
(No Longer Owned] Soul Eater: Unleashed

Story of a boy who gets transmitted in the world of Soul Eater, Simple.

MarshallTaTa · 漫画同人
8 Chs

The Beginning (Part Three)

Maka and Soul continued to clash with Blair the witch. They failed time and time but they still continued to try, yet they still continued to fail. Judo wanted to help them, but he knew he would just get scolded so he stayed back. After they had enough Judo insisted that they should try another day, just like in the original anime. Soul didn't want to back down, but Maka knew that they were just wasting time. So they had no choice but to back down, for at least.

Judo decided that he was going to walk to the academy to speak to Lord Death. Maka wanted to walk with him, but Judo declined.

"You guys don't have to worry about me, I'll go on my own. You guys get some rest so you can beat that witch." He said.

"Alright, if you say so. Come on Maka, I'm Tired." Said Soul dozing off walking away from them. Maka sighed in defeat and left with him.

Judo watched them take off, and so did he.

—A few minutes later—

Judo finally arrived at the Academy. He walked up the stairs spotting a man in black with red hair, Spirit. The death scythe spotted the boy.

"Seems like you finally made it kid. Where's Maka and Soul Eater?" He asked. But Judo shrugged his shoulders.

"They failed in trying to kill the witch, so they're going to try another day, so I thought I could use this moment to personally talk to Headmaster Lord Death." He said.

"Hm. Come on, I'll take you to meet the headmaster." Said Spirit walking away. Judo came after him.

Judo travels through the inside Academy with Spirit. If he wasn't astonished by how big the place was he would just be lying to himself, and he knew that. He was all over the place like a Justin Bieber fangirl.

"~Oh my God! I'm really here, I'm really at Death Weapon Meister Academy. let's fucking GOOOOOO!!?" He shouted with his fist raised in the air in victory. He then fled towards a classroom bussing through the door catching all the classroom's attention .

"I'm CRIPPLED!!?" He shouted. But he was then grabbed by the Spirit out of the classroom. "Let me FREE!!?"

"Kid what the HELL are you doing!?" Asked Spirit.

"Hehe Sorry, I got a little carried away with my excitement and started to do stupid things." Said Judo rubbing the came of his head in embarrassment.

'Can you really blame me, it's been a couple of years since I graduated school, I miss the fun of acting stupid you know.' He thought.

"Okay, but don't do anything weird like that again." Said spirit walking away. Judo didn't say anything but rolled his eyes.

"Take your own advice Death Scythe." He mumbled.

— 10 minute later—

After walking through the halls Spirit opened a familiar door entering a large space, and someone who stood was the headmaster himself.

"Lord Death." Said Spirit.

"Oh! I see you finally came Mr Jackson, come in we much to talk about." Said Death. Judo nodded his head.

"Now I already have planned for your schedule here in the Academy but we can talk about that some other time. I wanted to take a look at your abilities you speak of and your soul and if you don't mind."

"It will be my pleasure Lord Death." Said Judo. He followed Death into the room.

"First we'll start the Evaluation with your abilities." Said Death.

"Evaluation?" Judo asked conflicted.

"Yes. You're not a demon weapon or a Meister, so we'll be training you differently from others and we'll see what works for you in the future for battle. So what kind of abilities do you have?"

"Well I can do this." Judo body started to turn pitch black forming into multiple black fowls flying around the room.

"…Wow." Said the astonished Spirit.

The fowls reverted back to Judo original form.

"I have the ability to manipulate my body into anything I want at will, I can also create a clone of myself as well. But I like to manipulate myself into Birds and bats because it looks cool, plus I can see everything. And I might even be able to mimic others now that I think about it."

"I see, this is indeed something extraordinary, especially for spying on others without being noticed." Said Death.

"Damn! Wish I could have an ability like that…" Spirit muttered.

"What was that?" Said the irritated Grim Reaper.

"Nothing…!" Said Spirit.

"Anyway young Judo, please continue."

"My second ability is that I can reverse my enemies' attack back to them, and sometimes the attack can launch back at them more powerful or faster. I would love to demonstrate—"

"No! No thank you, we believe you…Ahem! Continue." Said Spirit. Judo was conflicted by his action, but decided not to question it.

"Okay…Well those are my two abilities. Other than those two I do have to ability to channel Spiritual energy through my body from my soul, however it isn't very easy, after all I just found out about this two weeks ago." Said Judo.

"Can you show us Mr Jackson?" Death asked.

Judo raised his arm, gripping it tightly. He then softened his grip slowly as an fading aura started to form around his head to his body. Spirit was taken back, Death on the other hand was still analyzing the scene. Judo then turned his gaze at them.

'I Thought this kid was joking, but he really can use spiritual energy, is all this really coming from one boy?' Spirit thought. "If he was a Meister…No if he was a Demon Weapon he would have been able to surpass me without having to be a death scythe. But then again, We know exactly how powerful he is.

His energy is too overwhelming for a boy his age, there's no way he's a normal human, but…'


Spirit and Death was deadpan at the sound of the boy's stomach, Judo face was red as a superman's cape. Death then broke the silence.

"Hehe Why don't we go eat something, after all I'm sure you haven't eaten anything have you." Death pun.

—Sometime later—

While Judo was stuffing his face in the lunchroom, Spirit and Death were having a secret discussion in the hallway about the boy,

"Spirit, I want Judo to have full protection from all around the Academy from now on." Said Death.

"Huh? You want me to spy on the kid, I don't think he'll like that." Said Spirit.

"I'm asking to monitor the boy's every movement. I'm asking to keep him safe. Spirit, did you see the boy's soul?"

"Huh? Um…No. Why?" Spirit answered.

"When I saw that boy's soul, it was nothing like any soul I had ever seen. Spirit, a human soul contains endowing great power, it was one the many things that benefits our world, especially for Kishins. The power the human souls wield is like a blessing. Every Meister and Demon Weapon knows that, even your daughter Soul contains greater power than most. The Gregorio Soul, a rare soul that only appears in only one in fifty million people. I have seen many Soul's, Similar to hers, or greater. But this boy's soul is something else." Said the grim reaper.

"Death I don't understand, are you saying his soul is greater than Maka's?"

"Calling it greater would just be an insult to the boy's soul, Maka soul is nothing compared to his, and I also feel that the power of the boy's soul is still growing." Said Death. "Humans are mostly targeted by those who feed them for power, others for experiments. If our enemies were to find out about the boy's Soul and it's worth then there's no telling what they'll do to him. And I don't even want to imagine him even becoming a Kishin either."

"I see. If what you're saying is true then how exactly are we going to hide his soul?" Said Spirit.

"I have a technique for that, although I don't know if the boy can handle it, but we'll just have to try. If this doesn't work then there's just no other way…" Said Death. Spirit eyes widen.

"Lord Death…You don't mean…"

"Yes Death Scythe. If he fails then we have no other choice but to put him down, for the sake of humanity."