
Chapter 24 the would as we know it part 2

They say that war can bring forth the best or the worst in us.

Where people try to be heroes or people die being the hero.

One soldier made this attempt as he tackled one of the werewolves that managed to sneak into their base.

It resulted in a fierce struggle.

They rolled on top of one or the other from punching to scratching, leaving blood and torn clothes on the ground.

The soldier managed to get lucky and pinned down the werewolf for a moment.

He pointed his rifle towards its chest before blasting away.

The rifle tore away at the flesh on the werewolf's chest.

If he manages to kill this monster, he would be immune to being infected. Sadly he has to be unbitten by them before the soldier does despite his attempts to force down the snout in their struggle.

It retaliated by biting the soldier on the shoulder in his brief moment of weakness.

It dug deep into flesh, reaching his bone followed by the pained filled screams of its opponent.

Sounds of bones breaking under the force of the werewolf's bite, gunshots from the rifle, and with the screams of pain from the soldier intermixed together, it was a spectacle to hear.

The noise drowned out by the ongoing battle, and his comrades were too focused on pushing back the enemy.

They failed to notice their fellow human was quickly changing.

As he slowly succumbed to the change and sudden hunger.

The werewolf he fought slumped to the ground dead, leaving its splattered blood on the walls and himself.

The changing man tried reaching for his spare handgun, hoping to take his own life to prevent himself from bringing harm to his brothers and sisters.

But his handgun was crushed under the new strength forcing him to take the more drastic method.

The now half looking werewolf pulled on a few things releasing a few metal clinks as he let them fall to the ground.

The stomach burning and mind-numbing hunger were clouding this poor sod's mind.

Anger and frustration added to his thoughts, making an unhealthy mix.

Anger, due to his training to not fail his fellow soldiers, As this gut wretching hunger was trying to make do what he hated and feared the most.

Frustration, due to not following this urge to satisfy his current bodily needs, the pangs of hunger further blinding him of proper judgment.

he had a momentary lapse as his mind trailed towards the company's saying engraved into this soldier's heart

There was a simple creed in his company.

"may my body be a stepping stone for my brothers and sisters for victory."

While it wasn't the complete version, at least he would follow through with it to the bitter end.

The soldier followed the teachings of the company. He had a smile plastered on his face before and after the surprising explosion.

The blast caused a momentary lapse for both sides as they tried to eliminate each other before the next horde of monsters arrives at their location.

(A/N hehe)

Sadly they had forgotten the oldest foe in this world.

A primal roar rumbled their ears.

From one point of view, it would seem like millions of zombies, which was from above.

But if you see this from the ground...









It was like a tidal wave of zombies.

They cared not for one another.

They cared not for themselves.

All they cared about.

All they want....is to feed.....

They came charging for everything there as they toppled each other.

They killed their kind that was too slow, trampling them under their feet.

If someone was up high?

They would climb on top of each other until they get you.

If a wall was blocking their path?

they would crash into it till it breaks to get you

If a building was preventing them from reaching their prey?

They would swarm it using their bodies to block all exits until they get everything.

All due to the other higher beings, the shackles the zombies had gotten broken.

All the limitations they had are now all gone.

They are no longer slow.

They are no longer dumb.

With time on their side, they will grow until they are the kings and queens of this world.

They can now keep their previous intelligence and more.

As they are the last defense of the creator, and they will complete their task.

until their final death.

as I said things will get crazier and this is not the end there will be more.

Rauoncreators' thoughts