold.

"Well, how about we get this going, huh? You gonna drop your girl off somewhere?" Sashi laughed.

Alyx simply at her stared and smiled.

"Let's go." Alyx's voice echoed.

Alyx's voice sent shivers down Sashi's spine, "J-Just because you've gotten some new power up, doesn't mean I still won't kick your ass!"

Sashi charged towards Alyx, striking and kicking rapidly. Alyx dodged each attack successfully, all while holding Momo in his arms! Everyone watched in disbelief! How was Alyx doing this?

"Stand still damn it! Why aren't you making this easier on yourselves!?" Sashi shouted.

Alyx threw Momo in the air and spin kicked Sashi in the jaw. She went flying back into a plateau! Alyx caught Momo and rushed towards Sashi, Alyx dodged Sashi's blast attacks, he zipped around Sashi and kicked her in the back. Using his feet, Alyx created a Diamond Buster, which he shot off towards her!

"Oh no you don't!" Sashi shouted as she charged up an attack of her own.

Sashi let her attack loose and it exploded the Diamond Buster move! Alyx appeared in through the smoke with Momo on his back. Alyx slammed an Overdrive Fist right into her face! Before she could rebound, Alyx grabbed her with an Overdrive whip and swung her around and around before slamming her on the ground. Sashi broke out of Alyx's Overdrive whip! Sashi's Quirk exploded as the area around her shook and rumbled.

"I... HAVE HAD... ENOUGH!!" Sashi screamed.

She held both of her hands out in front of her, a huge wheel of colors spun around and around above her hands. She fired off a barrage of multicolored energy balls towards Alyx and Momo. Over his shoulder, Momo created a shield, she figured there must've been a limit to how much he could dodge! Pushing forward, Alyx charged up an attack, he was going to finish this just how he planned it! A glimmer of light sparkled in Alyx's eyes.

"Ka... Me..." He muttered.

Momo threw the shield right in Sashi's face, which made her explode with anger! Her quirk escalated even further; a wide array of explosions riddled the battlefield, Alyx dodged them with relative ease! The blasts put distance between the two and Sashi, but they kept pushing forward! Ducking, dodging, and diving through the onslaught of attacks! Just when Sashi thought she had the upper hand, Alyx would respond with much greater power!

"Ha... Me..." The beam grew brighter in Alyx's hands!

Alyx jumped off of pieces of flying debris, created by Sashi's fierce attack! They were getting closer and closer to her! Alyx landed on the ground and ran towards Sashi! She charged forward, but was blinded by Momo's flash bang attack! Alyx jumped over Sashi to create a bit of distance between them. Blinded, Sashi lashed out in rage, and prepared another attack. Momo whispered something into Alyx's ear and he nodded.


She threw down a huge attack, "CRASHER VOLLEY!!"

The area that Alyx and Momo were standing exploded right before them! Sashi exhaled and inhaled heavily, noticing that the light from Alyx's move was gone. Smoke filled the area and it grew completely silent. Sashi let her guard down, thinking the fight was over. With Alyx and Momo nowhere to be seen, why not celebrate?

"HA HA HA! So, much for that Infinite energy crap or whatever! What a waste!" Sashi proclaimed victory.

But through the smoke, Alyx appeared, Kamehameha still in hand! Thanks to Momo's quick thinking, the two were able to shield themselves from the blast! With one swift movement, the battle was decided! Sashi looked up in awe and fear as she realized this was her end!

"HAAAAAAA!!!!" Alyx's voice roared and echoed as he unleashed a gigantic Kamehameha blast!

It sent Sashi flying through the arena, and even demolished some of the stage in front of them! Sashi and Sekawa appeared on the Ketsubetsu side of the stadium. Sashi was furious at their loss, while Sekawa was just glad to be out of there! Now, with only U.A. and Shiketsu still in the tournament with 16 minutes left, how would Alyx and the others deal with the remaining Tomikoa Muteki? Alyx fell to his knees, as he'd strained the power of Infinite Mode to its known limit.

"A-Alyx? Are you okay?" Momo asked as she held Alyx's arm.


I felt like I could barely breathe! That fight took everything I had to end it. Sashi and Sekawa were one hell of a combination!

"Y-Yeah... I'm... I'm okay. I think I might've strained Infinite Mode for longer than my limit." I told her.

"Your current limit, you mean?" Momo questioned.

I looked at her, mostly dazed, but confused, "W-What? What do you mean?"

"I've noticed your Quirk is much different once you're in Infinite Mode. Almost as if it's evolving somehow. Remember what you looked like in Mode Four?" Momo explained.

Momo helped me up, "Right... I remember, are you saying my Quirk's changing because of the fight I had with Tomikoa?"

"It seems as if your Overdrive instinctively absorbed Tomikoa's attack and broke through some shell. Maybe there is more to Quirks than what there seems to be. So perhaps, your Infinite Mode has been improved a lot more than its regular state." She theorized.

That sounded interesting, was there a deeper level to all of our Quirks? I looked up and saw a trio of other kids.

"Well, look at that! We've found Mr. Hotshot!" One of them shouted.

They all rushed towards us, thankfully, Deku and the other remaining members of our team flew in! They quickly dispatched the three kids and eliminated them.

"Are you alright, Alyx?" Kirishima asked.

I nodded at him, "J-just a bit worn out, that's all."

(Immersive Read Point: Listen to, "Tatakau Riyuu" by Katou Riyuu!)

The rocks in front of us exploded, and a red and green aura emerged from the dust and debris. Tomikoa slowly walked towards us and stood in front of us, just a few feet away.

"I'd have to admit, you all have amazing tenacity. But that compares nothing to my strength!" Tomikoa shouted.

The remaining 7 of us stood our ground as Tomikoa's pressure escalated! Kirishima, Monoma, Deku, Bakugo, Tetsutetsu, Momo and I guarded ourselves from her rising power.

"H-How could some damn extra have this much power?!" Bakugo shouted.

The winds howled and roared as Tomikoa output her Quirk to its fullest potential, I never experience a Heat Energy like this before, but it sure as hell isn't gonna make me back down now! The area around us was now a bright red and green, and Tomikoa's aura surged around her body.

"So, let us begin." Tomikoa smirked.

We all stared at Tomikoa, none of us were sure what exactly to do. The only people that have managed to do something to her was Deku and I. Monoma could deal some damage to her, as long as he doesn't get cocky. There's no way that she could hurt Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, right?

"This is insane..." I heard Deku mutter.

Small rocks and debris floated around Tomikoa, her hair was floating as well, just like how it was when I first fought her! I let go of Momo and stumbled forward, almost falling over.

"It seems as if Leonidus is out of it. A pity, I was hoping he'd last long enough to see me win." Tomikoa noted.

I stood up straight and even that took everything I had to do!

"I-I'm not done yet, Tomikoa!" I shouted.

"Alright then. Come." Tomikoa beckoned us.

(Immersive Read Point: Listen to Styzmask's cover of "Dream Tag Match"!)

We all stood silently for a few moments, then we made a move! We all rushed towards Tomikoa! She ducked and dodged all of our attacks, I managed to catch her off guard with a Flash Cannon! She shrugged it off and came towards me. Momo stepped out in front of me and whacked her with her titanium mallet! It sent Tomikoa into the air, where Bakugo sent her down with a hellish explosion! Deku quickly followed suite with a Manchester Smash that sent her into Monoma's Copy Quirk version of my Diamond Buster! It sent her through a couple of plateaus and exploded!

"Alright! We did it!" Kirishima exclaimed.

The entire arena and stadium rumbled and shook, Tomikoa's aura raised above the mountains and plateaus! Every footstep she took shook the area around us. Her eyes were glowing a fierce red and green, she looked pissed! She jumped into the air and crashed into the ground, sending all of us flying back into the air. I grabbed Momo's arm and I saw Tomikoa charge towards Bakugo! With one huge ice blast, she eliminated Bakugo!

Deku flew into a rage and grabbed Tomikoa with his Blackwhip and flew towards her, reeling his fist back and hit Tomikoa with a Wyoming Smash! I landed on the ground with Momo, I told her to hide and she ran for cover. I looked up and saw that Deku was gone! I heard Kirishima yell, I looked over and he was getting crushed by Tomikoa!

"Stop! Tomikoa!" I yelled.

She ignored me and she threw Kirishima towards me, he flew past me and hung off the side of the arena. I rushed over to him and tried to pull him up, but I couldn't muster the strength to do it.

"Alyx, it's alright! K-keep fighting, please! We believe in you, bro!" Kirishima yelled.

He loosened his grip from my hand and fell out of the arena, I watched as he fell and disappeared from the arena. I stood back up.


Alyx turned around and kept his head down, figuring that this was it. Tomikoa smirked at him.

"Well, it seems as if you're admitting defeat. Noble of you, Alyx. Being that it seems like you're the only one left." Tomikoa smugly remarked.

(Immersive Read Point: Listen to "The Final Death Match/Clash of Gods" from Dragon Ball Super)

Alyx didn't say a word as his body went limp. Winds picked up around him, and that blue and white aura slowly crept up his body. Tomikoa tensed up, realizing what was happening. She quickly tried to stop him by trying to hit him with an Overdrive Fist but he dodged it! Alyx countered it with a tremendous gut punch of his own! Tomikoa stumbled back, clutching her stomach, she looked up and saw Alyx's aura fully enveloped around him.

"He did it again! But, wasn't he just worn out?" Jiro wondered.

"It seems to me he's pushing his Quirk even further than its capabilities. Either that, or he's forcing himself to keep fighting, pulling into whatever reserve he has left." Mr. Aizawa responded.

"Let's just hope he can hang onto it; this is getting intense!" Shona exclaimed.

Annie watched on as her brother accessed this level of abnormal power once more. Inside she knew exactly what was going on. Whatever happened when Alyx got hit by Tomikoa's special move, it triggered a response from Alyx's Quirk, almost as if it was protecting him automatically. This caused him to dive deeper into his Quirk and somewhat "evolving" it to even higher levels!

"Let's just hope second time's the charm. If we lose here, it's over for us!" Tetsutetsu piped in.

Both warriors stared each other down, neither daring to blink. With only 9 minutes left in the tournament, these tough fighters were going to put all the stops out to make sure they walk out victorious! Everyone in the stands remained silent, waiting for one of them to make a move, waiting to see what would come from this battle!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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