(just go along with all the bullshit i say) 2/5 chapter rating (imo)
right now it's 10 and i just finished breakfast it was just some leftovers (it was just chinese food) but today had good weather with the sun in the sky and birds are chirping with the temperature at 18 degrees celsius. it's slightly cloudy with humidity levels around 90% with low uv index and winds moving eastward traveling up to 8 km/h. it was indeed a good day. (gotta get that word count)
Moving on to more important things It's been a week since i've come to this world and i've been enjoying my time here in this new life. I've managed to establish a underground base which i've been using as a training area and because of that i've learned how use magic and understand how it works.
when i was learning magic the hardest part was the control of mana and not learning how to cast the spells which is a lot simpler than i thought. That's why wanted to focus on control first. When you want to cast a spell you have to have some knowledge on what you're casting and a strong imagination plus knowing the cause and effect of what you cast also helps it's become stronger. for example if you were just freezing water you would just slow the water molecules down for relatively no magic power but if wanted to make ice you would want to make ice you would need a lot more mana in comparison.
Right now i've been focusing growing my and and controlling magic power over learning spells. it's been working because i'm in one of the best growth stages for my body and i've been to using the hogyoku which has really sped up my progress. when i started my magical power was on the level just above your average human and now it's on the level just above what i would assume is a middle class devil.
i really thought with the hogyoku's help my progress would be a lot faster it. it's strange because i've been working my ass off trying to improve and using the hogyoku as much as possible too. it works off how strong your will is but maybe my will power diluted the will power i inherited from aizen but who knows, it's fine for now but if i don't change and improve soon it will be troublesome in the future
Right now it's the weekend so i don't have school
so i spend most of my time training since i already know everything that they teach in elementary school i don't bother to study. it's pretty boring so i might improve the gigai so it can interact with people better and send that in my place so i can focus on more important things.
i finished my training around lunchtime and because the food my parents decided after becoming rich to never cook again and order takeout for every meal i decided to start cooking myself it may also double as a hobby or a way to relax after training and studying.
In my free time i've been hanging out with issei and irina even though i would rather spend my free time doing something productive but i have to because i need to make myself look like a normal 7 year old kid that has friends. After spending the time i hang with issei trying to find out about his sacred gear i've come to the conclusion that it's still stabilising with his body and soul so if i want to remove it i'll have to do it soon other if i delay it and remove it it will probably end up killing him.
although i never thought of myself as a good person nor do i have a hero complex but couldn't just go and kill an innocent person like that even with the additional memories i have but it's a different story if it's someone who did some horrible stuff. Maybe if it was a hot girl i would have to think about it.
i went to kitchen and started making lunch while i thought about what should i do next. Maybe i should go out and explore the world a little more maybe make some allies because until i reach the level of great red or ophis i won't be able to do it alone unless i stay hidden but boring and i won't be able to get any girls like that.
after i finished cooking i called out "mum, dad i made lunch hurry up and eat before it gets cold!" after that i heard two set of footsteps rushing down the stairs 'what the hell, they're acting like kids'
"hey son, what'd you make, it smells nice" my dad said "yeah it does maybe you should cook more often" my mum added on as they both sat at the table. they both took a bite and shouted "this is good"
"yeah i know" i replied "from now on you're cooking every meal" my dad said "agreed" my mum added on "HUH, fine it's better than you wasting money on take out"
"by the way irina's parents called us over for dinner tonight they have something they want to tell us so be home early" my mother said "alright i will don't worry" i replied as we continued to eat our lunch like normal
after lunch i went back to training my magic in the underground base i built near the park. the entrance looks really out of place though but i can't be bother changing it and i like how it looks, it's just a portable toilet that you flush three time and hole opens up with some stairs leading down.
while training i thought about a goals i should have and try and accomplish. 'first i should train so that i can take out a group of high class devils with magic alone, second i should try and work my way up to levels power where i people can't contend with me unless they team up and finally get all the girls. these are so great goals and i will accomplish them no matter what.
after i finished my training i made my way back home, i had shower and got ready to go to irina house for dinner. 'i can probably guess what they're going tell us' i thought as me and my parents made our way to there house
yeah this chapter wasn't that good my bad
spoiler: i'm probably gonna have him 'join' the devils probably rias in the future so if don't like that then idk
i get the info on how things work from the wiki