

Location: Mt. Northern Star (Camping site)

Izuku, Ochaco, and Katsuki followed Eraser Head who left the tent after Present Mic told him to look at something and sounded very important. After being outside the tent the three saw a royal horse that was seriously injured. The face of the royal officials looked worried when they saw the horse because the horse came with a pretty severe wound in the stomach without anyone riding it.

"Eraser Head!" Midnight shouted.

Eraser Head looked very surprised to see the horse.

"Where is he?! Where is Prince Shoto?!" Asked Eraser Head in a worried voice.

"This horse comes without anyone riding it," Cementoss answered.

"Seeing his wound, this horse was injured by a knife cut and got worse when running here." Eraser Head stroked the horse.

"I'm afraid something had happened with the Prince. We have to look for it." Present Mic gave a suggestion and Eraser nodded indicating he agreed.

A few moments later, several contestants were seen returning. They looked like they were injured and one of them was holding another participant. They ran toward the royal officials.

"Midnight! Help our friend! He was seriously injured in the chest!" One participant shouted for help.

"What happened?! How can he get hurt like this?!" Midnight asked.

"Goblin! The goblins attacked us!" one of the participants answered Midnight's question.

"What is this?! How can you lose to low-value monsters like goblins?! " Present Mic looks upset.

"There are so many of them, we can't fight them all. We thought they were only a dozen but they kept coming nonstop so we were overwhelmed by them. We chose to run and going to the way that hard for them to follow us. We're run to the rocky path." Answer the participant.

"Yes, then I saw the goblin hordes from the top of the cliff and there were a lot of them! Maybe hundreds or even thousands not far from there!" Other participants answered the Present Mic questions.

"All right then, Midnight! I want you to stay here and take care of the wounds of the participants and also the prince's horse. I will look for Prince Shoto. Cementoss and Present Mic will go around gathering participants. After we regroup, we will immediately return to the palace and report this." Eraser Head explained the plan.

Midnight immediately directed the participants to the medical tent to take care of their wounds. Present Mic and Cementoss went to look for other participants. Eraser Head took his sword and prepared to go find Prince Shoto.

"Eraser Head! Wait!" Izuku summoned the Eraser Head who ran towards the forest.

"What's wrong?! I don't have time to talk to you." Eraser Head glanced back and looked at Izuku.

"Let me help you!" Izuku answered loudly.

"You've just recovered from your wound because of your fight. For what I allow you to help me?" Eraser Head reminded Izuku about what she had done.

"I want to help you look for Prince Shoto! Hearing the story from the boy made me think that maybe I could help you a little against the goblins. Therefore let me help you even a little!" Izuku insisted on asking permission to help Eraser Head.

"Then I'll join too." Katsuki interrupted Eraser Head and Izuku's conversation.

Eraser Head just kept quiet and looked at them.

"This! You might need this!" Katsuki gave Izuku the legendary sword he had brought from the medical tent.

"K-Kacchan?!" Izuku was surprised to see Katsuki carrying his sword.

"Listen, Eraser Head! I did the wrong thing before! So let me make it up to you by helping you fight the goblins! I'm also in an uncomfortable condition because of my fight earlier and want to take it out on those annoying monsters! So let me come with you!" Katsuki explained the reason to Eraser Head.

"I'm coming too!" Ochaco shouted as she ran towards them from the medical tent.

"U-Uraraka-san?!" Izuku was also interrupted hearing Ochaco want to go with them.

"I might not be that strong enough to be in a battle with those goblins. But I can help you when you need a way to escape later. Besides that, I'm also worried that something happened to Prince Shoto. My magic and medicine will be of little use there. So allow me to come with you!" Ochaco explained the reason also to Eraser Head.

"Huh... Alright, all three of you will come with me. But you have to listen to all my words and orders. Don't do anything that is not important. This is not a game. Do you understand?" Eraser Head allowed the three of them to go with him.

Eraser Head with Izuku, Ochaco, and Katsuki started running to look for the prince on the mountain. On their way, they met with some contestants who were wounded but not so badly that Eraser Head told them to go to the campsite alone and none of them disobeyed the orders from Eraser Head because they were concerned about the enormous goblin forces which might scare a little. They ran farther and farther away from the campsite and Eraser Head's expression worried even more. Izuku, Ochaco, and Katsuki only followed the Eraser Head from behind so they didn't know about his worries. But they knew Eraser Head was worried about the prince's condition. After a long run, they heard the sound of sword swipes and screams behind the trees not far in front of them. That scream was the goblin's scream so they thought someone was fighting the goblin's army. They ran towards the sound to see the battle.


The sound of the swords of Tenya and Prince Shoto against the goblins' blades.

"Shit! There are too many of them!" Tenya complained.


"Yes, I hope that the horse made it to the contest site as a signal we are facing a big problem." Shoto let the horse go with a few cuts from the goblins before.


"I told you should go with that horse!" Tenya was a little annoyed with his prince because he refused Tenya's request to go for help using the horse before.


"And leave you alone to fight these goblins alone? I'm not the prince who left his friend to save himself." Shoto recited Tenya's words.

From behind one of the goblins jump and tried to stab Shoto in his neck.

"Prince Shoto! Behind you!" Shouted Tenya who saw that, trying to commemorate Shoto.


The goblin's attack was parried by someone with his sword and stabbed the goblin in his heart.

"Eraser Head!" Shoto was surprised to see Eraser Head.

"Save the word "Thank you for coming" for later. Now focus on fighting some of the goblins." Eraser Head began to fight against the goblins.


Izuku, Ochaco, and Katsuki joined to fight the goblins. Shoto saw their fight and surprised that Eraser Head brings some of the participants with him. Izuku and Katsuki swung their swords very skillfully even though their techniques were still classified as basic techniques using swords. On the other hand, Ochaco tried several magic spells which she learned from Midnight as defensive magic when she was in trouble.

"K-Kacchan! Behind you!" Izuku saw one of the goblins approaching Katsuki from behind.


"I know! You Damn nerd! Mind your own business!" Katsuki answered while turning around and attacking the goblin.

"With the power of nature... I mentioned this spell, let it happened! Vent Souffle!" Ochaco raised her wand while mentioning her magic spell.


The spell created a wind that was strong enough to knock some goblins out of the battlefield.

"Good work, young witch!" Tenya praised Ochaco's spell.

"Is it true? This is my first time using it against monsters though, Thank you!" Ochaco's face turned red at Tenya's praise.

One by one the goblins were defeated by Izuku and his friends until finally all the goblins in that place were successfully conquered.

"Alright, I think we defeated all the goblins in this place. We'll return to the campsite now." Eraser Head invites Izuku and the others back to the campsite.

Not long after that came a growl from the direction the goblins came from earlier before their attack Shoto and Tenya.

"That must be another flock of goblins!" Tenya said.

"Let's beat them up!" Katsuki raised his sword.

"I knew they would arrive even more. It means what the injured participant said at the campsite is true." Murmured Eraser Head.

"Oh no! It must be my fault for throwing some of the goblins out so they call their friends." Ochaco thought the goblin's arrival was her fault.

"Don't think like that Uraraka-san, they might indeed come here." Izuku calmed Ochaco.

Not long after that, the goblins came out of the bushes and saw their friends lying lifeless. They ran towards Izuku and the others while raised their knives.

"Come on follow me! We'll not fight them!" Eraser Head began to run in the opposite direction of the goblins coming.

"What?! I won't-" Katsuki's sentence was interrupted because he was pulled by Eraser Head using his bind cloth.

"I'm afraid this time they come with a number that we can't beat and I think this is the beginning of a very big problem considering the goblins shouldn't be this much. So we'll be running to avoid the goblins for now." Said Eraser Head while running with the others towards the mountains with the goblins following them from behind.

"Are we going to run to that mountain?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah, we can't take them to the campsite. Maybe a lot of participants were injured there so we can't fight them there." Answered Eraser Head.

"Do you have a plan after we're in the mountain?" Tenya asked while cutting the wind with his hand on his run.

"I have no plans at the moment. But as far as I know, there are several caves on this mountain. We'll search for one of the caves first." Eraser Head said that while staring at Ochaco.

Eraser Head led Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Ochaco, and Tenya to head to a higher place to look for one of the caves in the mountain. Not far behind, the goblins followed them and looked like they were angry because their friend had been killed. They kept running hoping to find the cave as fast as possible.

To Be Continued...